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March 07, 1912 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-03-07

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News Editor .... Harry Z. FoI2
Assistant........... Frank Pennell
Athletic Editor....... Karl Matthews
Assistant ...... G. C. Eldredge
Music and Drama .... Earl V. Moore
Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee
U'iles ...............Emmett Taylor
Arthur B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw
Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers
Night Editors.
Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan
Wallace Weber 0. Harold Hippler
H. Beach Carpenter Robert Gillett

t lve more years of life and
nt W~ be all of that time before the
stadium, is completed.
The mnoney for this stand will not
be drawn from the Ferry field improve-
ment fund, or any other fund for the
maintenance and encouragement of
nminor outdoor sports but from the sur-
plus fu.nd of the Association. While
contemplating the erection of a stadi-
um, the authorities have not, overlook-
ed the necessity for present improve-
ment and their immediate desire is to
enlarge the present athletic field in
orders to give more space and encour-
agement to outdoor sports. At the
same time the Association is doing as
m~uch as is possible to increase the
efficiency of all branches of sport.
Nothing ,is being neglected.
Supporters of minor sports have
expressed their dissatisfaction with the
stadium idea. We believe that they
did not have complete knowledge of
the facts of the case for, it is obvious
that a protest, under the circumstanc-
es, against the erection of a
necessary stadium, is unwarrant-
ed. Mlinor sports will be en-
couraged to a greater degree than
~heretofore and the essiential in the ma-
jor sports will not be neglected,

Graduate, Nuhrse Called Home.
Miss Helen Collins, a graduate nurse
in the Homeopathic Hospital, was call-
ed to her home in Erie, Pa., on ac-
count of the serious illness of her fa-
112 Lits Announce Engagement.
Announcement was made of the eii-,
gagement of Miss Florence McGuire,
'12, and John Clarktson, '12, at a six
o'clock~ luncheon at the Delta Gamma
sorority house last evening.


Wagner & Co.

JustReeeved Detroit United Lines
n information to Division Superin-
G I BntER Tlent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit
FINE CANDIES ted Lines, by officers of Varsity or-
Ini halves and pounds. Ph anizations, the movement, beyond the
your want,.. acity of the regular service, of any
Vanboren's J'baru uip of students to or from Ann Ar-
extra cars and extra service will be
703 Packrard St.raptly supplied.

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