e of His Time is Arrangea
lis Local Supporters. j
ting of the University of
ilson Club, held at the Un-{
y afternoon,President Hul-
aed the plans for the en-
of Governor Woodrow Wil-
this city next Friday.
)ught at first that it would
e to have any sort of a re-I
Governor Wilson on theI
wever, it has been definite-
.at there will be a faculty
r him in the faculty room
y hall. This reception wil
until 10:30 a. m., and wilj
by all members of the fac-
e friends of the governor
e~lusion . of this receptio
"ilson will be escorted to
theater where he is sched-
k for one hour and a halt
political issues of the day
oh to this address will be
large block of seats have
ed for students. Dean
the medical department.
at this meeting.
>ck a luncheon will be giv-
r of the governor at the
>tel. After the lunch-
nor Wilson will speak
minutes on "Democracy,"
usion of which he will be
the Michigan Central sta-
he will take the 1:15 train
Rapids. Tickets to the
ay be procured from city.
ekes for one dollar.
Wish to Fight It Out in Basketball Se-
ries With One Team.
Whether . the medics shall enter
three class teams in the coming
Flonzaley Quartette, which will appear in University Hall for the fourth time,
Monday, January 22.
State Street MIerchant Is Handed a
Spurious Check Yesterday.
Working the same old game in the
same old way, an unknown man, sign-
ing himself Van Dippen, passed a
c check on a prominent State street book
merchant yesterday afternoon in the
n name of some imaginary Lucas. The
t check was for only a small amount, but
the signer, who palmed himself off on
the merchant as a student, is said to
have repeated the process several
times in a checkered narch to the de-
pot. No hint as to his identity has as
yet been discovered, and as most of the
State street men have not received
their checks back from the clearing
e house, the extent of his depradations
can only be conjectured. The occur-
rence was received as news in the po-
lice office, but the sheriff said that such
a proceeding was about due.
r Dean M. E. Cooley, of the engineer-
a ing department, left yesterday evening
p for Washington, D. C., to attend the
regular monthly meeting of the Block
f Signal and Train Control Board, of
n which he is the chairman.
This board was authorized by an act
w of Congress, and is appointed by the
e Interstate Commerce Commission. It
e is comprised of four prominent men.
interested in s'afety appliances for
railroads whose duty it is to investi-
's gate all safety appliances, and printed
reports are issued regularly of the
Y board's investigations.
G. W. Cornell, Who Disappeared About
a Week Ago, Works Way Home.
, Glenn W. Cornell, '15, who disap-
a peared from college on January 8, has
- arrived at his home. A telegram was
n received by Chief Apfel yesterday
- morning merely stating that he had ar-
t0 rived at Jamestown, N. Y. He had
in not arrived Monday as a letter written
11 then by Mrs. Cornell to Cornell's room-
mate was full of anxiety and requested
particulars. It took him from the
time he left just a week to get home,
e- and because of this it is thought that'
e he probably worked his way, as he had
0 little money with him when he left.
f Prof. Jones Will Meet Classes Again.
e Professor E. D. Jones of the econo.-
t- ics department, who has been confined'
is to his home for several days on ac-
y count of illness will meet his classes
Fast Engineers Are Unab'e to'A. R. Dugmore in Stereoptican
Score While Opponents Lecture Proves Popular
Make Seven With S.L.A. Crowd
By again defeating the engineers at Those who went to University Hall
Weinberg's last night, the lits scored last night received a welcome change
their fourth successive victory in the in climate, and were transported-most
hockey tournament. The lits prevent- vividly to the wilds of Africa by A.
ed their opponents from scoring a sin- Radclyffe Dugmore in his stereoptican
gle goal, in the meantime running up lecture on the wild game of that con-
seven to their own credit. The game tinent. The pictures, which were ex-'
was fast from thestart and remarka- # cellent, portrayed the perils of photo-
bly clean throughout, only one penalty graphing the most dangeroue animals.
