1 .. Heart I- aling Hints New Whitney by Nora Lean Jbbey Do His Washing? gal provisions against cruel and unus- bey:-I am a sopho- ual punishments make it almost im- epartment and my fi- possible to provide for such a case. ng low. I know a girl As for the snore we suggest connect- I love dearly and I ing the nose of the offender with an with her that I nearly autoniobile muffler. Do you think I know Two Would Marry Him. that I might be jus- my washing down to Dear Miss Jibbey:- I am a fresh- man in the law department and en- W. H. A. gaged to a young lady in the west ent opportunity to de- Sinc.-coming here another girl friend the lady is able, and has announced her engagement to me rt you should not be and is now making her wedding cloth- wish to congratulate es. Now will you please advise me overy toward decreas- how to explain to my friend that she vern oahas misunderstood my attentions,for I ite Who Snores. do not love her? These two young la- bbey:-I am in dire dies live in the same city and I fear .obgemynhs amyn re- that my true sweetheart will hear of ong months my room- sing cream and olive it. How could I explain matters if a few faint, ingrow- she fi'ds it out, for she believes me upper lip, discernible true to her only? He even boasts that "Worried." de of the Washington I would suggest that you depart im- you advise a lunacy mediately without leaving an address.E 7cry Soap? Your danger is terrible. Such things s at night and asked can be safely explained only at a con- lie cup for Xmas. siderable distance. Above all don't H. C. C. let both of the ladies get hold of you r seems adequate. Le- at the sName time. COMING ATTRAC HENRY MILLI tTHE HA V HYAMS & McIN' In ''The Girl of MY D MLLE. "'Naughty CHRISTIE Dear on pri ild r Iv . "The Sprh WATCH THIS SPA Cherry Bark Ati effcient agr, eab e Re Inent of Cough,, Hoarseness Cherry Bark Cough Sviup is that both children and adults remedy of pleasant taste. We efficiency of all Rexall Remed The Rexall ..-- I f [ECTIONS, CIGARS GARtTIIIS, PIPE, r B-B-B Pipes IU_ will try and please you all and give you the very best satsfsaction. LARGE LINE OF CLASS PIPES Z. E. JOLLV 8 S. State Street, AnnArbor, Mich. from "Othello," written by Mr. How- land was most cordially received, and he was compelled to acknowledgd the repeated plaudits of the audience after he had sung. Pupils' Recital. The first of the series of pupils' re- citals will be given in the School of Music Hall, Friday at 4:15. The stu- dents of the vocal and piano depart- ments will take part. "The Havoc." Henry Miller, who will appear at the New Whitney February 7, in "The Havoc," comes to us in his new' play fresh from an all-season run at the Bijou Theatre, New York, and backed by the positive statements from the most famous critics of the east that it his new role he is doing the greatest acting of his career. His play is the most powerful drama he has present- ed to the theater-going public since he became an independent star and producer, and is made particularly notable because of its titanic centra, role, which is a far more striking character than his Stephen Ghent in "The Great Divide," Eric Temple in "Heartsease," Sidney Carton in "The Only Way," the drain-man in "The Servant in the House," or any other famous figure in the many powerfil plays which Mr. Miller has produced and presented to us. Michigan Singers at the Majestic =ief interest in the new Majestic show that opens tonight centers in the ,lnitial appearance on the professional vaudeville stage of three well knowr Michigan boys who have made good as sinagers and members of the Universi- ty Glee Club. The act has been called the "Glee Club Quartet" and the mem- bers are Kenneth Westerman, Bur- leigh Jacobs, Howard Porter, and Win. . Trle. Manager Lane of the Ma- jestic is enthusiastic over the work of these men and if the Majestic engage- ment is a success from a theatrical point of view, he will arrange a long tour of the principal