MICHIGAN"'lIaLY I - SCRUB$ PVT 'A T I(Continued fr he should prove a h4 developing the end Was as fol-1 $4.00 Varsity Reservesl Garrels........I. ...... Hanlon Conklin ......... L.T......... Shaw Roblee. ........... L.G....Peterson Bogle........... C............ Otis Quinn.........RA i.......ayr *Pontius .........RT. Quinn, McHale Wells............E . ..McLaughlin Picard-McMillanl. Q.B. ...... Madison Torbet, iHerrington- t~f#bet ........ L.H. ....... Bleich Meek..........F.B. ...... Wyman .. Carpel-Wenne.. .RH....Smith, H. VUNIVgStTY NOTICES TMA'e will be a meeting of the 1913 'Law~lass this afternoon in Room C at 4 o'clock. Officers for the ensuing year will be nominated. AW junior engineer football men meet at Ferry Field at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Band rehearsals tonight at 7 P. M., at McMillan Hall. All those who were at last Saturday's game, and especially those notified, please report. E. 3. Fischer, leader. Senior law class meeting Friday at 4 in Room B. Nomination of officers. All out. 191L3 engineers meet tonight at 7:15 in rom 311 Engineering building. Stu- dent Council nominations. All Soph lit football candidates out too y at 3:30 at South Ferry field. All '12 football men meet at South Ferry field this afternoon at 3:30. Im- por 8:nt. Senior engineer' football practice to- day a~t 4 o'clock. South Ferry field. AFl out. Members of the All-Fresh squad mqtmake appointments today with Dlr, May at the gym, to be examined Saiurday morning, 9-12. 4Laws: Football practice Ferry fLat 3: 15 p. m. All out. Acting M fiager. t NEW WHITNEY THEATRE. 1 SP 'E I l I IF IMUSK4 AND DRAMA A Late Corners not seateid promptly Monday, October 16th Atfter European Triumph THE INTERNATIONAL COMEDIANS Bailey & Austi THE TOP 0' TH' WORLD Production in Detail ats During its Solid Year's Run at the Majestic and Casino Theatres, New York. The Big Original, No. I Company. Seventy People. ; Augumented Orchestra. THE FAMOUS ORIGINAL COLLIE BALLET Most Talked of Feature ever known in Mlusical Comedy 4 O Ever Marching, Ever Smiling EverĀ® Dancing, Fascinating Girls The.Truly Big Event of the Season Seat Sale 'Friday,1 Oct. 1139" 10 A. M. Exclusive Agents for THE ROYA L' TAILORS Suits and Overcoats, $20 to $35 Guaranteed pure wool, every thread. $5 to $10 less than local tailors and every garment must satisfy you in every respect or don't take it, dont pay one cent. No money down. COME IN AND LOOK OVER THE THREE HUNDRED 'FALL SAMPLES. ALLMAN D &FORSYTHE SHOES AND CLOTHING 215 S. MAIN, I200 Facuilty Concert. With the eoncert given last night by the fa.culty of the University School of Music Ihl ligh School hall, the 1911- 1912 musical season was auspiciously opened. An unusually large audience, nearly filing the auditorium, listened appreciatively to a strong program made up from the works- of Bach, Schumann and Chopin. Mr. Samuel Pierson Lockwood pre-. sented as his part ofth~e p*t-am, the E. mnajor Concerto of each. While the first and third movements were inter- esting and admirably executed, it waif the Adagio that left the de i pression. Melody per "ws te note of the evening And. it con dhdve V "COMPANY RATERNITY JEWELERS Varsity Tailoring Parlors, 336 Late St., Agency for Ed. Strauss Ioue ~said. S. Co. 4t# ying songs we ition. He warmly age The original :.;hamburger will open soont and have a fresh lot of Hamrburg- er's. Watch for them at 603 E. Lib- ;&ty. Orders of 40 cents or over will be. delivered promptly as usual from 5 p. m~, until 2 a. m. Special atten- tion td freshmen. Ca~me and get ac- + Ovsty Tailoring P~arlors 336 State. Agency for Ed. Strauss Co. Enough .said. 4tf; Of. Welsbach Gas Light The IDEAL Study Light 100 Candle Power Engineers Draughting Lamps or Gas Company, songs in English is Increasing ateadi- ly, and Mr. HowlandA is to be congrat-~ ujated in