Michigan Dal y .f ANN ARBOR,,MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912. ELECTS 3R NEXT TERM. "BIG EIGHT" START WORK SOON ON NEW semiannual election of the Literary society, held-Friday the following officers were se- eter R. Fagan, president; Gil- nes, vice-president;Werner W. r, secretary; Willis B. Good- easurer; Percival V. Blanch- gent-at-arms; Arnold Eggert, 1 delegate. ations are being made for the ebate with the Alpha Nu. The te try-outs will be held March ble team is expected to enter est against the Webster socd-' rs at Graduation Exercises. sor R. M. Wenley of the Phil- epartment addressed the Jan- duating class of Central high etroit, on Thursday evening. IS NOT YET DISRUPTEDl AUDITORIUM Although 'ummer Baseball Rul- ing Was LCefeato-d, Minneso- ta ailed to Withdraw From West( rn Conf rence CONTINUES MEETING TODAYI 5ODO NOT DIRECTORY, dlishment of Cat.Ilogue of Organ- ization Members Looked on as "Paternal." i IS TO BETTER OLD METHODS, ne misunderstanding seems to been aroused here and there in tudent body by the cards which recently been sent out from the of the Committee on Non-Ath- Organizations. The feeling has expressed that it is a form of rnalism," interference on the part e faculty with non-academic af- and that it may ultimately result rtailing students' liberties in so- t13 The fact is that heretofore the same' is thing has been done, on a less system- es atic basis. It has been the custom: s for the committee to procure from the heads of all campus organizations a list of the members. One of the ways ts in which these names are used is in re- ed spect to students delinquent in their work. Older members may be notified of the poor standing of their colleagues and there is thus an indirect though effective means of prodding the lag- or ger to better efforts. In order to obvi- ate the apparent inconvenience in this il- scheme, of ha,,ink to search many of he the separate lists to identify a stu- h- dent with his societies, the new method an of a card catalogue was introduced, at gh the instance of the Senate Council. "I cannot see what students ha e to es object to in the proposed plan,", said m_ Professor Effinger, chairman of the at Non-Athletic committee. "It is only a or more convenient and systematic way te of doing what has been done before. wo Our object is only to be able to put ng the committee in closer touch with the Id various campus organizations." in ed MANY GUESTS EXPECTED TO . rrmvim4 A TlTwrT T 'E'R Rumored That Gophers Will Fight for Wolverine Game; May Admit 0. S. U. CHICAGO, ILL., Jan. 26. (Special)- Summer baseball was defeated by the opposition at the meeting of the West- ern Conference held here today and the "Big Eight" still remains united. Despite the efforts of the representa- tives from Minnesota, Illinois and In- diana, the conference downed this proposition which has been the vital question before the body for the past few months and w.hich has -threatened. to disrupt the "fold." However, there is yet a chance that a split may occur. The Gophers are in a fihting mood and today's session of the meeting bids fair to see some wordy discussions between the Min- nesotians and the rest of the represen- tatives. Although Michigan was not mentioned at today's session, rumor was current that the Gophers would fliht for the right to meet the Woler- ines against all opposition. Ohio State University presented its petition for admittanceto the confer- ence but the matter was tabled until today when the final action will prob- ably be taken. No statements regard- ing the attitude in which the Ohioans are held -by the conference could be secured as all- of the representatives refused to be interviewed on the mat- ter. The amendment concerning the pro- testing of players which was introduc- ed following the squabble between Wisconsin and Minnesota over the eli- gibility of Pickering last fall was pass- ed. A committee was also appointed to re. ise the eligibility rules of th conference. Ac icrding to reports in yesterday's dispatches, Michigan was having its troubles in the athletic field apart from he conference. The wildest of these reports was that Nebraska had offered Michigan a game and had stipulated that it had to be either accepted or re- jected inside of thirty six hours. In- quiry proved the fact that there was no truth in the report at all and that negotiations with Nebraska had not been opened yet. When it became known that the con- ference meeting in Chicago was getting stormy, there were further rumors concerning Minnesota. In speaking of the matter Director Bartelme stated that if Minnesota should break they would be offered a game on the 23rd of November, which is at present open If Minnesota is not in a position to schedule a game, the date will remain open unless a game can be arranged with some institution, that would rank as