being imposed, and that for but one Mr. Dugmore's trip was taken in
minute. British East Africa, and in the heart
The meeting of the lits and engineers of the wild animal district. To have
was looked forward to with much in- a big heavy camera in your hands and
terest, as both had about the same per- be cautiously sighting a lion or rhinoc-
centage, and the one sidedness of the eros only twelve or fifteen yards away
score came as a surprise. and advancing in your direction at a
The lineup: Eng.-Herman, goal; rapid speed is not a position that any
Morrison, Wyman, point; Hughitt, cov- ordinary man would care to be in.
er point; Crase, center; Ratz, right But Mr. Dugmore is not an ordinary
wing; Vivian, left wing; Edwards, ro- man, and was risking his life not for
ver. the pleasure of killing a few wild
Lits-Barnum, -goal; Dennison, beasts, but for the interest of science.
point; Kinney, left wing; Hunting, He asserted that at the rate that ani-
right wing; Bien, cover point; Rey- mals are now being killed, in about
nolds, rover; Doyle, center. ' tkWiLy years they will be completely
Referee-King. Goal Umpires-Mig- exterminated.
dalski and Granley. Time of halves_. The heanitie of the cointry were al-
20 and 15 minutes. so shown by the photographer, in par-
G. H. Crase was selected captain of clcuiar, 1ne w.VOuiui u -A - L w
the engineering team yesterday. The capped mountain only half a mile from
science team and lits will play tonight the equator. The natives and their'
at 7:30 at Weinberg's. mode of living were portrayed. Con-
trary to the general belief, Mr. Dug-
DR. WARTHIN ANNOUNCES more said that he never met a more po-
HIS EXTENSION LECTURES i aiiu nospiiatle people.
In concluding, the imminent photog-
Dr. A. S. Warthin has announced rapher said that ex-President Roose-
the complete list of his lectures in the velt did not kill as many animals as
University Extension Course as fol- he was reported to have done, and that
lows: all that he did kill were utilized. He
January-27, Calumet High School; also said that the ex-president's col-
27, Dollar Bay; 28, Calumet Y. M. C. lection was of inestimable value to sci-
A.; 29, Hancock High School; 29, entists and to the country.
Hou-hton High School.
February-4, Lansing Y. M. C. A.; 18. Student Wins Close Race With Death.
Durand Y. M. C. A.; 25, Stanton Con- I E on C. Wilkinson, '14, of Geneseo
gregational Church. Ill., won a race with Death with but a
March-Allegan Y. M. C. A. . ew minutes to spare when he was call-
Dates for Muskegon, Indian River, ed home last Friday by a telegram stat-
Traverse City, Charlevoix, Petoskey, in- that his father was dying. He
Boyne City, St. Clair, Mt. Pleasant, reached home but a few minutes before
Hudson, and a second lecture at the the death of his father.
Detroit Y. M. C. A. have not yet been FORMER STUDENT IS HONORED.
Dr. Warthin will deliver twenty-one C. T. Wang's Work in Chinese Revolu-
lectures in this course, and additional tion Recognized by His Gov-
requests will not.be granted until next ernment.
year. C. T. Wang, who was in the literary
department of the university from 1907
Black's Lecture Postponed. to 1909, has been appointed by the pro-
Owing to a delay in transit, W. J. visional government of China as vice-
Black, editorial writer of the Detroit president of foreign affairs of the prov-
News, was unable to lecture before ince of Hupeh according to reports
Professor Scott's class in journalism just received. He took an active part
yesterday. He will deliver his talk in the revolutionary movement, and his
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. His work merited the approval of the pro-
subject will be "The Newspaper Edito- visional government.
interclass bsakebtall series, or put a
team in the field representing the de-
partment as a whole, is a question
which came up before a recent meet-
ing of the managers, and which will
probably go to the Board of Directors
of the Athl etic Association at a meet-
Ing today.
The medics have asked Interclass
Manager Anderson to allow a denart-
ment team to be entered, which will
compete with the pharmics, homeops
and dents in the preliminary games.