theaters for the men next summer at the close of the' school year. Tonight will also wit- ness the appearance of the long ex- pected elephant "Minnie," who will give her sensational performance in company with a troupe of ponies and horses under the direction of Max Gruber, from the Hippodrome, New York. The rest of the show will be in keeping with the high standard of the star features. Photoplays of the story of "Joan of Arc" will be an at- tractive number. IRACI( COMMITTEE FOR 1912 ANNOUNCD BY CAPT. GAMBLE Captain "Pat" Gamble of the Varsity track team has announced the appoint- ment of his track committee for the 1912 season. Donald G. Denison, 'a, John L. McCloud, '13 E, and Willis A Diekema, '14, have been chosen to serve. These men, according to custom, will assist Track Manager "Wy" William- son in taking care of the activities per- tinent to the track season and the scheduled track meets. Captain Gain- Me made the appointments public last night. Engineering Alumnus Gets Cotract. Reports from lBusrah, Arabia, are to ,he effect that Charles Shaw, '11, has 'een assiened the contract for the building of houses-in-that city. Shaw went to Ar pia in connenou with Lxi r. M. C. A. mission work immediately after his graduation. FIFTEEN SCRIBES COMPETE IN WRITING OF NEXT OPERA. Fifteen men will compete in the writ- ing of next year's opera. A meeting was called yesterday afternoon by Philip Fletcher, general chairman of the 1912 opera, and directions were given the men for preliminary work upon the lyrics and books for next year. The first act and a synopsis of1 the remainder of the play must be in the hands of the general chairman by March 31. '122 S. Main St. Packs Invitations have been sent to Pres- ident Emeritus James B. Angell, Pres- ident H. B. Hutchins, Dean Myra B Ii Jordan, and pthers to attend a lunch- man eon for university women in Detroit :his on February 17. The committee ir. In charge, of which Miss Bertha C. Bar- mee ney, '96, is chairman, refers to the af- M fair in the invitations as a "rally o" om] university of Michigan women." The zigl girls' glee club will also attend the function. It is likely that the resi- r, dence halls will receive their share o: attention at the luncheon. New Members Banqueted at Union Phi Lambda Upsilon, the honorary chemical fraternity, held a banque Tb at the'Union Mast evening in honor o nee the new members. During the semes- all ter the following men have been taken ,eve into the fraternity: L. H. Cretcher )rou G. E. Cullen, R. L. Jickling and R. F jues Keeler. Prof. D. M. Lichty and Mr in H. N. Cole were made associate mem. on bers. NI For use of Frat city Dancing [ Call 570=L. UNIVERSITY OFFICERS ATTEND IRALLY IN >.. rns, bur.ions, ngrowing ils. treit, d and cured. erytliing absoluuie an- . 9-1? a. m. 1-5 and ,-S p in E. J. FOLEY treet, End North 12th h School - Phone 909-. nal Reduction Sale 'of nhatta Shirts etl It - $1.20 S$1.35 - $1.50 All $2.50 Shirts now " $3.00 "$1.00 " " - $1.88 - $2.25. - 85c PRESIDENT HUTCHINS WILL ADDRESS BAR ASSOCIATIONM President Harry B. Hutchins leaves today for New York where he wil make an address before the Universi ty of Michigan club of New York to morrow. He will be back in Ann Ar bor Monday. President Hutchins is also plannin- to make addresses at the annual meet ing of the Kansas State Bar associa. tion and at a banquet of the same asso ciation at Topeka on January 30. H( Wll- go from there to Kansas City to b( present at a dinner of the Kansas Cit alumni, February 1. Cornell has received a gift of $100, 000 from Jacob Schiff to be used in the promotion of studies in German cu, ture, Seat sale t Ir t"'ne ,ag te" nox going on at the Whitney. 8 11Si J S lay o1 o rep( %.-its to Plans ar 'anize the it class in )f the men lent are i Mans, and ;all for try ssued, shoi ,ponse. Heavy Sa Repdrts f nas Red C show that ifty dollars NECK WEAR 5oc Ties 35c, or three for $r.oo -E, CONLIN&IIEGEL >ut- 'of v r EST 'hotograp go to G.' C. -4