N DAILY I H1IGAN DAILY 'IL Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Moni- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MALNAGINGED ITORL. Walter E. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER, Albert IL. Dilley Editors. News Editor.......Harry Z. Folz Assistant ........Franik Pennell Athletic Editor ......~.. K~arl Matthews Assistant........... G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama .. .. Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGee Files ......... metTaylor tion should be approved by either fac- ulty or students. That the roller towel is dangerous is generally admittted and it seems, too bad that an action of this nature should be approved, when a full knowledge of conditions is at hand. Rather no towels than the obnoxious roller variety. UI Best S1 S Desk Calendars, Diaries, 1edgers l Books of all kind Files, Typewrites Offices Supplies town Calk IG. Kemp Night e Toulme the an Frank E. Shaw Maurice Myers Editors. Mack Ryanj Robert Gillett C. Harold Hippler r 1i ILester Townley Oscar Beckman SMurphy William Daugherty Ig Yellen Fred B. Foulk 'Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter n R. Hunter James D'Evelin s Milligan Leonard M. Rieser r F. Roeenbaum J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF. ant to Mgr. . .Joseph Fou~chard tsing Mgr .. .Elmer P. Grierson laton Mgr.. . ..E. Ray Johnson Johnson, Jr.....Emerson Smith r . Jaffa ...... W. T. Holland 3 Wetterau. J. I. Lippincott Want Ad Stations. S Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, Stato and North Uni- versity. OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. in., 10:30-11 :30 p. in.; Bus- mness Manager, 1-5 p. mn.. Both Phonesl 960. Subscription price: By carrier, $2.60; W1hy work when you can cash checks on State street? Phone 40i. Dear Ed: -Who is this "Mr.l~f Joseph Parker" who catered for the '11 engi- neers?" It sounds familiar but I can't quite place him. "Pic" Many of our best known citizens sat down hard yesterday. Mr. John Frost, the renowned land- scape artist and, exterior decorator, appeared hereabouts yesterday a. m. His work on the alumni monument at- tracted much favorable praise. "Fill the Gallery." Dear Ed:-Can't you entice a titter out of a gentleman by the name of Phil H. Callery appearing on the So- cialist Lecture Course? "Butch." Blessed be the man who salts his sidewalks! ADVISES CONCENTRATION ON ONE LINE OF COLLGE WORK Dean Bates in Union Address Says Scholastic Application Best Dei elops Abilities. . That men with strength of wlll,power of concentration, will rule, more con- clusively than ever before, in the com- ing generation, was the gist of Dean Bates~' talk at the Michigan Union membership dinner last night. This ability, the speaker brought out, could probably best be developed in under-; graduate life by severe scholastic ap- plication. At- least it can best be at- tained by concentration in one line of work. "The benefit derived is not from overloading the mind with a mass of details, but from the training and ex- ercise that is afforde~d the brain in mastering them. Diversity in college activities, added to the already .com- plex life in a university, is not likely to give the student the best training for his future work." Captain Sealby introduced Toast- master Werner Allison, and Edward Kemp and Leslie Butterfield furnished the musical part of the program with two solos. Chester Fordney acted as freshman toastmaster. PROF. SCOTT ENTERTAINS WELL1 KNOWNW JOURNALIST. Professor F. N. Scott of the Rhetoric department will entertain his class in journalism and a few others this even- ing at 8 o'clock at his home, at which time Frank I. Cobb, chief editorial writer of the New York World, will give an informal talk. Mr. Cobb is at- tending a meeting of newspaper men at Detroit and it was hoped that he might deliver a public lecture in Ann Arbor but a satisfactory date could not be arranged. 316 South 'State Sire et There , r Portr-ait of Qiwality Fror Youir Michim Why not h Exclusive Phone 961-L Pte.trmqzm Po.-tr jt W ISuits Cleaned and Pre FULLER 4& CEO: Building Fellows!I O it over half this month and pair of shoes including nxw st need money. Get bury. ALLMAN]D 215s 80tl I FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1912. Niguht Editor-R1obert I Gillett. Fiji, SO®N iiilon strip Roller Towels for Laws. } Soine time ago we printed an edito- rial anent the filthy and germ laden roller towel. The committee on sani- tation took up the matter and we have been pleased to notice a change in ma~ny of the wash rooms. The literary department's buildings, where condi- tions were at their worst, have been much improved by the installation of sanitary towels. But, in the law de- partmnent the authorities seem to care little about cleanliness or sanitation. Since The Daily brought the condition of things before the public there have been installed in this department, wi.here they never existed before, roller towels. The ability of the people in ;harge to do as they liked has never HARRY 56 Loafayette Scotch, Erngil and Suits.7 IEnglish Styic Money for the Student Why pay 50 or 60 cents pi hour when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR 25 ct per hour at ye. ,and1 to 1. Try Old PlaceI 312 South Sitt Everything _New but it hardly seems any gret extentL4 as if this last ac- __.. j enlty and Medhimwefights WAGNER & CO. ran STATE STREET Light Colors Two Piece For Early S prnms Wems r S~$2500 tudloI troit, Mich. of band]ng I _. ,r. ._....._ .r . _. r " IItz Two-Step rticulars call at Academy o 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable~ PHONE 452-BlackI t Huron Street Just Received A LARGE ASSORItMENT OF GILBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us youm wants. VanDo rcu's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. For Anything In the Line of First Class Bar~ber Works Cell at Pad's Home Barber Shop Satnitary and Up.to-Date Best % orkmen Employed We cater especially to student trade In Basement Across from Now York Club Corner of STATE and HILL STREET Hair Dressing, ?Manicuring, Elecaical Face and Scalp Treatments MARCEL WAVEl A SP~ECIALTY Full Line of Toilet Preparations and Hair Goods Ra MILE!. TAYLOR 119 E. Liberty 4. 59 HIAVE YOUR CLOTHES HALL BROTH1ER Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 750K LADIES GARMENTS OUR .PECIALTY. TRY US 1 requested to come to the 3n as we wish to show you R ANDAL) )