The facts that senior medics find it im-
possible to turn out,'and that there are
only about 180 men eligible in the
other departments are cited as reasons
for the request. It is also urged that
the winning of basketball numerals in
the Medic department has in other
years -been a mere matter of forfeiture
and that under the proposed scheme,
the players would at least have to earn
their letters by getting into the semi-
Opposed to the arguments are the
considerations that the junior medics
can organize a fast team without go-
ing outside the class, while there is al-
so some first class material in the
freshman class. The opposition argues
that a combined medic team represent-
ing the whole department would be too
fast an organization for the other class
teams to meet.
Men Now Eligible Will Probably Not
Play Because of Danger to
Amateur Standing.
According to a statement of Director
Bartelme, it is extremely improbable
that the "Gridiron Basketball five" will
comprise men who are yet eligible for
the Varsity football team. Though the
team composed of wearers of the Mich-
igan football "M" was to play with a
purely amateur rating, it is understood
that it is against rulings for Varsity
players to participate, inasmuch as
their amateur standing might be affect-
ed, and the Board in Control does not
wish to take any chances.
This decision will prevent Paterson,
Torbet, Pontius, Quinn and Thomson
from participating in activities of the
"Gridiron five," and will naturally tend
to weaken that organization, inasmuch
as a number of these men are star bas-
keteers. It is understood, however,
that a team will still get into the field
which will be composed of men who
are ineligible for further football com-
petition. One composed of "Stan"
Well, "Honk" Conklin, "Stan" Bor-
leske, "Bill" Edmunds, "Andy" Smith,
and "Hi" Cole, is talked of.
Frank Picard, who is acting as man-
ager of the team, has received wor
from Toledo stating that a game has
been arranged with Overland Tech fox
February 23, at Toledo. The Universi-
ty of Cincinnati schedule is pretty web
filled, but that institution is trying to
arrange to entertain the ex-Michigan
football players.
to Confer
eras havet
hoard of di
ion. This
that intere
IAll Pro-
is also the ad
year's opera wi
ed in Detroit, a
of the play wil.
broadened. LI
been the mains
shows in the f
to the backgroi
so that an anne
o'clock this
will explain
the type of
be favored b
The Michi;
issued invita
men who ha
operasdin th
ognized mu
the Union Sa
of MI
to attend
get the
will be g
at the lunch: Pro
comb, Samuel Loc
wood, Howland, of
faculty, and Dean .
Scott and Strauss c
ulty. A number o
taken part in forn
worked upon the c
give talks.
"This move is an
ident Blish, "to r;
the opera. We fe
come for an imp:
lieve that this is
the desired result
man who has inte
in writing next y(
an effort tobe y
Again the eager
ed. The committ
Verein that is to
tryouts for "Dr.
dramatic effort o
meet yesterday b
of Prof. Diekhoff
This is the third
announcement of
urday the commit
agreement, becau
played by the try
practically certal
be announced ton
i bi
y, '10
Ale i
er o
Public Lecture by Cobb is Cancelled.
The public lecture of Frank I. Cobb
chief editorial writer of the New York
World, has been cancelled. While
Mr. Cobb, who is coming to Detroit to
attend a meeting of newspaper me~,
has found it impossible to make ar-
rangements for a public lecture, he
may talk before one of the classes in
journalism. While here Mr. Cobb will
be the guest of Professor Scott.
While in the university Wang took'
an -active part in the Y. M. C. A. work,
and was one of the organizers of the
National Chinese Student's Christian
association, and served as its general
secretary. Previous to his entering
the university he had been connected
with Y. M. C. A. work in Japan.
In memory of his cotese days, an
alumnus has presented a $10.000 set of
chimes to the University of Washing--
The Michigan Rifle club shot its first
match in the Western league against
Arizona Saturday night at McMillan
hall. The score was telegraphed to
Washington and the results will be
published in the army journal. Capt.
Wilson of the Michigan National
Guard acted, as judge. The, club will
shoot its next match against the Uni-
versity of California this evening and
the outcome will be watched with
much interest. The Michigan team
will use the range in McMillan hall;
the shooting to commence at 6 p. m.,
while the western team will begin at a
corresponding time on their own
All members and prospective mem-
bers are urged to be present, as all wil'
be given a trial, and arrangementE
made for purchasing arms from the
ready for di
and are on
Hall's office
fifteen hundr
five in the ei