high in the opinion of the studnt body as a Minnesota contest. Is Unable to Meet His Classes. Professor Emil Lorch, head of the architectural department, has been confined to his home with a severe case of grippe, and as a result has been unable to meet his classes. "Jo" Hud- nutt is acting as assistant during his illness. loctors Return From Dental Meeting, Doctors E. L. Whitman and R. B Howell, of the Dental college, returned yesterday from Chicago where they attended the annual meeting of the In- stitute of Dental Pedagogics. The other members of the faculty will re- turn this morning. Regents Au horiz Purchase of York Property and Con- st uction Work Will be Be- gun Upon Structure EDIFICE TO BE FINISHED BY FALL Contract Requires Completion of Out- side Work Seven Months Af-; ter Starting Building Active construction work on the new Hill Memorial auditorium is certain to be commenced within a few weeks by reason of final arrangements for the purchase of a site for the structure acted upon by the Regents yesterday As expected, the edifice will be located on the combined Winchell and York lots, directly across from the campus on North University avenue, the pur- chase of the York property having finally been authorized yesterday at the price demanded by the owners., That ground will be broken for the erection of the new structure within a month, weather conditions per- mitting, is the opinion of Secretary Shirley W. Smith. The contract for the construction pro ides that the ed-. ifice be finished, except for interior work, seven months from the time building operations are begun, so it is altogether probable that the auditori- um will be completed, ready for occu- pancy,. when school reopens next Oc- tober. To Destroy Burned Structure. Medical alumni over the country ha ing been unable to raise enough coney to restore the old medic build-F in, it was decided by the Regents to demolish that structure without fur-' her delay. The action of the Board 1 a e after a strenuous attempt on the' part of the former medic students io :ave the ancient building, in which. :amr aign, however, only about $700 oud be secured. R11signaton A ccepted. The resignation of Prof. C. L. Hill, of ,he forestry department, was received and accepted with an expression of regret. The executive board was in- structed to secure men to fill the sa- :ancies in the forestry school caused by the withdrawal of Professors Roth -nd Hill. COURSE OUTLINES ATTACKED., Dean Bates Sends Circular Letter in Hope of Stoping Sale. Dean H. M. Bates of the law depart- ment, has sent out circular letters to the various state street bookstores re- questing them to discontinue the sale of outlines of certain courses which have been prepared by a number of upper classmen, and put on sale at these stores. This letter, a copy of which has been placed on the bulletin bcards, states that these outlines de- feat the purpose for which the student attends the university, namely, to be able to think and do his work for him- self, and furthermore, that there are numerous errors, even in the best of the outlines, which may result disas- trously for those who use them. Student Acts as Judge at Contest. Thomas E. H. Black, '14 L, assistant in the Oratory department acted as judge at the Oratorical Contest of the Michigan State Normal College, which was held at Ypsilanti last evening. Donates Two Insect -Collections. Kalamazoo College and the Pontiac High School have been the recipients of the two collections of insects sent out by the university so far this year. It has been the custom of the uniersi- ty to aid other institutions of learn- ing throughout the . state by sendin: -hem duplicate collections of insects or birds, and in identifying rare or unknown specimens. PREDICTS NEW HOME FOR PAPER IN NEAR FUTURE. That the Michigan Daily, along with other student publications, will be housed in a building of their own and publish with an equipment of their own, sometime not far distant, was the prediction of Prof. Gordon Stoner, of the Board in Control of Student Publications, at the Daily staff dinner last night at the Union. Prof. Scott also gave a talk tracing the development of the newspaper, and hinting at the possibilities of the work in the future. A number of short talks were given by members of the editori- al and business staffs. Dean Jordan Attacked By Grippe. Dean Jordan has been ill with the grippe for a few days. It is not ex- pected that she will be out before the end of next week. ANOTHER FACULTY MAN WILL RESIGN 'rof, Percy Ash of Architectural De-. partment Will Leave Univer- sity in June. INTENDS TO RESUME PROFESSION Michigan will lose one more of her faculty members. Prof. Percy Ash of Pa Final arrangeme tion of the Diamo sary of the univer, ing commencement adopted by the Re, yesterday. The re committee recently line the program fc cepted almost