p but tinmle and energies are might'- be saved by medical. 0111cc ept Mon-I 3at Ann Ar- Act of Con- There are also many students who do not seek medical advice for slight+ ailments because they have here no "family physician." They know no physician. There is no place for them to go where they feel they belong and will receive sympathetic care. These, also suffer in silence and risk the se'- rious consequences. If every student in the university paid an annual fee of one dollar uni-I versity physicians could be maintained whose services would be constantly available to the entire, student b~ody. A student would then have an oppor- tunity to secure advice without addi- tional cost. The great German univer- sities have long maintained such a sys- tem with admirable results. Many of the leading American universities have adopted a similar plan. Mi~chigan should care for the phiys. !cal well being of her students. It has been estimated that an annual fee of two dollars, which every student would be required to pay as he would tuition, 4would maintain an infirmary as well -as give the office services of university physicians. This would pro- vide protection and care as complete as the advancement of medical science I318 South State Stre et W Purtrait qiQ%.A*%jeyf Fo r 'Y E x c al reat Phone rthly of serious con- oughi investigation d by carefully pla n- osals, and action PPtinhzrxe Por-tr- 0 HUNDRED VIEW'S [APAN AWILL JBE $110 WX. rated lecture on "Japana," ivered in the Cercle Fran- this evening at 7:30, under s of the Cosmopolitan club indred views will be thrown een depicting interesting FULLER & I ICALLA( is ope 3 RY 20, 1912 e Toul~me. TWENXTY YEARS In commenting on tl he university whistling, screeching and thro by ill health peanuts, formerly a well-kno' causes is a ture, are now being done away 'ce be ques- The dedicatory ceremony for1 we find men mal opening of the universityL lves to their was held in University hall. ,hem. Many Lid their energies university work. university with aired. The Uni- to prevent these is no organized ,udents to better or protect their FIFTEEN YEARS .AGO TODAY. It was decided to donate the surplus funds from the junior hop to the use of the Athletic association. In a mythical football eleven, to be ~composed of the eleven college presi- dents who were in conference at Mad- ison, the Wisconsin State Journal plac- ed President James 13. Angell in the full-back position. Th~e Student Council of the Ulniversi- ty of Washington voted unanimously in favor of adopting the graduate coaching system. I ;s of students that can the physician's fees. A h~e is allowed to devel- erious ailment because snot feel that he can fee that would bring nothing more serious E 1I Evening Dress Fixings ;CORRECT IF BOUGHT OF US WAG NE R & CO. STATE STREET F "C'u,"It's fDond Shirts -wtite sil% 1 i Styles Just Received A LARGE ASSOR fMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CAN'DIES In halves and you-ds. Phone us your wants. VanDordn's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. For Anything in the Line of First Class Barber Work call at Pad's Homne Barber Shop Sanitary and Up-to-Date Best % orkmpen Employed. We cater especially to student trade In Basement Across from N~ew York Club Corner of STATE and H1111 STREET Hair Dressing, Manicuring,E] Face and Scalp Treaiii MARCEL WAVE A SPECIAL Pull Line of Toilet Preparati and Hair Ooods MLLE. TAYLOR 119 E. Liberty lHAVE3 YOUR CL( HALL BROTI Suits Dry Cleaned. and ,Pressed LADIES (UARMINTh OUR 5Pi3VIALTY. TRY US 'ERSITY Mm. to the R ND