, - && a, 1IICIGAN DAILY, much Varsity material is never brough:t Officiai Newspaper at the university of Michigan.1 Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Offilce at Ann Ar- I bor, Michigan, under Act gress of March 3, 1879.# of Con-1 and Calendars lockey ethe most complete [ockey Sticks in the sekey Pucks 'Seand 5Oc ur line over before buying. 3ehan's NT'.S BOOKSTORE Rent 1A ,ILL ; Street Waiter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAG~ER. AlbertIR. IWilley Editors. !Neaws Editor ....Harry Z. Fo72 Assistant........... Frank Pennel I Athletic Editor....... Karl Mattheifs Assistant ...........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama .... Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ............. Emmett :Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehiman Frank~ E. Shaw Edward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Night Editors. Maurice Toulme Mack Ryan Loren Robinson Robert Gillett Wallace Weber C. Harold Hippler to light. If class relays are to be run in the future instead of being decided] by for- feiture as in the past; If, the ordinary athlete is to be encouraged by the ad- vancement of a hope that through his efforts he may win_ a numeral, cr have his name engraved on the r"elay shic'J; if undiscovered track possibilities a rn to be discovered; the barring of ".A" imen from class track activities should be effected. SOCIALIST DO-OR OF BOOBS HOPES FOR APIIECIATION. Joseph Labadie of Detroit, wvho re- gently presented the university with a good-sized library of books upon so- cialistic subjects has written the re- gents thanking them for their accept- ance -of the gift. In closing he expresses a hope that those students' and faculty who per- use his collection, and get Qfrom it any satisfaction and pleasure,' may think once in a while of the man who gave the books. That he is interest- ed in having his books read by the students is manifest in this paragraph: "If any of this literature will in the slightest degree clear the student's mind of the vulgar and ignorant no- tions now and hereafter prevalent rel- ative to anarchism, it will be worth all it has cost in effort and money." Best Stockln the City Desk Calendars, Eicelsior and]r cDiaries, Ledgers, Journals, Books of all kinds, Card Cabinet Files, Typewriter Ribbons and E Offices Sup p lies of all kinds -every article and price of it guaranteed. I1 Office Si 316 South State Street WAHR'S Bookstores Pou-tra'it ofQumatie y j Dt For 'Your Mb chfganensian Pcrtrae. Why not have Something Eoxclusive.anidClassy There is only one place to get it Reporter John Townley xS Oscar' Beckman Frank Murphy William Daugherty 3. Selig Yellen Fred B. Foulk Hal C. Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter Morton R. Hunter James D'Eveln Morris Milligan Leonard M. Rieser Lester F. Rosenbaumn 3. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF.' Ussistant to Mgr. _. .Joseph Fouchard Advertising Mgr ... Elmer P. Glriersoti '^irculation Mgr.... .E. Ray Johnson A. R. Johnson, Jr. =.. .. Emerson Smith Edgar L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Hollands3 W. 3. Wetterau. 3. I. Lippincott' Want Ad Stations. Press. Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uii Versity. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor. 1-2 p. in., 10:30-11:30 p. ml.; Bus- Ines Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Both Phones Al0 Subscription price: By carrier, $2.50. By mail. 33.00.' OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard: Street.- .. .+..4... /' " ,y ,Cf AIN STREE cS )ace for your the Students or 60 cents_ per 25 cts. he Old (Place 3 1 12 South State Everything New I 'ROI'T UNITED LINES veer. Detract, Ann Arbor and SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1912. Night Editor-Rack Ryan. Class Track Disinterest. Firm and set rules keep "M" men out of class football and baseball. A mat- ter of a few weeks, and track activities, both small and large, will- be -answer- ing the curtain 'call. It is apropos, we. take it, to inquire why similar firm andi set rules do not keep "M"' track ,E'l out of class track activities. By class' track activities, in this sense, we mean the class relays. In these events, letter men have always been permitted to compete. Conse- quently, if any class has more "M ' sprinters than any one of its, contenm porartes, the championship is practi- cally decided "before the season has ever opened. With the competition thus prematurely removed, those ath- letes who regard themselves as ordi- nary only, find little incentive to make that preparation which might remove them from the ordinary. For this rea- son it is reasonable to believe that D~ean Cooley to Return Tomorrow. Dean. Mortimer E. Cooley, who has been in Washington, D. C., the past week, will return tomorrow. UNSTITUTES NEW METHOD OF FLECTING PI BETA KAPPAS ITHACA, N. Y., Jan. 2p.