J white $shoe 'T ities r I MUSIC- AND DIAMA I Symprhony O@rchestra Cocet . They=University Symphony Ouches. tra under .the direction of Samuel P.' Lockwood, will give its second a acert p1f the school year,tomorrow night in, the High School Hall. But two nim- bers will make ipp te program, Beeth- orven's wonderfully melodic sixth sm- phony, commonly known as the "Pas-; 11rale " and Schumnkn's -concerto in A aIninr.'Albert Lockwod wille A ,ti ~oloist., In. the symphony, te bea- 1tifulf "Anudante" _movement will be omitted..., The program follows: "Symphony No. f,*F major, Op.-68 ("Pastorale"}):. ... ..Beethoven Allegro ma non troppo ("Erwacen heiterer Empfindingeu be der Ank- =unft auf dem Li~e) Allegro '("Lutstiges Zusanmensein der Land- feut&"-Allegro ("Gewitter, Sturm") -Alegretto ("Hirt nes ang. .Fohe und dankbare Ge fuhle ach em Sturm"). . Concerto, A minor, Op. 54... Shu nn Allegro affettuoso; Intersezz% 3- dantino g'azloso)-Alegro vilvae. ..Aert Lockwood and Orchestra... Majestic Theater. t The ,usual change of program will r tape -place at the' Majestic theater to- "morrow night and five acts-will be pre- sented in addition to another specia1 feature in the photoplay :line.° The moving pictures will give the familiar story Of 'The Battle of Bunker Hll" with all its realistic features. A one 'get farce entited 'Hogan'in Society" will be the funmakng vehicle for the show while Ted Bailey's statuary dogs will -give a novel act in which beauti- fl white setters pose tn reproduton of famous statuary groups in whch dogs 'appear. Nick Conway, a well known Irish comedian, and the first man yon:the' vaudeville -stage to 'sing "Casey aJones," will baid for favor, while a musical diary will be a unique ov- elty. Musie ' will be extracted' from M~ilk canls, pils, churns, ad even the hind legs of mechanical ows. Thurs- ° cay rnight the famous elephant "Mn- nie"' w1ll be here and as an extra fea- ture .the Mihign Glee Club Qartet. consisting of Messrs. Jacobs, Porter Westerman and Trble will make Its ;debut on the profesisonal stage at the Majestic theater. v.- fUNIVERSITY NOTICESf Meeting Sociology Olub, Sociology Seminary room, Monday 7 pp.,. Meeting Gargoyle Business. Staff, Monday at 5 p. M. Rifle club practice Monday from 6:30 to 8:00 p. m. Any person desiring to jin the club may do,so at that time., bringing in business and profesisonal All class basketball managers are requested to attend.meeting in trophy room of Waterman gymnasium at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. Important Omega Phi Nears 'Prof. Tley. "German University Life" was the subject of a talk' given before Omega Phi yesterday afternoon by Professor M. P. Tilley. Professor Tilley spent about three years abroad and attend- ed Gottingen and Leipzic. Charlotte Pritchard sang and tea was served. JU*AN DJAILY LAWN PUCK CHASERS LOSE TO ENGINEERS iPlacing Rubber in Net Last Few v Min- rtes o Play, Bridgt~mliders Wlon :3-2. LARG~E CROWD WITN77ESSED G~AME In a game that was fast and inter- esting from the first blowing of the referee's whistle until the last, the Laws went down to defeat before the speedy bunch from the Engineering department yesterday afternon at Weinberg's rink. As is evidenced by the final score of 3 to 2, it was any one's game until ;.he end, the victorious engineers mak- ing their final and deciding &bal but a few minutes before time was~ called. The fitness of the' day 'for, skatingy drew a large crowd to the t4 k, most of whom were interested spectators around the Hockey pit. The lineup:' Eng.-Herman, goal; MLorrison 'point; E. Hughitt, cover point; Ed- wards, rover; Crase, right wing; Viv- ian, left wing. Laws-Jones, goal; H: Hughitt point; Healy, cover point; Wharton rover; Bell, center; Scott, right wing; 3rand, left wing. Referee-Reynolds; goal umpires- Carpenter and Davis. Timekeep ers Sweeney and Brown. Time of halves- 30 minutes. The revised schedu~le follows: -Lit. and Eng., Jan. 10 and 16; Lits and Laws, Jan. 12 and 15; Lits and Com- bined team, 17 and 19; Eng. and Laws 13 and 20; Laws and Coin. team, 18 and 22. The games in which the engineering and combined teams take part will necessarily be played at night at Wein- berg's. The others will be played in the afternoon at Ferry Field. Thus it will be possible to have two games on the same day, thereby defeating the weather man in his plans if he should decide to send' warm weather. HYAMS & McINTIRE in "eThe Girl of My lDreanf MLLE. TRENTINI e'Na1ughty Marietta', I COMING ATT aRAC CHRISTIE McD4 In "'The, Spring (ew W I 'WATCH THIS SPACE FOR JU CALL AGHA N & CC I I HENRY NULL! ~T HE HA V lazy LAW COMING FEB. i eJunior sd get it er with delivery. ELL Detroit, Mich. TESgTAN TS cON- 1340 Say. State St. Oppos ELBERlT iIUR31ARD TO SEND Rumors to the effect that Miriam, hIe daughter of E~lbert Hlubbar~d, in- 6 ~ends to enter the University of Mich- igan, have been confirmed by a letter received by T. J. Kech In answering the receipt- o a Michi- gan calendar sent by Mr. Keech to the Hubbard famnily,- Mrs.. Hubbard has&/ written that '_t is the intentioni~ of the Roycroft Sage to send his