THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I HiE 11ICIIIGAN DAILY .I 1 ISPLAV f Exclusive Styles d Trousers. Street TYPEWRITING. LAW OUTLINES, TYPE WRITER SUPPLIES, TYPEWRITERS,, (new and second hand), for sale and rent. 0o Do MORI TLL OVER BALTIMORE LUTNCH BELL 582-J Books. clieal ?(ew apj rat th Unyt Al Pblished ey m 41g;,;cp:M. day throughout the school year. . Walter K. Toer Editors. News Editor .......Harry Z. Folz Assistant........ .Frank Pennell Athletic Editor.....F. E. Shaw, Jr. Assistant........... G. C. Eldredge Myusic and Drama ... .Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files.... .......Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Nlighit Editors. I-Maurice Toulmne Ernest Burton L~oren Robinson Karl Matthews. Reporrs Jaohn L. Cog Oscar Beckman C. Harold Hippler.... Robert Gillett Wallace Weber Willa ,)~ ghprty Assistant to Mgr. .. Joseph Fouchardi Advertising Mgr . ..Elmier P. Grierson C. H. Klinlstuck A. R. Johnson, Jr. OFFICES: Au~4 ArrF~ Building, Maynard Street., 1-2 p., ~10:30-11:3S0 p. mn.; Bus- Roth Phoues ow0. Sub~iscription price: By~ carrier, $2.50; By mail, -$3.00. ae v$eraid . Whby not plce the matter before th~e students at the coming electi~ons of the Athletic Association an~d allow thm 1to seect the cheer leader for to ensi sessoni? Then the neces- sary assistants could be elected or ap- pointd and the efficiency of the root- ing section. could b increased a hun- dredfold. In the past cheering has been too desultory to be effective. The south stand has never yielded the vol- ume of sound of which it is capable. This should perforce be as well or- ganized as the north stand and a con- tinual cross fire of cheering would hel~p the tem won~derfully. We do not wish to be understood as criticising the present leader but he Is training up no successor and has no assistants. r T e xtand Students' Supplies for all departm Tons of Second Hand Books Cheap- Drekwing Instrum~ents erid Engineers' Su~pplies All the best makes of instruments, price $10 to $25 Many good second hand sets at - - $ to $15 Every set Guaranteed. FOXunfiJn Pens All the leading makes including Waterman Ideal, ConklinIs' Self-filling, and "Wahr's Special," the best $i.00 pen on earth. Looses Lea.f ote Books, Shop Tools, Lb * supplies, Etc., Etoo WAHR'S UMYVERTITY BOOKSTORES 316 So. S t.t St. Main St., Opp. 'Court Thou r . .... o Axe We The De~troit Woman lfaters?3 j1ournal gave pulickity phitinurn Portr F.oe'tratto I Prices the A& , Draw- Boards, for Drawing I Co. R. Trojanowsk; NiABLE IIMRDBS5R airdressing, Manicuring an( Ir >oug a Specialty. SBell 696-'% ~STAF MEETINGVOA to a stor, in~ its issue of Tuesday last, .that ruffles our editorial plumes. It .appeared on th~e womnan's page, wed rather more than suspect that it wasf written by a woman, and it retailed a romance of The M~icigan Daily and The article tells a story of the grwt o he Dily from it1s begin- ilng twenty one years ago, when "a w~oman was amon~g those who nursed it and fed it with news" up through its youth, when it became more and m~ore chary of the fminine.So thle story runs. Then~entr Lee A White who banished woman from the sane- We must quote the conclusion in toto, as our legal friends have it: "~This year there has been a feelIig age when a young man starts to sit up and take. notice, that the, editor nmight bring into the office a wo- mian's editor. "AndI now the story goes forth that ~-forit could not 1be anythig else-- of the co-ed and ch~oose a partner, a womian to grace the editorial sanctum. In the same breath it might be said th~at there are 'those as is willin' to be picked"' Whence, we hasten to enquire, corn- es the story forth? In our first issue we spoke editor- " p ol t e4 t th st f ar maeafter comnpetitive trials on the basis of mierit alone, There will be no preiu-5 dice as to either Blass, position, or- sex."{ other than this we have not spoken, officiall1y or unofficialfly. As we stated' in our opening issue, competition to the staff is open 'to every student in the university. We may have our own private opinions concerning the eOR- ciency of the average feminine re- porter and our own views concerning the most satisfactory. manner, of gath- erlig news of the women, but we are perfectly willing to be shown. 