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October 12, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-10-12

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President Henry B. Hutchins will
attend the inauguration of the new
president of the University of Minnes-
ota at Minneapolis on October 18, and
will give an informal speech at the in-
augural dinner. While in the gopher
state President Hutchins will deliver
an address before the American State
University society, dealing with the
problem of the curricula of secondary

~ow the CounCilmen will be Cho S LITS WILL DANCE AT
How he C unci men Cho en, YMF THE TWENTY-FIRST. NAME H
1. Nominations and elections shall take place at regularly called class By way of starting the year off right
metins. the soph lits will hold their first par-
ty on the evening of Saturday the
2. At least two full days shall elapse between nominations and elec- twenty-first in Barbour gym. Danc-
tions, during which time the names of the nominees and the place and times ing will be the chief feature on the
of the elections shall be published. program and this year the gym will
3. Nominations and elections shall be by secret ballot. not be closed at ten o'clock as it was
4. Three tellers shall be appointed by the class president to canvas the last yeasr. "An Awakened Raw
Tickets will be 50 cents and may be A aee it
ballots. obtained in a few days from any of Caption for This N
5. Each elector shall nominate as many persons as there are places to the members of the Social committee
be filled. of last year. Dr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. I'ip
6. There shall be twice as many nominees as there are places to be Jordan, and Dean and Mrs. Reed will Are ade,

Run Up a Total of 37
-A, Smith Stars at
alf For Reserve Ag-

wing Made Yesterday
rom Encouraging
to Rooters.


.gan Varsity tackled a
sition yesterdaywhen
a full game of four 15
is against the scrubs and
h, with their opponents
nate quarters. The Wol
up 37 points, 29 against
i and 8 against the Re-
mson made all of the
or the first team, Conklin
of the goals and help-
al result by a place kick
ard line. The two oppos-

Yost shifted the first string backfield
t every opportunity, giving each man
breathing spell except Thomson,
rho seems slated to go to the limit
very time out. It's doing him good
>o. He is playing above his mark of
ast fall and before the season is over
e will at this clip prove one of the
ensations of the year. At no time in
Is career at Michigan has "Bottles"
shown the line plunging that he has
een using so far this season for the
.eeded yards when called on.
Smith's Work Shows Up.
H. Smith of the Reserves is the oth-
r man who stood out so brilliantly.
n the afternoon scrap. Last year he
id not stay out the full season and
e was not among those present at
Vhitmore for the preliminary prac-
ice. Andy Smith, coach of the Re-
erves, had him in at right half today
nd his work stamps him as a comer.
le is a hard man to stop with the ball
nd on defence he showed up well.
le is tackling too high yet and at
mes seems to wait for them to come
o him instead of going after them
ut his all around work was impres-
ive. Carpel was in but a short time
ut he improved hia chances and
,owed the fans some of the dodging
ed twisting that he is famous for.
Roble, was tried out at right half
nd it is there that he is more likely
o be used than at tackle. He willa
e a valuable man for the squad as
e can go in at either of these two
laces and play a mighty creditable
MeMilian Does Not Play.
To the disappointment of the fans,
Shorty" McMillan did not get into
he scrimmage though he was out on
he job. He is evidently not up on the
ignals enough as yet, though Yost'
rill have to start him soon if he is to
se him in the M. A. C. game Saturday.
3arton has not cleared up his eligibil-
ty but he is able to get out and prac-
ice and Yost gave him a, chance at
he end that Wells holds down. The
iig fellow showed his worth on the
eceiving en4 of the forward passes
s he pulled down two, one of the
aviation kind. He looks good and
he squad will be stronger when he
(Continued on page 4.)

Labor Leader First of a Series
of Noted Speakers and
More Ticket Sellers are Needed.
John Mitchell, the well known labor
leader, will be the first speaker on
the Students' Lecture Association pro-
gram appearing November 2. He will
talk on the political and economic sit-
uation of America.
He will be followed by A. 'Radcliffe
Dugmore, who will show a collection
of photographs taken on the Roosevelt
hunting trail in Africa. Mr. Dugmore
presents one of the most sought-after
attractions on the lecture platform to-
Senator LaFollette has again been
secured for the course. He has the]
distinction of being the only man who
has ever held an audience in Univer-
sity Hall for four hours without a per-]
son leaving the hall.
The Donald Robertson Players, who
have been a star attraction for the
past few years, will be presented in
December by the Shubert syndicate.
Two excellent humorous speakers,
Hamlin Garland and Opie Reed, will
appear later on in the course. Mr.
Reed will present "Old Lim Jucklin."
Francis J. Heney, of San Francisco
fame, will tell how the graft ring was
finally landed in the penitentiary. Wil-
liam Burns, the detective who was as-
sociated with Mr. Heney in his work,
may also appear on the lecture course.
The university Oratorical Contest
will not be given undelthe auspices
of the Lecture association this year.
More ticket sellers are wanted. A
liberal commission and a special ter-
ritory is offered to canvassers. They
are asked to report to Elmer P. Grier-
Four are Nominated for Interscholas-
tic and Track Offices.
Arthur B. Moehlman, '12, and God-
frey Strelinger, '13 E, were nominated
last night by the three Varsity cap-
tains for the office of interscholastic
At the same time, Captain "Pat"
Gamble of the track team nominated
John McIR. Messerly, '12, and Harold
B. Williamson, '13 E, for the office of
track manager. These candidates will
be voted for at the annual election of
officers of the athletic association, to
be held Saturday, Oct. 21, from 7:30
until 12:30,
Maurice Toulme, '12, Odin, Ill., was
appointed to the office of interclass
football manager for this fall.

