Y rso Streetj 1'2 d Calendars e most complete ev Sticks in the 30C [(00k our line over before buying. I- ieehan'sI !DENT'S B$OOKSTOREI tc rs Rent TIN G RILL Street, --wit n -^-V~yW' .-.df ,, ' , T r - T-F d X) -1 J !y .,. ° + I1 : q I t Vyl z r k : y t f(3 f k S "t'i z 1" ; S # f " " _ sC -_ 1. (-<°r' -ice T1-1 I' MICIII {THlE ' CI(tIGAN 'D'AILY V)ficiad Newspaper at the university " ~of ihiga. Published every morning except Mn- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bar, Michigan, under 'Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879.. Walter K.-Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R 6I1iley Editors. News. Editor........Harry Z.'Fl Assistant .. ........ Frank ennell Athletic Editor ....... Karl Mathew Assistant ,........G. . Eldredge Music and Drama. .. .Ear' V. Moore [ntercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files .. ,............ Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehiman Frank R.-Shaw Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Might Editors. Maurice ToulmeoBMack Ryan Loren Robinson, Robert Gilett Wallace Weber C. Harold Hipp Ir Reporters. John Townley Oscar Beckman Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yelen Fred B. Foulk Hal C. Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter Mrton R. Hunter James D'Evein Morris Milligan Leonard M. Rieser Laster F. Rosenbaum J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr. . Joseph ouhard Advertising Mgr , . Elmer P. Grerson 'irculation Mgr.E. Ray' Johnson A. R.' Johnson, Jr... ..Emerson Smith Edgar L. Jaffa ..... W. T. Hollands W. J. Wettera%. J. I. Lippincott. Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- vrsity. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor 1-2 p.i., 10:30-11:36, p .;n.Bus- iness Manager 1-6 p. im.. Both Phones "LO Subseription price: By carrier, .$2.50; By mal. $3.00. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building. Maynard Street. 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1912. Night Editor-C. Harold ippler. Lurn Tu Spel. Everibodi hun has difkulti with hz speling, and enibodi else hu iz qrlus abowt the matr, shud egzamin and kar awa wun uv the surglurs now ofurd fre gratis for nuthing in the Reistrar's otis. Tha ar the publikashuns uv th Simplifyd Speling Bored, and wu ' sent to Profsr Medr for jeneral dis- tribyushn., These surgurs wil teeh' yu in siks eze lesnz how tu spel yur name so that nobodi can reed it blt yurself. If yu ar a fers spelr, turn simplifyd, speling and nobodi wil evr no whethr yu can spel or not. That's hwat Chawsur did, and Chawsur be- lkarne a grate rtr.. It is sed that simplifyd spelrz ar nevr condishnd in yunversiti korsez bekawz'the °profesr, hen he pikz up wan uv thare exzaminashn paperz, thinks it is ritn in sum langwij he has nevr lurnd, and hens he pasez it with- Owt kweschun. Sun peepl sa that wurdz speld in this mewtilated fashn make them laf, but hwat uv that? The ritr hu can make tu lafs gro hware onli wun gru before, iz a publik benefaktor. Mis- spel and the world lafs wvith yu, spel a nd yu laf alone. Simplifyd speling iznt prity, but it soots us. Az soon az owrn nu simplifyd speling linotipe is in- stawld in the Daily ofis, we sheal yuze no uthr brand. uv speling. Tharez a reezn. y, A Nebraska Game. The enthusiastic interest which prompted the Alumni Association of Missouri Valley to formally petition Dir ector Bartelme for a 1912 Nebras- ka game is worthy of consideration. It demonstrates again the fact that Michigan spirit only begins In Ann Arbor. If a satisfactory date preceding the Cornell and Pennsylvania gamnes can be agreed upon, Nebraska will no doubt be included in our schedule. It would be a splendid contest. But as a post-season exhibition with a team reduced to battle-scarred cripples who have survived four successive ensuing intersectional contests, a game with Nebraska can only be the anti-climax of an otherwise well-balanced sched- u~le. And such a sacrifice we do not believe alumni intend to demand. Exclusive and GAN DAILY There is only one place to, Examnitatioan's a 14CincJi" C&Wahr's Special'" Fountain Pen for "$1.00, the best pen value in the mnar Phone 96i-L 'COWn , alk elw f