/THE MICHIGAN DAILY ; .... We are again receiving I MUSIC AND DRAMA s1 CLASSIFIE~D ADS. '1* or Rent--Two' elegant suites.' All" Ii Mac Dliarnhld's CHOCOLATES 1ibrmerly Marthza 14aslvtngton . Fresh every Wednesday and Friday Cary a full line of art's and Johnston's 'S Home Made Chocolate Creams FRESH EVERY DAY to all parts of the city Drug Store 9 ~Phtona .270 mjl lVIENT' GO TO dlifield & Co.'S ny Service to be had An'?Jwhere. Cl t e e ak o l d enr superiority in every instance, 0, aud Adam~s. The interest in the presentation of: Rostand's. "Chantecler" at the New Whitney Theatre Tuesda,y October 17, is such* that at this time it seems. a certainty that the poetic fantasy of the barnyard in which Maude Adams is credited with having scored so big a success will attract audiences as large as the theatre can hold. The sale of seats for the engagement opens this morning and preparations were made for the handling expeditiously of a large line of people. The work is one that makes a direct appeal to all lovers of good literature and poetic drama and its audience is sure to be a. brilliant one. The chief thing about the producotion~ of "Chantecler" is that it keeps the poetry of the original work without ever allowing for a moment the inter- est to flag. The eye is caught by the novelty of the production directly at the start. The~ four scenes showing the barnyard, night and the break- ing dawn on the hills, the kitchen garden where the Guinea Hen's re- ception and the fight between Chan- tecler and the Game Cock takes place, and the great Forest where:: Chan- tecler is given his first real music lesson by the Nightingale, are all wonderful to behold. .Surrounding Miss Adams is a com- pany made up of seventy people. "The Top 0' Th' World." In "The Top 0' Th' World," which, with Bailey and Austin as stars, comes to the New Whitney, Monday, Oct. 16, there is one of the few real novelties which the stage has produced in many seasons. It is the famous "Collie Bal- let," a number in which six little danc- ing girls, or 'broilers,' do an intricate dance with. six beautiful collie dogs. The 'average theatre-goer has no con- ception of the trouble, patience, and tedious training and rehearsing: which this number required to perfect. Many times during the original rehearsals the girls left the stage in tears. vow- ing never to return. But the act was perfected, put on, and created a ver- itable sensation. Among these dogs is 'Jack,' the on- ly all white registered thoroughbred collie in America. He was originally 'the drunken dog' with 'Barnold's An- imal Actors,' and he has played every important theatre on the globe.- The other dogs were gathered from, pri- vate fanciers' kennels and from vari- ous doh; acts' in vaudeville. Be sure and attend tne Special Red Tag Piano Sale now going on at Grin- nell Bros. Music House, 120-122 E. Liberty St. A sensational piano clearance of Summer Resort Pianos. 1-tf, Pianos to Rent, Terms reasonable.. Schaeberle & Son, Music House, 110 S. Main St.. tf modern conveniences. 325 E. Jeffer- son St. 7-8-9-10 For Rent--Large single room with all conveniences. Apply 126 Packard. 7-8-9-10-11; For Rent-One single room. All mod- ern conveniences. 904 $outh, State 9-10-11 Lost--Fountain pen mounted in gold and pearl. Initials D. J. on gold. Leave at Daily office and receive re- ward. 9-10-11 Lost-Between University hall and West Hall a blue watch with B. T. D. fob. Call 390. Reward. LostOn campus, Waterman self-fill- ing fountain pen without cap. Find- er please call Mkiiss Mott, 452 Bell. 10 Lost-Conklin self-filling fountain pen on camnpus. Finder please re- turn to Miss Malcomson, 4205 Hill, Phone 45g. 10 Fqufd- -L4dy's 'small enamleled gold watch with brass Beta Tau Delta fob in University Hall. Owner may have the same by calling at Daily office and paying the price of this ad. 9tf Wanted--Experienced student solici- tor to work leisure time selling c u- pons for photograph work. Good pay. White Studio, 8-9-10 Wanted-Student who is an experi- enced chauffeur. , Must be willing to give up afternoons and be willing to reside oni premises, Apply to W., C. Mack, Mack & Co. 10 to 16 LAWS ht Let us typewrite your Conveyancing and Practice Court