7. All ties shall be settled by secret ballot at the meetings at which
they occur.
8. There shall be no campaigning at any time by any one.
9. The President of the Student Council shall appoint members of that
body to enforce these rules at the various class meetings and to report to
the Student Council the results of the nominations and elections of which
they have charge.

The girls' employment committee
of the Y. W. C. A., composed of Dean
Jordan, Mrs. J. 0. Reed, Mrs. L. C.
Karpinski, and Miss Katherine King,
has formulated a set of rules to gov-
ern the amount of outside work a uni-
versity girl will be expected to do. It
was decided that a girl who works in
a home for her board and room, and
is regarded as one of the family,
should not be required to give more
than three and a half hours of her
time daily.
When a girl takes the place of a ser-
vant, not more than two and a half
hours daily should be expected. These
girls should be given the use of the
parlor. at least once a week in which
to entertain callers.
Formerly no stipulated wage for,
the girl who stayed evenings with
children had been fixed. The com-
mittee determined that ten cents an
hour should be paid and that after
ten o'clock she should be given an es-
cort. When working after 10:30
o'clock twenty cents an hour should
be paid. It was also decided that the
girl that works by the hour when the
labor 'is light should be paid fifteen}
cents an hour and for heavy work
twenty cents an hour.
The committee is anxious to se-
cure the names of all girls who want
to do light work by the hour. They
should apply between 10 and 12
o'clock at Newberry hall.
Last Year's Grad Claims Curtis De-
stroyed Eyesight.
Harry K. Curtis, '13 L, of Topeka,
Kansas, and son of the United States
senator from Kansas, awoke yester-
day morning to find himself defend-
ant in a $15,000 damage suit. The
plaintiff is Dwight O. Becker, of Jack-
son, who was graduated from the en-
gineering department last June.
Becker claims that Curtis and he
were dining together in a local cafe
on June 9th. At this time, Becker al-
leges, Curtis jabbed him in the left
eye with a straw as he arose from
stooping behind the counter. It is
claimed that the sight of the eye is
destroyed except for distinguishing
light from dark.
The first number of the Cornell
Countryman appeared October 5.
New courses in metallurgy and as-

The Lyceum Club, founded for the
purpose of giving those students with
pronounced ability in public speaking,
an opportunity of addressing audi-
ences outside of Ann Arbor, and to
give small towns good speakers at a
moderate rate, held its annual elec-
tion of members Tuesday. The fol-
lowing men were chosen and will
speak on the following topics:
Louis Eich, '12-Recital of Butwer
Lytton's "Richilieu."
Arthur Andrews, '12-Recital on
Mark Twain.
A. F. Frazee, '12-"The Dignity of
Former members of the club and
their subjects are:
Joseph G. H. Black, '10, '12 L-"The
American Newspaper."
Thomas E. H. Black, '11, '13 L-
"Supply and Demand"
George Packard, '10 L--"A Servant
of Humanity."
Sylvan S. Grosvenor, '12,'14 L-"The
White Man's Burden."
Victor R. Jose, Jr., '10, '12 L-'High-
er Citizenship."
B. C. Mitchell, Graduate-Recital of
"Rip Van Winkle"* and other imper-
Albino Z. Sycip, '12 L--"The Amer-
ican Chinaman."
Any of these men may be secured
by communicating with Mr. R.D.T.Hol-
lister, 1306 Wells St. It is desired
that all students who have any in-
formation about small twons around
Ann Arbor which might use these men
should let Mr. Hollister know as soon
as possible.
Adaitions will soon be made to the
Lyceum club and all those interest-
ed should see Mr. Hollister at once.
Harvard, Yale and Princeton have
agreed that the football officials shall
be chosen by a central board.
Class debating clubs are to be or-
ganized at Syracuse. Inter class de-
bating contests are being arranged.
The enrollment at the University of
Missouri is now eighteen more than .at
last year this time.
$100 Essay Prize Offered.
A prize of $100 for the best essay on
"International Arbitration" is open to
all undergraduate college men of the
United States *and Canada. C. D.
Pugsley, '09, Harvard, is donor of the
prize, competition for which closes
March 15, 1912.


_______________________________________________ U. II

We want girls to sell S. L. A
Tickets. This is the only way we
have to reach the girls of the Uni-
versity. Won't you help by tak-
ing 10 tickets and selling them to
the girls.

The Students' Lecture Associ ati on
is endeavoring this year to bring to the University the best course of Lectures
and Entertainments it has had in years. Reserved seat, season ticket costs you
less than it ever has before. Only $2.50 for nine numbers. It is the duty of
every person in the University to attend this course, and it is the wisest thing
one can do.



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