f MI1CHIGAN. SUNDAY, LRY 28, 1912. E REGENTS TAKE CARE PROPOSED LS~IP M1PS" OF MANY DETA LS "6Powers That Beg'Fe nor Osborr Close, NIEXT Y GIFTS FOR 'acting on the on the of minor' of~ of the The nueid ne by B. Drap( hinston, '15. The( f crossed hockey ve class numers pries v 1J: At the ,erin;. The kRegentsa r of Hon. George Shi n, D. C., to furnish ting zoolo-ical resea: ern peninsula next su kn executi e committee, S H. Kee, cha~rman; K.r rsao, S. H. Waiing and P. sen to arran ;e th~e event, Tuitchins and many other embers of the unverslty ddress the gatherlig, The cers are Miss P. Y. Tseo, ak on "Old China and ?resent."V.T.Nawi who will Chinese Re oution and and S. H. Kee, on "The It surance on uni . ersity buildin s be ubritted at the next mneeting. At I resent no insurance is oarried on :a pus buildings other than the gen- 'ral $100,000 policy hield on all state ror erty. It was voted to install a number of watch,, an's clocks in the buildin s on ..hc campus. Money was appropriated for the purchase of a sterilizing ap- paratus for the homeopathic hospital. The degree of L. L. D. was granted to Clarence Kelog, and that of A. B. to William C. Cushman, Jr., as of the class of 1911. } ?. LOCAL MAI Slnr~iar celebrations will be observ- d in n- any of the other large uni : er- ities of the United States on the same of I'rcsbipt Tan Cburcl) at iir to- box I-12 10:30 A. P deer: A PATH AY m"e TO REALIIFY 7:3 0 p. M~ UV OVICiOU- INFLA$NCJ,'1. I 'u tt~ttdi iii Pipi a PaIsses BY ROBT. BROWNING Sermon bV LEON RD A. BARRETT Co E. at 6 P. M" match will be p, evening in order be in the handsc by Thursday. The team~ lost the season witht ifor'nia by a scorr spite -of the defea place in the star score of 1671. and cival Huget, U Pastor First Congrogatlonal Church, Detroit, Speaks to Men on ponsibility of the State to the College