Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1912. CAI VICE. Cars Street ggh On nter, thought by many to n its yearly vacation, came a rush yesterday, and at the ing to press, the worst storm been experienced in many raging. s 'at a standstill, and trains here from thirty minutes to urs late. "The Wolverine," through Ann Arbor at 2:40 stil stuck in a snow drift on, at midnight, with little of being freed for hours. has, gone west since early morning. This fact makes that Governor Osborn may ble reaching Ann Arbor in ,he Washington Birthday ex- )n the Interurban line lim- are from one to four hours no attempt has been made to to Ypsilanti since daybreak, The city cars managed to semblance of traffic yester- ising the North University . But late last night it was hat the four cars had jump- CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF ALL CLASSES WILL FORM CLUB. An organization of unique charac- ter is about to be formed on the cam-- pus, to be composed of the presidents of all classes, both past and active. The aims will be good-fellowship and advancement of the better interests of Michigan. A meeting will be called for next Monday afternon, at 5 o'clock,- in West Hall, which all present and past presidents of any glass, are requested to attend. SENIOR AND JUNIOR JURISTS GIVE DANCES THIS EVENING "The first dance of the last year" for the senior laws will be in the na- ture of a Washington Birthday dance this evening at Granger's. An enlarg- ed orchestra, and special decorations and music"will feature what promises to be one of the biggest class parties of the year. The junior laws will also hold a dance at the Packard Dancing acade- my this. evening; Tickets for each dance sell at $1.00. CERCLE THESPIANS START PRACTICING Roles in "Le Monde ou l'on ' ennuie" Assigned Yesterday CHIEF MICHIGAN'S PROBE EFFICIENCY OF FACULTY MEN Students in Colleges Visited by Prof. Miggett Have Novel Courses LOYALTY PERVADES EASTERNERS I SOUVENIR EDITION IN. PRESS. made but one trip in the morning, for s were cleared, the blew the snow the observatory it was reported he barometer had reached 28.1, f the lowest marks on record, as over an inch' below the normal is region. However the officials expression to the hope that the wouldn't last long, as from the erly direction of the wind 'it that the storm center is located the city. The progress of the has been rapid; in less than ays it has moved from Texas and isas, another fact which tends to that; in all probability' the dura- )f the storm will not be long. 'OR SLOSSON FINISHES LASS LECTURE ENGAGEMENT E. E. Slosson delivered his last efore Prof. Scott's class in news- writing yesterday afternoon.The ous day he had the members of lass interview him on a feud in town, New York, and the article an from this interview plus the ng to the articles, were present- exercises yesterday. ore assuming the literary editor- of the New York "Independent," losson was Professor of Chemis- 1 the University of Wyoming. He to have left for New .York last but on account of the delay in rains does not leave until this ioon. "The directions taken by the differ- ent technical schools .along lines of instruction and inquiry form an in-< teresting basis of study," said Prof. W. L. Miggett, superintendent of the en- gineering shops, when interviewed yesterday regarding his recent trip through the east. "In one school I found the efficiency of methods of instruction,' a topic for investigation and study by the stu- dents. This seems like an extreme innovation but I suspect there are Michigan students who would enjoy such a course. The recent suggestion to apply the methods of the efficiency engineer to university instruction may prove to be not altogether a joke. "Yale University is like the boy who never grew up. The exuberance of youth seems to permeate it. Profes- sor Crittenden, Director of Sheffield Scientific School, assured me that it was the first scientific school in the United 'States, and was begun because the Latin and Greek school would not admit the scientific students. "Harvard is difficult to describe briefly. An intense spirit of loyalty is manifest, but it is dignified. Profes- sor Hollis, of Mechanical Engineering seemed much more inerested in tell- ing me about, Harvard Commons and Harvard Union, than about Harvard engineering. He is the design- er of the Harvard Union build- ing and, I believe, of the Har- vard stadium. He took me to the main club room and describedits uses; one of which is the entertainment of notable men. When the students of Harvard want to see a man who is making a new kind of noise, the Union sends him an invitation to come and talk to them. They don't hire hn to deliver a lecture, or even offer to pay his expenses. They just invite him him to be their guest. He meets them and talks to them as one of them. It is very seldom a man declines one of their invitations. Professor Hollis himself expressed a willingness, even a desire, to give Michigan students a talk upon 'The Uses of the Union.'" BUT TWENTY-FIVE TICKETS LEFT Number of Patrons for Union Dance Approaches Limit. Two hundred and twenty-five out of a possible two hundred and fifty tick- ets have been -sold for the second Michigan Union dance that will be held in Barbour gymnasium tomor- row evening. The remaining tickets can be purchase at the clubhouse. Complete arrangements- for the en- tertainment of the Union's guests have been made by the committee in-charge. Light refreshments will be served to the dancers during the party, and af- ter the dance the Michigan Union will serve a lunch for the guests at th clubhouse. The chaperones will be: Professor and Mrs. H. C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs Homer Heath, Professor and Mrs. J. R. Bruwim an Pr.jfessor Ai:,. . With the final and definite choice of the members of the Cercle Francais who will fill the roles of "Le Monde ou1 l'on s'ennuye," which will be given on the evening of March 28 at the New Whitney Theater, work began yester- day- on a production which bids fair1 to surpass any play that the Cercle has yet produced in its entire history. With an especially fit cast to work with, Di- rector Talamon is optimistic and be- lieves that although the time is short before the date set, it can be crowded, with conscientious work more effect- ively than if spread out. Copies of the book have been placed in the hands ofj the players and lines are being work- ed rapidly into shape. Somewhat different in character fron any show that the Cercle has yet attempted "Le Monde," by Edouard Pailleron, is a strictly up-to-date mod- ern comedy, portraying the life in Par- is as it is today. Unlike the plays which have been given in past years, it is a rrce effort which is especially simple inasmuch as it is' modern in tone, and Its lines are more or less the colloquialisms of the modern France and not those of the days of a Moliere or a remoter classicist or romanticist, which it has been the past custom to, present. Theindividual dramatic abilities of this year's group who will put on the play are as excellent as the Cercle has ever gathered together.. The unusually large number of roles is the feature of the play, and the leaing.parts, though not abundant,are of such a character as to give the holders opportunities to display some real dramatic ability. A souvenir edition of the play will be put out this year by members of the French faculty. The manuscripts are in the hands of-the editors at present and the edition will appear early. The rights to print Les Romanesques could not be secured last year, but such a difficulty has been overcome with this year's production., MICHIGAN RANKS TWENTY-THIRD Equals the Average State in Point of College Students. According to statistics which have been recently compiled at the Univer- sity of Kansas, Michigan is twenty- third in the list of states, ranked in accordance with the number of college students per capita. Michigan has one college student for every 291 in- habitants, which represents the aver- age of the United States in that line. Kansas leads, having one student for each 112 persons and Missouri is last in the list, having only one student toeach 381 of its population. Prof. Cross Returns from Chicago. Prof.' Herbert R. Cross returned from Chicago yesterday where he de- livered a lecture on "Michelangelo as a Sculptor," before the art institute. His lecture on "Early Italian Ren- naisance Painters' which was to have been given last night in the High School auditorium has ben postponed until next Wednesday evening, on ac- count of the inclement weather. Honorable Chase S. O Annual Address By UnI Chase S. Osborn, The Honorable Governor of Michigan, erstwise Re- gent, friend of the university, and fa- vorite of the student body is the guest of the university today. He delivers the address at the Washington's Birth- day exercises to be held under the aus- pices of the law department in Uni- versity Hall this afternoon.$ Not only will the members of the law department' be in attendance but the exercises are open to the students and faculty of all other departrhents, and to the general public as well. The1 students of the law department will occupythe central portion of the main1 floor and Regents, leading faculty men,1 and committeemen will be seated ont the platform. Every detail has been arranged in1 the plans for making today's celebra- tion by the law department one of the most notable events in the history of this time-honored custom. Prof. A. A. Stanley will open the exercises which begin at 2 this afternoon in Uni- versity Hall, with an organ prelude. A patriotic vocal solo, "There's a Land" by William A. Howland will be fol- lowed by the address by Governor Chase S. Osborn. An organ postlude, and "America," sung by the audience, will complete the program. The Deans' of the various departments, the law faculty, and non-resident speakers will be present to receive the Govern- or. Preside'nt Bonisteel, of the senior law class will preside, and have the honor of introducing the Governor. Governor to be Generally Entertained. Many plans have been formulater for the entertainment of the Governor.I IS * Was] : * Spea * Place * TimE * Adm: * Law, * He will and wil Beal. A Hall, hE the B. I This c hot h^ I - . SUGGESTS GOY. OSBORN CANDIDATE ON STRAI Writer Indignant That M Chief Does Not Appear On Voting Slip. Democratr (The Daily assumes no responsibility The on1 for sentiments expressed in com- gas resean munications.) maintaine( Editor, The Michigan Daily:-- the cooper Is it not a fact that Governor Osborn Association of Michigan has been lately boomed Chemical : for President? Governor Osborn has sity. The been during his whole term a staunch respect, an friend and a loyal supporter of the the solutio University. I believe he is a graduate illuminatin of this institution, and was honored fellowship with an L.L.D. from here last June. of five hu' He is a progressive of the sane and dred fifty conservative type, and certainly de- In spite serves well of Michigan. several si To me it seems not too much to ask; much pati that Governor Osborn's name be plac- quired bef ed upon the ballot printed in 'the Dai- tion were' ly. There is naturally here in the es were m State institution a considerable ele- results we nient which would be glad to express telligible, its appreciation of the governor, obtained a The vote is not so high yet that this throughou would be unfair to him. If you want ment stati the same number of candidates for sents the b each party, the glorious name of the gineers, a: irrepressible Mr. Bryan will doubt- ble for. t less satisfy the perennial Democratic which Mic appetite for seductive blather. ing cours Sincerely, GEORGE FERNAM PRUSSING. Medic G ....( ) ) Wilson ................ . ( Harmon ......................( Clark ....................( ) .( ) ) ...( )} .. . ........ ) . - * I Signed ........................... will mark piling all of the data required in the traw vote campagn is quite large and it may .will be be necessary to wait until Tuesday be- . Saturday fore the state statistics can be print- close at 9 ed. L11 ballots Votes must be placed on the regular in at a ballots. This rule has been empha- sized several times but the irregular' votes keep finding their way into the boxes. These ballots are thrown away and the voters lose a chance to make their choice. However, the fact that a person has cast a vote which cannot be counted does not deprive him of the right to. make another se- lection upon a regulation blank.ft -_ _Mem Girls to Hold Athletic Mass Meeting. tertain There will be a mass meeting in at a f Barbour gymnasium Friday afternoon Union at 4 o'clock for all girls in the univer- Vaugh sity to renew interest in the Women's numbe Athletic association in general and in respon basketball in particular. the pri From 2 to 5 in the afternoon polls will be open in Miss Bigelow's office The in Barbour gymnasium for the election Washi of the freshman representatives on the ev the athletic association board. appear abe ted for cl an a ents