CHIGAN DAILY ENPORT MAKES FIRST OF FUDENT TALKS TO FRESHlMEN the freshman engineer assembly rday morning Arthur Davenport, of the student council spoke on freshman from a senior's view- , and also gave a short talk on unctions of the Student Council. Cooley who has charge of these nblies expects to have prominent >us seniors to talk from time to to the freshmen engineers. F. ROTH TO ADDRESS YALE )RESTERS AT COMMENCE-MENT >f. Filibert Roth of the Forestry rtment leaves this morning for Haven, Conn., where he is to ad- the senior foresters at Yale. Roth's talk will be one of the res of the foresters' commence- exercises. The forestry students ale,, unlike most of the other >ls, have their graduating exer- at this season every year. Im- ately after graduation the woods. leave for the South, where they i several months practicing scien- forestry. >f. Roth will not meet his classes ,,,. u -loi Ii(OF. HUNTINGTON OF YALE TO LECTURE TO GEOLOGISTS. Prof. Ellsworth Huntington of Yale University comes to Ann Arbor next Thursday, February 28th to deliver a series of three lectures in the interests of the Geological department. The lectures, which will be given in the Economics building, will be illustrated by stereopticon views. They are es- pecially designed for students of his- tory and archeology as well as those of geology. They will deal with Chin- ese Turkestan, and Palestine, with ref- erence to geological aspect, and his- toric climatic changes. Prof. Huntington is holder of the R. G. S. Gill Memorial Medal and of the G. S. of Paris, and is the author of "The Pulse of Asia." The lecture will be open to all those interested. Plan Engineers' Debating Section. The Engineering Society hopes to se- cure the names of a sufficient number of men who are interested in debating, to organize a debating section. It is planned to meet Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8, if the scheme pans out. * * * * * * * * * * * * FAMILY H EATRE BIJOU STARTING MATINEE TODAY InY Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Monday CRO Girls of ivate ward in the for the use of Atu- resulted in its es- The ward con- with a maximum persons, and stu- afford to pay the e hospital will be rge, while a nom- quired from other mtirely the result and funds were aign which start- 'p * * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op- posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and- 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. 'University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. m. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1- The gre buyers. have is 1-3 off LENDAR .gton's-Birth- ce at Grang- STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time, vacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 75 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf $30 28 25 22 20 15 12 10 Suits LI "' << <' ac << ,' -Senior LOST Lost-A linen letter case marked "A" containing addressed letters, sta- tionary stamps and valuable pictur- es. Return to University Y. M. C. ad- 2:00 $7.00 T $6.00 t , M. Rene 'Francais m. ecelia Ray 101 - 86 pJU +aa J I0 er at the Un-I E Y Feb. 23.-Michigan Union dance. Feb. 29.-Basktball, Detroit Central vs. A. A. H. S. at high school gym at 8 p. m. Feb. 25.-Dr. J.. Percival Hugit, New- berry Hall, 6:30 p. m. Feb. 26.-Fresh Engineer dinner at the Union. Feb. 27.-Soph Eng. dinner at the. Un- ion, 5:30 p. m. Feb. 27.-Commerce Club smoker at the Tnon 8 p. m. Feb. 26.-Orchestra Concert High School Hall. Feb. 28.-Piano Historical recital, High School Hall. Feb. 29.-Soph Lit dinner at the Un- ion at 5:30. Feb. 29.-Soiree Dansante Barbour WANTED. Wanted-Cash paid for cast-off cloth- ing and shoes. Send postal to Rob- inson, 417 So. Division. Phone 1128- L. 91 tf Wanted-Students to take guitar les- sons. Special attention given to Mandolin Club music. Call 851-J or 717.E. Huron St. 9 to 99 Lost-Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity pin. Phone 187. Reward. 97-98 Best Strings and supplies for all Musical Instruments. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf Drawing Instruments and Engineer's Supplies at Special prices at Wahr's Unviersty Bookstores. 92 to 97 Stylish Banquet and Dance Pro- grams should always be printed at The Ann Arbor Press. 98 For 'I FM 1J Clubs and The Sunny ERS - -. gymnasium, 8 o'clock. Buy where you can get anytb'ng you call for Goodyear s. Drug Store 107 South Mai Street The Largest Stock in the State to Select From WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD Street. - ' Telephone Your Order Now Both Phones No. II I CAST. ABEY TIREDHEIMXER, a Hebrew who sells clothing Michael O'Toole, a brick layer....................... Hennessy O'Brien, a hod carrier...................... Timothy Hay, a bank and mine owner................. George Hay, his son at Yale......................... Gloria Ring, a Prima-donna.......................... Flossie Ring, her sister.............................. Rube Waddle, from up the creek..................... Harry Davis and Harvy Day, two college boys...... W..-.......Wm. Whittemn The Dancing Pippins-Fritzie Fritz, Bertha Banger, Ro Harmon, June Stoner, Lillian Duke. Dancing Horse .......................Geo. Browning MUSICAL NUMBERS. i Opening Chorus......................... 2 Most Every Town has a Broadway...............' 3 Meet Me at the Stage Door, Johnnie............ 4 Horse Dance .............................. BroN 5 Beware of the Garden of Love.................... 6 Under the Pazaza Plant................... 7 Burlesque Quartette... .Max Bloom, Eddie Allen, 8 In My New Motor Boat......... ........... 9 Love is Ve'ry Foolish.... Alice Sher, Eddie Allen, V io Parodies ...................................... ii Mlystelrious Rag *........................................A 12 When It's Raining....... Note-Audience please remain seated until curtain Big Rain Finale. Two Shows Each Night Starting at 7:30 and 9 P, M. d see what d dressers. SUGAR BOL MAKE THEIR OWN CANDY COME INAND SEE THEM Per H1 ot Chococlate zzn4 Coffee for the Cold Weather Tailor 1- .AI sG