Helpful Heart Heali ng Hints f < I by Nora Lean Jibbey i iR I In Love With the Count My Dear Miss Jibby:-I am in love, very much so, although the object of my affections is not as yet aware of the fact. I have never seen the one man for me, but from the pearls of wisdom and the flowers of poetry which flow from his pen, I am sure that he is the only man who can make me happy. The gentleman, for I feel positive that he can be nothing else, is a scion of nobility, a fact which only serves to increase my affection for him. Now, to let you into my secret; I am in love with no other person than the Count of Killarney, who on sundry dccasions contributes to The Michigan Daily. Now Miss Jibbey, don't you think that you can arrange for a meet- ing for me with the gentleman, as I am dying to meet him? "A Shy Co-ed." It is a difficult ,matter which you have requested me to perform, but I assure you that you are making no mistake in placing your affections and if you will communicate with me per- sonally I will arrange a meeting for you at one of the Count's castles. He Caught a Hop-Girl. Dear Miss Jibbey:-I am one of those unfortunate "studes" who have lost their heart to a J-hop girl, she is a veritable queen but I am afraid that, since we are engaged, she will become a nagger. What would you advise me to do? A Hopper. As Marion Fairfax says, "Beware of the nagger. Her forehead is lined at twenty-three, and there are fine marks about the corners of her mouth. Her home will be plain Hell, and her chil- dren torments." I would advise that you seek another climate, without leav- ing your address. \ \ '-l Young men of fine when j I 1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - UNIVERSITY NOTICES I Prof. Hill Delivers Two Lectures. Prof. C. H. Hill, of the forestry de- partment, gave a non-technical stere- opticon lecture on "Trees" in Chelsea yesterday. The lecture is to be re- peated in Detroit today. I1 Sophomore engineer class meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock in room 311. Senior lit meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Tappan Hall. PROF. FLORER CHALLENGED BY DETROIT SOCIALISTS. Prof. Warren W. Florer, of the Ger- man department, has been challenged to a debate by the Detroit branch of the Socialist party of Michigan. The challenge comes as a sequel to the lec- ture which Professor Florer delivered before the Unitarian church in Jack- son last week. The challenge was re- ceivedfrom Henry Kummerfield, sec- retary of the Socialist party of Detroit, and said that if Prof. Florer would ac- cept, an audience of at least 2,000' could be guaranteed. ends in a few C * * *, * * * * * * * i UNIVERSITY CALENDAR I Suits II Feb. 23.-"Pierre Loti," by M. Rene Talamon on the Cercle Francais course, Tappan Hall, 5 p. m. Feb. 23.-Piano Recital by Cecelia Ray Berry, School of Music. Feb. 23.-Junior Lit dinner at the Un- ion. Feb. 23.-Michigan Union dance. Feb. 29.-Basktball, Detroit Central vs. A. A. H. S. at high school gym at 8 p. m. Feb. 25.-Dr. J. Percival Hugit, New- berry Hall, 6:30 p. m. Feb. 26.-Fresh Engineer dinner at the Union. Feb. 27.-Soph Eng. dinner at the Un- ion, 5:30 p. m. Feb. 27.-Commerce Club smoker at the Unon 8 p. m. Feb. 26.-Orchestra Concert High School Hall. Feb. 28.-Piano Historical recital, High School Hall. Feb. 29.-Soph Lit dinner at the Un- ion at 5:30. Feb. 29.-Soiree Dansante Barbour gymnasium, 8 o'clock. * CLASSIFIED ADS. * * -0- * Advertising matter for this * * classified column must always * * be paid for in advance, and may * * be left at the DAILY office op- * * posite the Majestic between the * * hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., * * or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. * * University and State, at any * * time up to 9:30 p.m. * * These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * . * * * STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time, vacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 75 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf WANTED. Wanted-Physician desiring an exclus- ive practice within twenty miles of Ann Arbor, paying $4,000 per year. Write to C. M. Smith, 320 E. Liberty. 91 eod 101 Wanted-Cash paid for cast-off cloth- ing and shoes. Send postal to Rob- inson, 417 So. Division. Phone 1128- L. 91 tf Wanted-Students to take guitar les- sons. Special attention given to Mandolin Club music. Call 851-J or 717 E. Huron St. 9 to 99 Lost-Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity pin. Phone 187. Reward. 97-98 Best Strings and supplies for all Musical Instruments. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf Stylish Banquet and Dance Pro- grams should always be printed at The Ann Arbor Press. 98 if LI The llei A] Wa saft moon And to 5 p. m.; on Sat- ILnnrrs at othe r ingement. TURDAYS-noon F L OOB & co. TRIE T aLd Fraternity as $2.50 Arnold LET 'ER FREEZE Schumacher's Hardware will furnish you with a pair of Skates, and you can skate. Pek & Snyder0oSkate 30$-310-512 South mahm SKATING in the keen air -the companionship of a pipe-thepleasure of a tobacco such as Velvet ! Velvet is the best leaf-aged over two years in the warehouse-a slow, silent transformation from harsh leaf to a mellow smoking tobacco...Time gradually evicts the bite-matures the good qualities of the leaf-a flavor unusual-good-wonderfully good! Such a tobacco takes time to pro- duce-extreme care withal, but this is the smoke we all want--so why trot? At all dealers. SPAULDING & MERRICK Chicago is Well Cared for Here iusiclb ouse Across from Majestic from all OPERAS e had at the ie College Student" Play for You luTSiC House V llll~J llll II IIII I IIIIII jllII I! Ijlf+ Il Ii u m tt ti m ATTENTION! I I 1 I Just received a new line of the latest styles and designs in GOLF CAPS AND CLOTH HATS Both English and Domestic fabrics are included in the assortment. TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters to University Men Cor. S. State St. Full rill1 at Allex ) n A Idoo+. t