daughter to £hie university nlext fal1, and that the ' alendar xwas especially appropriate R u b b e under the circumstances. It is con-qaly sidered a compliment that Mr. Hub-dult bard should have chosen Michigan for low, "tcu the higher eduication, of his dau ghter fp ricesa as he is acquainted with universities rubber b and colleges all over the country. - .4 MACK'S iFA ROOM friend inners, l u rches or refre-h- its. Itst room1in Iconnect ion p,-n from 8 :1. m. to 5 p. m.; on urda s 'till 9 p.,rn anii ets and cu h dinners at -r houirs by pec~ial arrange- O~rchestra 8,1 'llrdenjs-noon. and eve) ihiqs SECOND)'FLOOR 'ACK & CO. MAIN ST. -I I *j oqva uo tuoog itacn'Z aa,1fo s aj~jaja4oa ."Q ugor sl v (Continued from Page i.) f Overture to "Tannhaeuser" .. Wagner FIFTH CONCERT i Saturday, May 18, 7:30 P. M. "Samson and Delilah" .... Saint-Saens Mr. Ellison Van Hoose, Tenor. Mr. Herbert Witherspoon, Bass. Choral Union. Contralto and Baritone Soloists not yet engaged. There is somne doubt as to the en- gagement of Mine. Gerville Reache as Delilah, but Chas. A. Sink, secretary of the School of Music, thinks that' there is a good chance of her coming here. tut to make. sure of having at least one great singer here, negotiations have been opened with a famous Ger- man 'contralto to take Mmne. Reache's place. should she find it impossible to come. IThe announcement differs in but one respect from its forerunners, in that over four pages are devoted to a de- scription of the Stearns' Collection of Musical Instruments in the University Museum. Fill Vacancey In Union Office. Carlisle Ferguson, '12 L, was yester- day elected law vice-president of the Michigan Union by the board of di- rectors. Ferguson will fill the vacan- cy caused ,by Robert Tipping,. '12 L who was recently called home by the death of his father. PRES. BENTTON SPEAKS A~T WESLEYUN GUJILD T) TNIG~HT. President Guy Potter B1enton, of the 1Unive'rsity of V ermont, will speak be- fore the Wesleyan Guild at 7:30 o'clock this evening at the M. E. Church. H~ is one of the strong educators of the country and was recently called to Vermont from Miami University. AI Princeton is having considerable diffiulty in -securing heavyweight wrestlers, THAT VACATION JOB. A bunch of good men hiave already .enrolled with Mr. Smithson. Get in on; it 'sen, it's worth while. 503 EI. Wil- liam. 77 v iii was ' 1 f lie Shoes 6Q0. Nowhere else will yrou le gi1ve you-the prof f the me and eat! REPUTAT[ON for CORRE~CT TER, SERVICE than it is pos-, a ' ', ,\ . . Junior Uits Scorn~ Zero Weather The junior lis took Father Time by the forelock yesterday afternoon and donniing July attiredanced and made merry in real summer style. White flannel. trousers, n~egligee shirts and tennis blouses~ gave the a.ffair thie at- mnosphere of a summer resort gather- ing. About a hundred and fifty mem-, bers of the class attende.~ Chas. Ford, '12 E, Contr'acts Fever, Charles NV. Ford, formerly a mem- ber of the '12 E, who left college last year to take up a position, as engineer in Brazil, is -severely ill with yellow fever and, was forced to give' up his work and enter a hospital. Ford ha, a 'brother in 'the univ'ersity, Ma~~rhal' Ford, who is a' member of the 1913 lit- erary class. Club House Will Soon be Completed Following the regular business, somc of the retring officers addressed th( Imeeting and explained in some detai the exact condition of the association While the prospects for the track tears are n~ot over promnising still the sprin: bids' fair to see some interesting con tests. Also it is hoped that basebal will be-run to better advantage and -a the present time, the outlook~ point. toward this. The new *clubhouse at Ferry flW is nearly completed and at piresent I: is nearly paid for. As soon as thi building is finished, the- debt will b( cancelled',qnd there , will then be goodly sum in the treasury. Under the contracts with the architects, thc- last payments on the structure cannot be made' until sixty'd'ays' after its coin-I pletion and it is because of this claus~e that the association has not settles. the matter before th~is time. 4* CLASS Sl $6.00 custom models with those cost- Well rubber sole an rc duck foot a only $2.98. exactly the same kind that is sold regularly Other men 's and boys" fers and .Aretics at pri tionately low. Sa.ve a dollar-two on 'y at The Wear-U-Well n"" "1 .a Over sevent~y senior medics 41 .heir first class smoker 'whit field at the Michigan Union las ng. H. A. Tash acted as toasts )r. Ruben Peterson spoke on. ;erne question in which he isI arly interested. Doctors Va -anfield and Hewlett a.nd oth~er )ers of the medical faculty res ,o toasts. Besides the regular )ers. of the class, heads of the h1 ,ilinic. and assistants were pres Awakened Rameses Souvenir and Sheet Music for sale at Sct le & Son's, 110 S. Main St. Hockey players will find a sl . ssortment of sticks at Wahr' versity Bookstore. 7 BESSIMER'S GRILL Charcoa ed Porterhouse Steaks, 113 W. St., upstairs, 'opposite Interurba tion. 69 URPI ED945" 119 South Main Streect q IR Repairing -i -I .M~w.r~'. 73,.Tphoto graphs go to G.C. MAEDEL