THE GAN DAILY ................. . I- - -, p 55 I ARSITY TRACK MANAGER TO, ATTEND NEW YORK MEETING. Harold B. Williamson, manager of he Varsity track team, will go to New ork Friday, February 23, to repre- ent Michigan at a meeting of the I. C. . A., which is to be held at that city ,n February 24. The rules of the as- ociation require that each team send representative to the meeting which to prepare for the annual inter- >llegiate meet. According to custom, :r. Williamson, as track manager, was hosen to look after Michigan's inter- ;committee of 0. S. U. professors has been making an investigation of the Conference colleges,also Michigan,' Western Reserve, Case and Oberlin, with a view to improving Ohio's ath- letic system. Sigma Delta Chi Adds to Xembership. Gamma chapter of Sigma Delta Chi the journalistic fraternity, increasec its active membership by six at an in itiation held yesterday. This was fol lowed by luncheon at the Union. The new members are: Gordon C. Eldredge '14;- H. Beach Carpenter, '14; Morris Milligan, '14; Gordon Davies, '14 L; Arthur Moehlman, '12; and Adna John- son, '14. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CLASSIFIED ADS. -0- Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op. posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. im. These Ads bring Results. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Union to Entertain Members ' The Michigan Union will en its members this afternoon at th house at 3. Several musical f& have been planned and cigars rettes and cider will be served freshments. , pital Kitchen is Being Improved. he kitchen of the general universi- ospital is being extensively remod- d and enlarged. It has long been small to meet the increasing de- tds made upon it and the improve- its were imperative. The new kitch- will be three times as large as the one and up-to-date in every re- :t, being fitted with modern gas and tric cooking devices. To insure nliness the floors will be finished vhite tile, the walls white enamel- and all pipes concealed. CALE1NDAR eb. 18.-Pres. Albert Parker Fitch of Andover Seminary, Newberry Hall, 3 p. m. eb. 19.-Senior Dent dinner at the Union. eb. 20.-Senior Engineer dinner at al Historical recital, Hall. ay, Washington's Birth- .-Junior Lit dinner at the Un- .-Basktball, Detroit Central vs. H. S. at high school gym at 8 -Dr. J. [val Hugit, New- m. eer dinner at the STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time, vacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 75 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf LOST Lost-By girl attending university a small leather purse containing $8.00 in bills, some change, and labora- tory key. Liberal reward. 725 So. 12th St.' 95-96 FOUND. Found--A pair of nose glasses. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and calling at Daily office. 95 FOR RENT. For Rent-Two elegantly furnished suites, electricity, gas and steam heat. 528 Packard or phone 1666-J. 91-95 For Rent-Front Suite. Good heat. All modern conveniences. 822 Arch St. Phone 1791-J. 93-94-95 For Rent-Very desirable suite, one block from campus. Electric lights, all modern conveniences. 526 Church St. 1064-J. 94-95 WANTED. Wanted-Cash paid for cast-off cloth- ing and shoes. Send postal to Rob- inson, 417 So. Division. Phone 1128- L. 91 tf Wanted-Physician desiring an exclus- ive practice within twenty miles of Ann Arbor, paying $4,000 per year.: Write to C. M. Smith, 320 E. Liberty. 91 eod 101 Best Strings and supplies for all Musical Instruments.. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf For prize winning prints have them made onCyko Printing paper at Hop- pe's studio. 94-5-6 Drawing Instruments and Engineer's Supplies at Special prices at Wahr's Unviersty Bookstores. 92 to 97 We print anything from a name cfrd to a book-The Ann Arbor Press-offi- cial printers to the university, and, by authority, printer of all student pub- lications. Press Building, Maynard St. I (Sun.) Cyko Printing paper for sale at Hop- pe's studio. 94-5-6 F ~LO' Ann Arbor. State at the Un- Club smoker at: High recital, dinner at the Vn- ree Dansante 8 o'clock. Ba: 1 it quit E 5 S. Main Shoes and Men's Tailoring r LET 'EK FREEZE Schumacher's Hardware will furnish you with a pair of Skates, and you can skate. Peck & Snyder Skate 308-510-512 S outU Maim ELL ISON and SINGING GIRL Howard ai Cared for. EXTRA FOUR NEU Grotesque Comedy Acrobats Across from Majestic ll l «I I II Il . ll lllllll l llll l)IIIIIII C I l lllllll ll llll llllllTlf;; ll lu ll(i jfl l[II }I jllillll lllllllll lillllliiilrL g1 IIII I I Illlllllllilfll'il lllllllllllllli i"' 'I the lege Student" ATTENTION!. Just received a new line of the latest styles and designs in GOLF CAPS AND CLOTH HATS, Both English and Domestic fabrics are included in the assortment. TINKER &. COMPANY Furnishers and batters to University Men Cor. S. State St. PATH E WEEKLY--Motion]I Events all Over t- Exclusive Pho Holiday Tv Matinee Nxt ThusI WASHINGTON'S Br Opening Performance of 1 "SUNNY SIDE' OF B ,. v f - .y