in tc The Jubilee cele upon yesterday, wi dress on the Sund mencement week, the place of the re sermon. All class be conIned to Mon commencement weE 1': Sevent Four be C Elab TO BE I the architectural department intends Boar to resign from the engineering faculty Unior in June. the c When interviewed last night Prof 25, w Ash said "I will not go to any universi- inclu ty to teach. I am resigning in order pus t to continue the practice of my profes- orary sion. If my resignation is accepted I garbs shall go to Washington, D. C., where ;ille I am now engaged in extensive build- stage ing operations that need my personal pus. attention." We Prof. Ash graduated from the Uni- day o versity of Pennsylvania and in 1895 re- ing c ceived a travelling scholarship in ar- proce ('hitecture from that institution. From time 1395-1897 he studied abroad. One scho year was spent at the American Acade- dress ry in Rome, then located at the Villa ing e del Aurora.. The other was spent trav- whic: clling through Italy, Greece, and pecia France, the fall of 1896 being spent in, taine Paris. In 1897 Prof. Ash returned to Th America and for a short time practiced an a architecture in Philadelphia. In Feb. time 1900 he was called to Washington, D. ball C., where he went into the supervising the c architect's office as a designer. While dere there he designed the government An buildings of the St. Louis World's Fair the c and several prominent post offices. In follo 1905 he resigned to become Dean of in M the architectural department of George Washington University. Fin- LITS ally in 1910 he came to the University of Michigan. Hoc of Director m to provide a ampus on the was accented Fl by the repre ols, in their s. This will exercises in ,h the visitir lly invited d at a lunche e afternoon lumni meeti will be spe: games, and a city. Class C early in the open-air co campus later wed by a gr emorial hall. S TO PLA key CL Star" I WS as- ATTEND ALUJUNt DIER., Three hundred guests are expected to attend the banquet of the Michigan Society of Chicago, to be held in the Congress hotel, this evening. Presi- dent George B. Caldwell of the society will preside as toastmaster, Prof. Jam- es R. Angell will respond to the toast "Michigan and Education." Gov. Chase S. Osborn will also deliver a toast, Ir- ving K. Pond will speak on "Early Days in Michigan" and Douglass Mal- loch will recite an original poem. SThe Michigan Society of New York will hold their banquet at the same hour in the Waldorf-As- toria, and telegraphic greetings will be exchanged during the evening. SYRACUSE TEACHER BELIEVE S IN BEING AHEAD OF' TIME Dean Frank Smalley, head of the lit- erary department of Syracuse Univer- sity believes in being on time when he has an engagement, and as a result3 left Syracuse two days ahead in ordera to attend a Syracuse alumni meeting that he thought was to be held in De-' troit today. What was his great sur- prise when be arrived in Detroit yes- terday and was informed that he was exactly 13 days ahead instead of one, and that the banquet was not sched-+ uled to take place until February 9. He then came on to Ann Arbor and spent yesterday here with Prof. E. H. Krause, returning to Syracuse last night. University Club Holds Tea. The first of a series of teas to be given by the wives of members of the University club was given Wednesday afternoon from four to six o'clock, in the club quarters in Memorial hall. Arrangements have been made to give thes'e teas the second and fourth Wed- nesday of each month and on each oc- casion a wife of one of the directors assisted by one of the six groups of ladies will act as hostess. By winning all of their games, the lits have clinch tle to the inter-department ship and this afternoon w the end of the season. A champs will go up 'against gation of puck chasers tha to put in jeopardy their I "undefeated" and, although will have no effect on the a the championship insignia, watched with a great amc terest. Manager King of tists has chosen a team froa departments who will meet Weinberg's this afternon. game can be expected. The picked team will ap pen as follows: Herman Carpenter (Eng.) point, He cover point, Ratz (eng.) Crase (eng.) left wing, Wa center, King (homeop) rov Illini ."Hold Business Xl At an informal session c club yesterday afternoon it ed to purchase a page it Michiganensian for the cli and roster. Tickets for Birthday Banquet, to be h 12, were also given to men on sale. g alt Course in Russian Offered Again. In response to numerous requests. Professor Meader will again offer the t'hree hour course in beginning Russian which was withdrawn last semester. Readings from Tolstoi will be taken as a basis for the work, Those electing the course will meet in room 102 U. H.. Thursday, February 13, at 5 o'clock to arrange the hours for recitation. The course will be known as Russian 2.