Work. McNitt & Lewis, 302 S. State., 9tf For a quiet afternoon or, evening go up the Huron. U. of 'M'. BOAT LIV- ERY. 125 MONDAY, OCT.18I BAILEY AUSTIN' la. The Wosdezful Mustcei Suceces The Top 0' Tit' World The Big Original No. 1 Company The famous original Collie Ballet Seventy People-Augmented Orchestra Juost as presented one solid year in New York Prices: 35C to $1,50 SEATS Now SELLING I day. QJ Scrap Books 95c Q Buy a set of our for 25c postal ca F Whitney Theatre , Illr w r rw LYNDO PHOTOGRAPHER~ TO MICHIGAN STUDS (,Pictures of anything can be photograf night or day. Q flest completeline Kodaks and Photo lies in Michigan. QJ FRESH FILrflS, Dev, ing and Prini Prompt Service _ r, r + r , .. , r << , ,'Ili I ; i p ! I ,. 'r Stu dofn ts We have a tine of clothing designed and tailored exclui- sively for young chaps who demand dashing style and swagger in their apparrel without resorting to freak- ishness. (LKodaks forr a el.459 79N. :hffield & Company 106 East Huron Ij 'II WI $1$ 1*$30_ Always the right style at the right time The Clothier, 217 So. Main 1' Setls ~ARt lotch in h ersome h--2 fo~r 25c. HART, SCHAFFNER MARX All wool clothes Shoes repaired while you wait. An- dres, 222 So. State St. 3tf ,Sweaters cut over atv the Palais R~yal, 209 E. Liberty. 1-tf Board at the Cutting Cafe, $4.00 per wieek. Mrs. C. A. Ransom. Best in town. 9-10-11-12 Get your election tickets at head- quarters for student printing. We know the proper style.. Ann Arbor Press, Press Building, Maynard St. 10-1 Twenty-five cents will sponge, press, call, and: deliver your, suit at Rosen- burg's, Phone,266, 70 N. University. 9-10-11 For a first-class job of painting, pa- per hanging or decorating, see MjJor: & Co, LAWS?! Kollauf cuts and makes clothes for the college men. 01(d post office build- ing, Main and Ann streets. 3f Varsity Tailoring Parlors 336 State. Agency for Ed. Strauss Co. En~ough' said. 4tf Raincoats, Spalding Hats, Caps and Gents w adhams & Compai 121-123 S. Main St. Hoin T eaSay, boys have you visite 00 Home Tea Room? Just the to take your lady friend. the prettiest and cosiest place to eat in the city, everything homE too. In connection is a large reception hall and rest room~. No better plai be found to hold a banquet. Open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 109 E. Wash. St.Z Caildus Pharmacy Suis andOvercoats $800 u LET T R UBE Y Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party Typewriters. New and second-hand, for sale rent. McNitt & Lewis, 302 S. State. or A new line of Browns' and nobby Grey suitings just arrived. Mf. W. Mg- ward, 330 S. State St.. . ..7tf I Cater To Clubs and Frats We set glass. Phones. MaJor & Co. Both Daily want ads are fiders tf Iarticles. ©f lost -..... L I r I I 3l~ I All Cars Stop at SUBSCRIBE" NOW' %odaks and Suppiles Ours is the, most complete stock in Ann Arbor, both for amateurs and professionals. Come in and ask for a copy of "At Home With the Kodak." It will help you to make better pictures. We de- velop and print for you if you, wish. La France Rose Clycerene Soap A big cake of fineltoilet soap- so cheap you can afford to use it for the bath or gym. Good for hard water. 1Oc a Cake. Mic1higan Stationery Box paper and tablets wi Michigan seal or imprint ei ed on each sheet. Goodq and dainty. Fountain Pens ai Fountain Pen Ink You ought to try onec dollar pens. They write aui like $2.00 pens. Ask us about them. Candles When you want a few to our 40c bulk chocolates. taste like sixty cents. Whe want a box of extra finec best. you ever ate, try Pac Tilfords at 80c a pound. are worth the price. GOODYEAR'S 41 Th D R UGa4fntsocintecytosctfr. STORE, 11 e Suit It pays you to coat down town to make your purchases. I I . t ce it to your mieasure-.fromi~the season's newest only, can you have distinctive looking clothes Boyas!! Girls!! . This is the drug store where you can bring your prcsci with the, greatest confidence that it will be prepare right and that the price will be reasonable. Quik"Service and Fresh Home Made Candies Da"ily .r th SUGAR BOWL Dieterle, Varsity Tai~l E.E.Calkins, 1)2 324 S. State St. 117 East Liberty Street {,. IL. i I mmm i VIM" il Il IS for. CollegeMen at Allen's Good Clothes I