taking a psttion in the fare, front of this movement, It is hoped that in the futurio oe songs on these programs will be given- l. our own4 language, Sonatas. are usually thought of as pedantic compositions which are to be distinguished for -their lack of mel- ody, except, possibly, in the "slow movements." If anyone listened to Mr Albert LOckwood's interpretation of the Chopin Sonata in B minor last , yenlng and still retains such a notion his case is almost hopeless: All the charming, poetry of content, exquisite grace and elegance of style of the Pol- ish composer were masterfully set forth in this number. A new line of Browns and no~by Grey suitings Just arrived. M. W. Mil- ward, 330 S.. State St..... 7tf Be sulre and attend tne Special Red Tag Piano Sale now going on, at Grin- nell Bros. Music House, 124-122 E Liberty St. A sensational ,piano clearanc~e of Summer Resort Pianos. 1-tf Polish your floors with Old English 'F'loor Wax. We have 'the genuine ar- ticle. Major & Co., b th phones. Stf ~All the litMg Yppular song hits s~b as Billy Alexander's Ragtime. -Band, Mamy'I Angel : hild, All Alone &nd' dozen others a- Ten Cents per copy at Grinnell's Music House. _ tf Oldcs AND COMMERCIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED If not convenient to call at the Bank we will promptly mall information on BANKIN{G BY MAIL, on request. -S Bank in M1icigan Establishaed 1849 11 Headquarters for Gas, Lamps and Alarm-' Clocksp Street Hardware Electric At State eod tf ' DIRECTORS George liendrie D. C. Delamnater SC. A. Dean Phillip Hi. flcMliIan ER.A.Chapot on,M.D. trat hearn Hendrie Sidney T. Miller John M. Dwyer Arthur X. Parker Paul P. Bagley BESIMEW' GRILL -Charcoal Grilled Porterhouse Steaks, 113' W. Huron St.. Upstairs, opposite Inter- urban Station. 1-24 eod 4 _ rIof the room lies in its furniture. It's, surpris' rting hew far your money will go in a store like ours. Come in and let us show you. in Haller CARPETS AND DRAPERIES 1915 (engineers will find all shop tools at State, Street Hardware. eod tf Shoe repairing,' laces- and polish for sale. ,J. H. Lambert, 613 E. William. St. 3 eod. tf LAWS!i; !Kollauf cuts and makes clothes''for the college men. Old post office build- ing, Main and Ann streets. 3f Candidates for Offce. O 11 rdr your. election cards of Mc- Nitt & Lewis,. 302 5. State. ,. r HENRY &Md CO. Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you the Latest Styles in 'in s Ba kIN STREETS ace for your TUTTL E &0CO' IWE SERVE HOT LUNCHES * Fine Line of JLowacy's. and Haglcy's Chocolates English Cuts I Pianos to Rent. Schaeberle & Son,' S, Main St. Terms music reasonable. House, '110 tf IHENRY &-CO. 7'11 N. UNIVERSITY - m . men two _______ will articles; of Footwear need soon, are YWu Tear this out, fill it inani mail tothe Michigan Dai WSlippers -aud Gy-m Shoes t stock in town, of these articles of Footwear-TH-E VERY BEST MADE. rs $1.50 to $4.00 per pair. Gym Shoes 85c to $2.00 per pair. A CE A MISTAKE IF YOU DO NOT COME TO US FOR THEM --- - -- - - -1911, A. R. DILLEY, Business Manager "Enter my name as a subscriber to THE MICHIGAN DAILY for the college year 1911.1912. Price $2.50.i1 paid before Dec. 15 or $3.00 thereafter. JRFIELD'5" Name----------------------------------- Address --------------------------------- fiery 119 South Main Street We have a large stock of Rubber Solos for thes rush Fridayy .685a per pair I Repairing~ with, the first issue for 1911.1912 THE MICHIGAN DALY-became a six column paper. This ~ istiue Is typical of those that are toocome. The management bqlieves that this enlargement and improve-I ment of .th.' paper meorits a large Increase in circulation which is necessary if this larger and better paper is to succeed., It you want to subscribe, mail this blank today. f .r i ,... . r--- ,. co AE'DEI,, Pbhoto graph er 119 East Li bert, i