IL7 sity morning except Mon- ut the school year. Post Office at Ann Ar- . under Act of Con- tor ........Harry Z. Fols ............Frank Pennell' ditor........Karl Matthews ............G. C. Eldredge ............Emmett Taylor Drama ....Earl V. Moore date News Harold G. McGee an Frank E. Shaw Maurice Myers Editors. Mack Ryan 0. Harold Hippler Robert Gillett needs of more than eight hun- dred students. As a practical result, any* person- desiring to make use of that towel, without discomfiture and risk of disease, must do so in the wee small hours of the day. The rest of the students,- particularly those ,who have dressed hurriedly to make class- es, face a truly non-hygienic dilemna. They must either dry their faces on that dirty towel, or else go unwashed entirely. The barber shops, however, are the chief offenders in this respect. Prob- ably everybody knows in a more or less vague fashion, the dangers inci- dent to the pubtlic shaving mug, but generally few are sufficiently impress- ed, that they are willing to take no chances with it. Several cases of the contraction of offensive diseases in this manner, have recently become public, one of which was severe in its conse- quences. True one shop advertises it- self as a sanitary barber shop, and to support its contention, regularly de- posits its apparatus in a little heated oven, filled with formaldehyde fumes. But as a matter of fact, the sanitary ef- fects of this method are psychological, existing only in the minds of its pat- rons; the results, as far as the germs are concerned, being confined to a change of atmosphere from the stale chat of the barbers, and the frigidity of an underheated shop. At far less expense, a truly efficient germticide provided. Each of the chairs might be furnished with sev- eral sets of brushes, to be used alter- nately, and a weak acid bath for cleansing those not in use. In addi- tion it would help matters to .thorough- ly rinse the soap, before beginning a new operation. Let the students who frequent the barber shops suggest this. At fifteen cents, the barbers cannot complain that they are shaving on too close a margin. for all Drawing and Eng Lab Tex IPWAHR'S Portrait oif Quality and For Your Why not iorris Houser' ester F. Rosenbaum J. V. Sweeney :orton R. Hunter Russell H. Neilson BUSINESS STAFF. saistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard dvertising Mgr ....Elmer P. Grierson irculation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson R. Johnson, Jr. ....Emerson Smith dgar L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Hollands T. J. Wetterau. J. I. Lippincott Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. Phone 961-L Plwtinum Portrod HAVE HALL I Suits Dry Clean DU Subscription B naging Editor, p. M.; Bus'- -6 p. M.. carrier, $2.50; ,00. Press Building, down talk L 42nd Year ': .1 LINES and 12:13, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1912. Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. Meeting of Business Staff at 5 p. m. State Street and Sanitation. Recently, a leader in the movement against the spread of infectious dis- eases, who had never during his life eaten a germ or a microbe, died of ap- pendigitis. The irony of his plight, however shrinks into insignificance, when one considers the efforts of our medical authorities, both of the univer- sity, the city and the state, to realize better sanitary conditions, and then contemplates the fact that one of the, most obvious agencies for the propaga- tion of germinal diseases remains un- noticed. Generally speaking, throughout the campus, sanitary conditions have re- placed unsanitary conditions. Only in the law building and library is this not true. Even yet, the authorities in that department seem to con- sider a single narrow six foot roller towel sufficient for the' Aw, there, there, there. The Ypsi- Ann will soon be thawed out. -x- Sleeping all day Washington's Birth- day is our idea of nothing to do-but you didn't hear us cheep a syllable about the night before. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!-Is it the battleship Oscalula to the rescue? Not a chance; it's H. Z. F. stalking about with his new boots. Our idea of a brave man is one who dares to invite a fair lady to a dance on a night when the car and cab ser- vice is tied up and who loses her in a snow drift. STUDENTS INQUIRE CONCERNING POSITIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES From fifteen to twenty students in- terviewed George N. Briggs in refer- ence to positions as teachers in the Philippine Islands yesterday morning in the office of the Appointment Com- mittee. He explained to them the re- quirements of the situation as set forth in the civil service examinations. Mr. Briggs was unable to reach here on schedule time on account of the storm, and left Ann-Arbor yester- day afternoon as soon as he had seen all those interested in the positions. To close stock of I '1! Hailer's 5 :45am. to 10 :45 hal-hour- m. will 2:30 WE JOHN Att3 Al businc Ti depart be sold ou to 5, 7 to 1+ EDNESE M- Il L. DUFFY y. for Estate. fter the' auction and ess will be carried on by 'his sale occasions no tment. for many or you. SPRING SUITINGS JU rROIT, MICR' Have your selection laid aside. WAGNER n, Tues- demy or p. rx3. Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us, your wants. Vanboren's Pharmacy 708 Packard St. A L ,GSMTH & BOS 'Typewriter Ba-Beaing-Long Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get ,he best now and have it's uEe whilein college . Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEWADSKI 310 S. State St. Up Stairs Hair Dressing, Manicuring,Electrical Face and Scalp Treatments MARCEL WAVE A SECIALTY Full Line of Toilet Preparations and Hair Goods MLLE. TAYLOR 119 E. Liberty 1459-J We Do French Dry a PRESSING 4.n Suits Cleaned and Pressed 750 LFULLER & O'CONNOR Mrs. Hair Gc Rain 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable HOMB PHOAE 452-Black West Huron Street I 1 i I