I G A I n2 'L Y years he gave to the university of his *sij strength and energy without stint and without pay. Now those qualities, _ Te througlout the school d at the Post Office at. Michigan, under Act s of March 3, 1879. Ann Ar- of Con- which he possesses in a remarkable degree, are being devoted to a broader labor but none the less to the ultimate benefit of the university. Unafraid, he not only thinks, but says what he thinks. He is red-blooded, and he is ours. and for all I, Dra- I 'K. Towers. SS MANAGER I I. Dley c uv ..t lu . . . . . Unmasked. For years George Washington has worn a halo in the minds of patriotic . Fols Americans. Instead of being an ideal ?ennell for emulation, a halo wearer is apt to tthews be a rather discouraging diety to an or- dredge dinary person. But the history which Taylor is more concerned with personalities Moore than battles and dates has come to the McGee rescue. The worst was over when the cherry tree incident was declared L. Shaw null and void. A little later we found Myers out that the immortal George com- menced work as a surveyor only to k Ryan drop the engineering profession after {ippler his first trip to Pittsburg. His fighting Gillett abilities lose their miraculousness when Dr. Gunsaulus informs us. that ickman the first Commander-in-Chief was red- igherty headed. And as we read the vitriol Foulk which the newly freed press poured Rieser out upon his head, with a false tax affi- weeney davit to discredit him, he seems as real rpenter as any flesh and blood fighter for the Neilson right in these present graft-prosecut- ing days. If we only had a dictograph uchard record of his having bribed the cook rierson not to serve toasted whole sawdust, ohnson his remortalizing would be complete. Smith This new Washington, red-headed ,llanda and hot-headed, fighting the, battles of pincott liberty and a square deal without quarter, who'd have read the sport page first if there'd been one,and with- arm- al a gentleman, is as different as he may be from the pictures in the battle- date-killed-and-wounded histories of Editor, a few years ago. And he is infinitely Bus- more encouraging to the red-blooded fellow of today. IwAHR' Portrait qf Qual t v For Yosr Mick I E Phone 861-L, Plewtlni~m Portr .lt LA 42nd Year DIC' in Ann Arbor Gowni 'dat I' Y 22, 1912. M. Gillett.' Every state has men who by reason of public achievements, private at- tainments, and sterling qualities of character are recognized as great. Michigan counts Chase S. Osborn as one of these and the university is hap- py to welcome her distinguished guest. Michigan's two great men are in Ann Arbor today and it is a matter of greatest pride to us that both of these men have lived in such intimate rela- tion to the university and have served the university so faithfully that, though they are not'graduates, we can claim them as our own. James Bur- rill Angell a truly gigantic and vener- able figure stands with his greatness unquestioned. Though retired from public activity the dignity of his great presence gives inspiration. s Chase S. Osborn, governor of the ts commonwealth, is the great man 'in Michigan's active public life today. He too is of the university. For many" The bashful fusser is coming into his own. Such weather as this should make conversation for the most sphinx-like amour. ._p Speaking about fem gossip, exag- geration, and morbid curiosity, what fellow was it who told you about the suicide? It's getting to be debatable whether Sousa or Max .Stanley is the more widely advertised. By the way, what little token of af- fection have you planned to give your Daily carrier on his next birthday? Then there's the 1915 A. B. aspirant who asks if the infirmary is a pension for retired janitors. ANN A mmm m 1 For Will Talk oni Results of Research. Every Wednesday evening through- out the semester, in room 303 chem- istry 4uilding, there will be two twen- ty minute talks by senior chemical en- gineers engaged in technical research. These are preliminary to the theses required at the end of the course. This is a part of the regular routine of the class but any persons may attend. I I JUST IN SP r that lunch while boneing DELIVERY FREEO Wagner & Co. State Street' A big bunch of New Effects New Ideas S i Latest Styles Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of GILBERT9S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us your wants. Vanlorcn's Pharmacy, 703 Packard St. Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines, by officers of Varsity or- organizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of students to or from Ann Ar- bor, etra cars and etra service will be promptly supplied. Hair Dressing, Manicuring,Electrical Face and Scalp Treatments MARCEL WAVE A SPECIALTY Pull Line of Toilet Preparations and Hair oods MLLE. TAYLIOR 119 E. Liberty 1459-J Rain 1110 Sol Mrs. J We Do French Dry ai PRESSING end Suits Cia..d and Pr.sed 75 FULLER & O'CONNOR I r- t t n T1 A Z(A ,7 T1_