--To secure greater accuracy and uniformity In the Phi Beta Kappa elections, the local chapter *at, Cornell has instituted a modified 'form of election. Juniors: seniors and graduate students in the department of Arts and Sciences whose work has been along literary lines, ar41 who have given promise of, ability'to do independent wvork, are "eligible for membership. An annual as well as a general average of over 80 is neces- sary for ,consideration by thte society A list of all such students is sent by the registrar of the society to all the faculty members with the request that he mark, the names with a letter as "a," "b,~ or "c," thus giving his opin- ion as to the class the, candidate be- longs in, with reference to the stu- dents intellectual ability only. The president of the chapter then has this data tabulated bSr two inde- pendently working members, who pre- sent it to the society. M4erch ant Hears from' Bogus Check. After the depredation on his till made by the bogus check cashed some days ago, the proprietor of a State street book store was agreeably sur- prised' to find in his mail, three days later, a five dollar bill and three ones. the exact amount of the forgery. In explanation of this unusual turn of af- fairs, an appended note gave the book- man to understand that the forgery was a sad error, perpetrated by one who was fundless and who had used the writer's name as a convenience. The. letter 'was' postmarked Ann Arbor, and the writer 'Intimated that his knowledge of the entire matter camne to him only through the item -in the Daily. Phone 861-L Fle.tilra~. mPow-tra dt" . We Do French Dary and Steam Clea PRESSING X NI-d REPA.IR Suits Cleaned and Pressed 7oSu FULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. Shoe Sale Fello0ws!l Our st( ck of Fall ai dV is niveci ohlage. We R it over half this month and .o haven iacre a bige pair of shoes including new styles just in. Ycu 1114 'weed money.. Get bu -y. ALLMAND & FORSYTH 215 SolxttbMa"In Street HARRY LENOX, 319 E.1 S6Ls Ell afayette Ave. Defr4 Scotch, l rgI.sh, and Irislo Woolens for Ove and Suits. The stock is complete in eve: r, lisp Styles Dre. ,nd 10:13 a.m., 12:13. 8:13 p.m. 40, 9:46, and 11:46 5:46 p.m.; Lansing- ast Bound-To Detroit, 5:45 a.m. and every two hours to 10:4: 'psilanti, 5:45 a.m. and half-hour- op.m.; also 12:15, 12:30 and To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Nest Sound-5:33 and 7:15 a.m. wo hours to 11 :15 p.m. Talk about the day's events Two Brng te icianeDilst door for the rest of the school y Only 50- cents .more out of r. . ... ow yu. TI es efore e limit ini which to s taken has been ,b. r, there is plenty e for a sitting and i this finest of Det- I a I I medum we'ghts WA G N ER& CO. STATE STREET Thwo Piece- Light" Colors 'Suits' For .Early'S prizs,$Wea r $25.00 ton Studio00. WATSON Detroit, Mich. A x t _ ,^ . - x .. . Academy of Dancing Waltz Two-Step For particulars call at Academy or ours 10-12 A. M., 2-4?F. M Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CAD'DIES In halves and pou.4s. Phone no your wants. VanDoren's Pharmacy 703 Paecard SL. For Anything in the line of. First Class Barber Work Call at rad's Home Barber Sho Sanitary and Up-to-Date BestVN orkmen Employed We cater especially to student trade In Basement Across from New York Club Corner of STATE and HILL STREET Hair Dressing,Dlancurilg,bectflcal Mrs. J. R. Face, and Scalp Treatments. P ASHIONABI ,MARCEL WAVE A SPECIALTY Hair Goods, Halyr Full Line of Toilet Preparations Face end hair (foods Rain water ghat !MLLE. TAYLOR 1114 South univcr. 119 E. Liberty 1tt59-. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED BY1 HALL BROTH ERS 410 Suits .Dry Cleaned and Pressedt 75C Overcoats Dry Clear LADIES hA RMENT-.OUR SUIT SPECIALTY. TRY US OVEI 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable- HOMElBPHONEh 452-Black West Huron Street I i, are requested to come to the !anensien as we wish to show you ,ke best results for the purpose. IRANDALL & PACOK q ill