1 A6, at the mr! Att of ' Walt BUSIN1 the world and the much dreaded exm- inatlons too seriously. Of course it is essential to pass because this pleases the faculty and the people at home. But-don't work so hard that you fall1 asleep, overturn the proverbial can of midnight oil and cause yourself dis- comfort by burning down the house. There are lots of chances that every- thing will come out all right, The man who corrects the blu~e book in your hardest course may suddenly suffer from sore eyes, or he may use thorn' to induce the furnace to burn during this frigid spell. Again you have ideas you never thought yourself capable of. Above all, be cheerful. The world is sad enough without having a greater number of dark and glowering faces among us. Ev- en if you do slip on a particularly hard piece of sidewalk, don't sw ear. Be thankful, instead, for you mnight have been more successful and broken your back. Cheer up. Desk Calendars, Elee] Diaries, 1ledgers, Jt Books of all kinds, Caa Files, Typewriter RIM] Offices Supplies of all ki --every article and price 0A111fcc Best Stack in the 316 South State Street WVWA HR Bookstores "coilegia Pitr~rt r¢f Qi~n lut For You~r Mid I:1 Why not have 'cowii Cath Exciusli ti I Phy 1 ' '; fi tt to' 'Arculation Mgr... . ,E. Ray Johnson .3. R. Johnson, Jr. ....Emerson Smitb Edgar L. Jaffa .... W. T.. Holland 3 W. J. Wetterau, J, 1. LippincoUi Want Ad Stations, Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and North Uni- versity. Oi"FICE HOUIRS: Managing Editor. 1-2 p. in~ 10:30-11:30 p. in.: Bus- iness Manager, 1-5 V. im.. [loth Phaneg 960. Su~bscrption price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail. $3.00. OFFICES:' Ann Arbor Press Building. Maynard Street. I MEDICINE HAT, Jan. 16-Dear Ed: -n~eports emanating from the head- quarters of th.e official weather guesser at Washington to the effect that the back of the cold wave is broken, and that warmer weather is imaminent, thatI have been appearing periodically in the public prints are absolutely with- out foundation, Please announce to you~r readers that zero weather will continue indefinitely. Sh-no a sund!Sage, the Seer. Sh-no a sundIn confidence we will divulge the plot. Every other pa- per has announced warmer weather ad has drawn colder. Let's see whether we can slip one by the poten- tate who manufactures weather. Un- cle Sam's weather man evidently has nothing to do with it. D~ep stuff?) Who's seen the first robln?--but pos- sibly it's a trifle early. PHRIIfICS AR~E TAKINTG THE STATE BOARD EXAMINATIONS Phone 961-L We Do French PRESSJWC Suits Cie!aned and Pressed 75c FULLER & O'CO I There is of 1= lFe it; over pair of need m I ___________________________ Over forty candidates, from various parts of the state, are taking the phar- " O" macy examinationts, which began yes- terday at the school of pharmacy in the WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 chemical building, The examinations are being given by the State Board of Night Editor-C. Harold Hippler. Pharmacy, which is composed of the following five men: E. J. Rogers, Port Chee Up.Huron; J. J. Campbell, Pigeon; E. J. Boden, '89, Bay City; W. A. Dohany, '88. This is the dark and dreary time of 1Detroit; and W. E. Collins, '30, Owosso. the year, when we have not even a The applicants are being quizzed in smiling sky to relieve the tension that Materia Medica, Practical Pharmacy. hovers about us during the period of Prescription writing and filling, and trials and tribulations, Now is the other subjects upon ,Nhich the drug- time when the senior law dusts off his gist business is based, The state law books and gets busy, when the medic requires that the candidates pass these rises long before the sun in order to requirements in order to practice phar- finish his lab work, when the engineer' macy in the state. The examinations "fusses" six nights a week and sobs will continue until Thursday, about his hard work on the seventh, I and when the lit, smiling and cheer- MEETING OF CLASS TRACK 1LEN tul, confident of the results of consist- CALL4ED FOR TOMORROW NICH1T. ent labor looks upon the professorial world without a tremor. The "frosh" "Eddie" Saier, interclass track HA '56 Enlglish awaits the unknown with fear and trembling and his only inspiration is the little framed photo on his desk. Because of all this we think it our duty to write something cheerful,some- thing that will make you take the workings of your minds with a great discount of seriousness, Don't take 'manager has called a~ meeting of all class track men to meet in the gym trophy room Thursday night atf seven o'clock. Plans are to be given out for the year's work,and Dr. X-raenz- lein will give a short" talk to the men in regard to the requirements and nature of the work. For Anythirg in the Line First. Class Barber V~ Can at Pad's Home Barber Sanitary and Up.to=Da Best NA orkmien Employ, We cater especially to student In Basement Across from New York Club Corner of STATE and HILL I 0 lemty and Det- English Cloth Hats U UE Rough Felt Hats -I 10 WAGNER & CO. STTATT it, Mich. i A Academy of Dancingj Waltz Two-Step For particulars ca1I at Academy or c. Hours 10-12 A. M., 2-4 P. Al Just Received A LAR~GE ASSORTMENT OF G"I'LBERT'S FINE CANDIES In halves and you-dCs. Phone as your waists. VauDoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard4 St. A Money for the .Students why pay 50 or 60 cents per hour when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR_25 cts. per hour at The Old Place 312" South State Everything- New Hair Dressing Manicurirg Mrs. Electrical Face and ScalpF Treatments Hair Go Full Liee, ' Tolci Preparations Rail and Hair Goods MLLE. TAYLOR 1116 so 1 t E. ~ ihe l y1489-3 HlAVE~ YOUR CLOTHES PRES5 1-ALL BROTHERS4 Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 78c Overcoat i ADIE2-' (ARIzLNTh OUR nPE-JALTY. TRY US m y 5 and 7 Pa'senger Cars Prices Rea '.obi BOME PHONEz 452-Bak .206 West Huron Street I I map". r: ._,. .. come to the to show you purposo. RANDALL & PA cK,