. ® I ss S KATE and SKIS S DIARIES You meet him in the_ autumn With a wardrobe on his arm- Last spring's sartorial wonders, Lacking now their pristine charm. Ile looks you over blandly, Observes your togs the while, And asks with perfect innocence How much will take the pile. The suit that once you proudly wore, He looks with scorn upon, But later claims it for his own !With one "siamoleon." !But when the vernal zephyrs zeph, And bankruptcy is rife, He takes your junk, and pays the coin And really saves your life. -Daily Illini. LYCEUM CLUB MEMBER WILL GIYE lMARK TWAIN RECITAL. Arthur G. Andrews, '13, will give a recital of Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer" in Romeo this evening under tLe aus- pices of the Lycbum Club. Friday ev- ening he will deliver a lecture along educational lines, and give a recital at the conclusion of the address. The coming examinations have put a stop to the activities of the Club, but a number of addresses have been booked for the beginning of next se- mester. Pounder. of Local Suffrage Club Ill. Mrs. Rose French, the San Francis- co suffragette, is seriously ill in Cleve land. Mrs. French spoke at Ann Ar- bor and was responsible for thi found-{ ing of thbe suffrage club here. Since Ieaving here, Mrs. French has been touring Michigan cities. Sli,, is being cared for by relatives. Prof. Eggert Attends Classes Again. Professor C. E. Eggert, of the Ger- man department, who has been con- fined to his home for several days with a severe attack of rheumatism is expected to attend his classes today. His work has been divided among the members of the department during his absence. UNlVElPSIT tCAI FNID,'%R .fan. 28.-"Tht, R~ponwifllIty of the State" Newberry Hall. 3:00 p. m. Jani. 29.-Semester examinations he- On~ in all the rdepartments Jan. 3t.-Violin Sonata recital, 4:15 p. in., Hig-,h School hall. Feb. 8.-Evening. Glee 'Club J-Hop concert, Univ ersity hall. Feb. 9.-Junior Hop. Feb. la.--"The Magistrate"-J-Hop matinee. * -0- * Advertisig matter for this *classified column must always *be paid for in advaunce, and may * be left a t the DAILY office op. * posite the Majes'tic between the " hours of 12 noon and 10 p. mn., *or at Quarry's !Drug Store, N. " University and State, at any *time up to 9:30 p. in. * These Ads bring Results. FEoik SALE * * * * S * * * * d CLASSIFIED ADS.- liminates all tdetai s, or and in after is ati prom * * * * * * * * * 4, * * 5, * U. 1 For Sale-A banjo in good condition. 1114 S. University avenue,Bell phone 1530O-L. 84-5-6-7 For Sale-Large, substantial pair of bobs, dark wood finish, in good con- dition. Call 778-J between 12-1 or 6-7. 87-88 W,%AN1'lt D Wanted-A few university men July. August, and September. Send post- al to Box 174, city, for information and an appointment for conference. A good opportunity for men fur- nishing evidence of reliability and industry. "Do it now" is our busi- ness motto. 85.86-87-88-80 W'anted-Student to help at 331 So. Main. Hathaway and Shamp. STUDENTS YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ selling our goods during spare time iacations, etc., Household necessity. Saving 80 per cent. Ready seller. Big profits. Exclusive territory. Free Sample. Write for terms. C. H. Stuart & Co., 75 Stuart Bldg., Newark, N. Y. 82 tf Wanted-Att once, young man who un- derstarnds the use of drawing istru- ments, competent detailing. :miall parts, etc., for position with autonio- bile concern, Jackson, Mich. Ex- perience in this line not necessary, but the op~ening is an excellent one for a young nwin of ability, who 1, interested ailong engineering lines. Address D. D. Davis, Care 1Michigav Daily. 85-S6-87-SS.S9 Remember the 31ichy-Penn sporting extra? It was yellow. The J Hop ex- tr~i is gong to be blue. On Saturdaiy moaning after the hop. 66 to 89 Bates' Orchestra, Phone 1050-J. 84tf The feature paper of the year is to be here-soon., The bag blue extra. 86 to 89 The big blue extra. Watch for If right after the hop. 86 to S9 Headquarters for Durham Duplex Blades to fit your Demonstrators. Kil- lins' State Street Hardware. 86-7-8 allowed is a feature at the Cutting Cafe Make reservation eatrly and aet the beest heard in the city. The rapte We inaugurate this Grc duce the stock becauseN matter what our sacrific more heavily than usual, unfavorable weather for it have not moved as we exj Tuesday Morn And will continue unt NO THING RESESVED-E Society Branzd, Hickey, Freen jrwO Ann Arbor, Mich. A0 pca omweesoigi #V]First Clas 5o Every dey ~ic SHINE TICKtiT 6 for 25C G He.ts Cleaned ki 301Y2 Souath Ste. clt th or er Co. CS' SUPPLIES' P'hune 1404 e kt sfor its ST-.41% frisb And No'w Core "ELORAt The Chum 0f oodi !1@l~tl ,- 1 44 ai the top; Pars +Ixe points. 4 Hand Made, 14S 15,E 2 for25 FRIA IE COON&tCO NMAKERS, es P )iz - I ' M1 up1 rBut, le at Bed r a Sure Cure Wagner Q .C 7Drug Co. Best Strings and supplies for 'all If she could not come let her know Musical Instruments. Schaeberle & about the hop anyway. It will be all Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. 87 tf- told in the big J Hop Extra. 86 to 89 Figlit off the blues, with °the b'g blue Bring in your safety razor blades extra. All about the fussers. 86 to 89b (any .make) and have them resharpen- s Mtablishoed ideal, Couiki ti Self ,reps Naas .eLokables iaters. Alarrms a.. d ms KY and NO ELTI ES j See want ad Summer Job!R-8-88 We have a number of slightly used Upright Pianos that can be bought very cheap. It will pay intending pur- chasers to inspect them. 120-122 E. Liberty street. Grinnell Brothers, W. 3. Simonson, Mgr. 87-89 ed, made better than new. Killins' State Street Hardware. 86-7-8 If you cannot go, read about it. The J Hop extra is coming soon. On sale everywhere. 86 to 89 Welsbach, Lindsay, and Wood Fiber Gas Mantles at Killins' State Street Hardware. 86-7-8 no. 534 L ry. Pins, Fobs and Fraternity Big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold alrms $1.00I iyonage is Well Cared far Here Across from !Mjesl ic LMT 'ER FREEZE Schumacher's Hardware will furnish ou -i,1 a na~r of S ates, and you o'at sl~ae. Peck & Snyder Skates .'T08.310":12 Soutth 1 si" E'I JUST the smoke after a whirl in the gym. The best leaf in the land- aged over two years -perfect maturity-all harshness eliminated-not a bite in a thou- sand pipes -a flavor delightfully good-wonderfully smooth. No tobacco ever received such care -no other tobacco is so smooth! You will delight in its goodness enough-ask your dealer. SMULING & MVERRICK CHICAGO A I N r.I all I BRAS at the t' Full Dress Ascessorkcs Wtte carry a complete lie of thle latest Designs in NECKWEAR, MUFFLERS, G3LOVES, VESTS and StI R S For Formal Wear TINKER & COMPNY1 Furnibber and Hlatters to University Ment Cor. S. State St. I 10C Full Two Ounce Tins / ' 9 14 .....,.. /ollegeMen e at Allen's G oc