i"vArw% Pot-tre.it I l CO.LIBERTY AND MAIN STREI IS AO mo*tconvenient place for. your bitnking;. I- Money for the Students Why pay 50 or 60 cents per houir when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR 25 cts. per hour at The Old Place 312 South State Everything New .1ust gio to WAUIR'S and purchase a dozen or so of their BLUE BOOKS They keep all sizes and kinds-cords of them-a "forward-pass "!smile - smile" in evety one of thti m. Then buy a IW A H RsS University B Portreatt eJ Q% itliy it. Why not have. Something Hlaving just finished the task of placating Dora Lean because the bus- iness staff has usurped her position on the back page for a vulgar display of hosiery, Ye Ed is in no mood for his gambols in the field of near wit. World's Greatest Sporting Experts. THE MARQUIS OF QUEENSBUJRY. THE DUKE DE MIXTUR~E. THE COUNT KILLARNEY. What a subject for a barber clinic the Flonzaley first violinist would ake! Oscar, Hence With the Rapier! An improper fraction: a whole gown over half a figure. All the sponging on the campus isn't done by the cleaner and presser. A Strike! Dear Ed:--If you are going to use this "simplifyd speling" I quit. "THE LINOTIPE MAN." SHARESPEAREAN READERS WILL GIVE SECOND RECITAL Professor T1rueblood's class in Shak~espearean Reading will give its second. dramatic recital of the semes- ter in Sarah Caswell Angell hall on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The class will' present "The Merchant of Venice"' and each scene will show a different cast of readers, thus insur- ing an even division of the work and giving the audience a chance to see the various interpretations accorded to the characters. No admission ' will be charged. Dental Society Mieeting Postponed. Thle Senior Dental Society will not meet this evening as scheduled, on ac- count of the absence of faculty rm who left Monday night for Chicago. The meeting has been postponed until one week from tonight. I we Do French Dry and Steam C PRESSING slid REPA Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75® FULLER & O'CON NOR Tailors 619 CALLAGHA N& c) COMING FEB.1 WAIT 1FOR US W. YLAW BOO1 COMING FED. 1 LOWEST P. 340 So, State St. Opposite THEY ARE HERE- THE ROYAL TAILORS spring and s wool samples and the new 1912 fa h We invite you to look ove'r the fine st Iir ens ever exhibited, in Ann Arbor to se. $35, made as )-ou want the~m. ALLMAND & FORSV 215 South Mmlim Street H ARRY LENOX, 56 Lafayette Ave.Do I',- I - UNITED LINESI Arol t , Aui Arbor and Jackson -8:13 and 10:13 a.m. 12:13. [3. and 8:13 p. m. ited-7 :46,~ 9:46, and 11:41; 46, and 5.46 p.m.; Lansing- ketroit, 5 :.figa.m. Shours to 10 :4:, m. and half-hour 1:15, 12:30 and Inge at Ypsilanti 33 and 7:15 a.m. :15 P.m. :rs West Bound- eery two hours to 1... Scotch, EngJ'ish, and Irish Woolcns and Suits. The stock is complete , Enuglishi Styles Dress iow y(,u. Tneiefore e limit ins which to es taken has been ,. wmmp nd Feb. i, there is plenty arrange for a sitting and o from this finest of Det- Medizan weights WAGNER & Co. in STATE STREET Two Piece Light ColorsS4t For Early Spring Wek6 r $35.00 ig ton StudioI J. WATSONI Detroit, Mich. Academy of Bauci~g Waltz Two-step For particulars call at Academy or HoNw- 10-12 A. Mt., 2-4 P. Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us yoiur wants. VanDoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. For Anything In the Line of First Class Blarber Work Call at cad's Home. Barber Shop Sanitary and Up-1to-Date 'Best N orkmnen Employed We cater especially to student trade in Basement Across from. New York Club Corner of STATE and HILL STREET Nair tDressing, Manicuring,Electrical Face and Scalp Treatments MARCEL WAVE A SPECIALTY Fall Line of Toilet Preparations. and Nair (foods MLLE. TAYLOR 1*t9 E. Liberty 1459-J M rs. J. R. FASMO INABLE Hair Goods, eHairdresi Face Ma Rain water champ~ 1110 South Universit 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reazonable HlOME PHONE 452-Bla~ k West Huron Street H1AVE3 YOUR CLOTH-ES PRE3SSED BN HALL BROTHERS 41050OS Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 78c OveroasDry Cie LA DIES5 GARMENTS OUR SL SP13IALTY. TRY US 01 i f q FA e to come to the wish to show you mANDA1LL& PA CK