'Those w~ho achieve the results will be ;given the places, if they can produce the goods. If the newcomers can shoe greater efficiency than those now, on the staff, those now with us must m~ake way. When You Destre Portraits of Quality Got#. THE PHO0TOGRAPH~ER 319 E. Huron IatfncUSm r orfraftes J We Do French Dry and Steam Clez PRESSING e~n4 REPAII Suits Ceaned and Presd 750 Si FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E AtrnaArbor ICal1adhan (e. Corni 340 S. State. at. Opposite Law BszI1 Law Iooks New and Seconad-Haund Old Books-Taken Inl Exchange-Mew Callajghan e(RC Comj' Opposite Doo of Law 151df.-Next to Cc Phone 961-L 'P+.t~tnm WED 364 EET Every Day OUR WFEEKCS E~very mwe fte eotr staff an~d ailltryouts must bei at-the: Daily office at 12145 today. Elect Our Cheer Leaders. Michigan is badly in need of more systematic cheering. One man may be excellent as a leader but the job calls for mo4re. To get the best re- suilts out of the student body the lead- er~ should be aided by at least half a dozen good assistants. Able as he mlay be, it is impossible for the leader~ alone to handle the south and north stands on Ferry field. Cheering 'is a mwoM important adjunct of football: ~Its mopral effect upon the eleven men onthe gridiron is beyond argument. Considering 'its importance, compar-' atively little attention has been paid to it at Michigan. LWe -believe that 'the system of se-J Harry Lenox, Wishes to advise the U. of M. students that he has *secured his complete stock. of Fall aiid Witer 14ools. Tani 26S. 1NO1ALLS ST 56 Lafayette Ave. Detrolt, LLB VDPharmacy 703, PACKARD STREET Drugs, Candies, Soda Supplies, Cigars and! Students' Supplies' GO+OD BOARD $3.51 In Advance t . ESSING Ctn. Proprietor t. , leting a cheer leader and his assist- anits ought to be a. ta,tter of election: lntruwtoir Called Away by Death. The students know who;n they want R. W. Clark, instructor in petrogra- to Iead their yells but he ftore have -PAY, was calle to West Brnhys iot beef consulted. Conseentl~y terda by th.e 4death. qt a relative. He ~cheeriri, t WMhigan has not occupied Will not m~eet his claspes until Mlon-, its rightful wofti"oi r several years. dpay. THlE PIN 503 EAST JE~FFERSON{ I ; Catering to parties a specialty. Music by Fischer's Orchestra. We make the hest chocolate soda In town. flrp In , y~r way toPerry Field. I I John Ferguson, Prop. .." .. A MONTH .. _ ::.. £. >d. Dry & Steam CGe aug I *25 N. Uuiyerelty Ave. I OWAG MiAf & 09 Aanouns.4h* F911 #44 IW for men. The line I. igh 9grace #94 gIvslve patterns isuitings at ,43@.04 d*r t atec $ietIn Ove corn inge. 808-80s $, Statg St. I I o~m~ esmany ox- ii , _ v n nted I I... .:. ._ .:' . _. . ... a - '- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Limited Number of ors to~ sell Choral OUnion Tickets 10 Star Concerts $3.00 * - Oct..2O FLONIALEYS - Jan. 22 - - Nov. 17 LHEVINNE R Feb. 1i6 - * Deo. 8 MAY-MIUSIC FESTIVAL-4 Days 5 Conicerts Bring ismitten reference signed by responsible piarty JINQUIRE AT rsi~rSch'ool of Mui9 CalsA. Sink, Secretary Biliards is a finearr e k, those who ;play. You re~d ILake, YpsI,Detroit, etc.. A.U.$PALDINU & 6.0OS The Spaldig T,1,1,1 , are the largest manu- 'Crk facturers in the world of OFFICIAL EQUIP- 4 ~iQMENTforallathletic TRAO t¢A sports and pastimes. Q nj hIF If you are interetedl N '1 in Athletic Sport you MARK should have a copy of iknown throughout What's New in Sport the world as a ausra~at~r aof and is setfree on re- A. 0. SPALDING dU 3R08. 254 Wodward Ave. Detroit Mich DETROIT ".U'NIEI0 ZINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detroit Liauited-8:13 a. m.-, 10: 13 a. mn., 12:13% p.m., 2:13 p. mn.4:13 p. nm., 6:13 p. mn., 8:13 Kalamazoo Limited - 7:46 a. mn 9:46 a. in., 11:46 a. m 1:46 p. m., 3: 46, 5:46 p. m Lansing 7:46 p. mn. L~ocal Cars East Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a. in., 6:45 a. mn., and every two hours to 10:0. p .m. To Ypsilanti, 5.45 a. mn. and half hot=- lyto11:15 p. m., also 12:15 a. mn., 12:30 a. Li., 12:50 a. mi. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-5 :40 a,.im., 7:15 a. mn., and every two hours toil1:15 p mn. some recttion Andwhat isl. pal+lt otud nts be~tu tan hi4 Phono 633.1 413 Thompson St- AI RANDALL4 & PACK, Photographers °i