SIC AND DRAMA 4 "Doctor De Luxel Today. I E le. 1The secret of."Doctor De Luxe" suc- cess which has scored the biggest kind of a it everywhere, lies in the excel- lent comedy that the authors, have put ~oucanin their story and in the superb cast headed by Ralph Herz. Mir. Hlerz, leader of the funimaking , appears on the stage within a moment after the opening chorus and immediately puts 1 the audience in a hilarious mood, B lock From then to the finale of the last act there is no let up in the smart pace set for the comedy, song and dance. while during every moment of the di- M~IE CAYE. OF THE FORTY THIEVES AS SHE IS _1OW1' Many gentlemen with bills and many, many ladies of- all sexes and de- 3rlptiouis frequent the office of the P'urchasing Department in- University 'iall. But the agent has incidentals to aittend to, and in order to stave off jlhe daily swarm of busy bees an elec- ,i tch has been placed on the gate D' the fence which bairs the great un- w-ashed from the official sanctum, whoile the hand latch has been boxed :n. The "sesame" button lies one the ;tenographerk's desk just inside the di-r riding line. Ahustling expressman heaved into: j .he office yesterday morning, bearing his weary burden, a 500 pound box of' analytical geometries, and started to jmake ingress through said wicket. The gate stuck and- the trusty hand faltered. Glistening beads of sweat poured dwn, and boiling words hiss- -ed forth--the names of all places no, on earth. ' Time went on, but his ef- forts were fruitless. He made a last despairing try, just as' the returning stenographer rustled to her desk anO pressed the button. "Open sesame!" "My God!" he wheezed, turning -to ;.he smiling damsel. "But h? don't see how i done that," P110OFESSOII C AS4 GETS GRANT FROJM31 CARNEGI E INSTITIITE. New Whitiey, - - '- ' -' oseph M- Gaiees he~ Ides ""1 alogue the laughter is incessant, and! the musical and. specialty featuresj have not been neglected. The production abounds in surprises in chorus groupings and effects, The chorus is made up of pretty girls. This phenomenal success will be at the Whitney Theater this afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15. I UNIVERSITY NOTICES C All-men wishing information about the pictures of the Musical Clubs' trip call W"ebb at 33. All candidates for soph engineers basketball teami report at 3 p. m. at city Y. M. C. A. today. Election of captain. Meeting of Cercle Francais January 15 at 8:30 p. m. Lit hockey players will practice this afternoon at Ferry field at 2 o'clock. All rifle club men. report at McMil- Ian hall tonight from 7:30 o'clock, Team may be picked then. EXPERT TO LECTURE ON ROADS, Government Employee Will Talk Be- fore Engineers Next Week. A series of four lectures on good roads construction will be delivered next wek by Chas. H. Hoyt, road ex~ pert, from the office of Public Roads. De at e t o g i ut r , U ieStates Government. Three of these wil' deal with methods of road construe- tion, and will be delivered in roonr 348, New Engineering building, at 4 p. m., on next Monday, Tuesday, ark Wednesday. A general lecture on th- benefits of improved highways will bi- given by Mr. Hoyt in the west physic=~ lecture room on Tuesday evening uin-- der the auspices of the Engineering so ciety. The general public is. invite( to attend this lecture. "Any student who is likely to be con- nected in any way with road buildia - should not miss these lectures." said. Professor E. D. Rich. "This ap-plies particularly to all engineers, foresters landscape gardners and all stifent. from foreign countries." WOMEN'S LEAGUVE HOLDS ICE CARNIVAL AT SHATING URINK x In thie; "Des Matin-ee at 2:15 Night. Pertormai Prices: 35, 5,0, 75c, Cherry Bark C An ziieut agr, rah e R;x mneit- of Couglai.,If arsc'ne s a -Cherry B3ark-Cimgh Sviup'is pre - that both childien an.a i1 lts %, rem~edyof pleasant taste: We.,g 'efficiency of all Rexai] RIenwldie I EI.; bSILL, .,l Professor E. C. Case of the geology department has been granted '$2,000 r, year for the next two years by the -Carnegie Institute of -Washington, for the purpose of continuing his research- es upon the vertebrates- of the Per- nian period. This~ is the third grant .hat the Carnegie Institute has mad(- or Prof essor' Case's studies, the re= cults of the investigations which the first two grants made possible,, hv- ing' been published by the Thstiftubrl . 1n_ 190? and in 1912. 'the first "buxl1l ration is known as'-publication 5:5 lhe results of 'the second i'estigtior ~re contained' in publicatiofis _5~ anc 146 of the Institute. - I'd S--4 - - - ---4 x.t ' fles lLy' 'm is 10 wIhere illt tlie week. 'she NC UtS Cc N? [CI IONS, CIGAR BACqO, CrOARLTIS, PIP[S' Agents for B-B-B Pipes will try and pleaise you all and give you the tvery best satisfacitiou. LARGE LINE OF CLASS PIPES . E. JOLLY S. Stale Street, AnnArbo", Mich. 3. C~. A. IlIl Present Dramia Tonl1'' A missionary drama entitled, "ThE- r'ransformatlon of Deacon Jones" wil- e given by the missionary committe(e )f the Stude~nts' Christian Associat{idi ,onight' in Newberry Hall at 7:30. Thf Irama was written by the menmbers of .he committee, Everybody is invite( .o attend. - SOPIIODE ADVOCATES DOING AWAY WVITH CLASS P'OLITICS- In order to prevent any splitting, p~ )f the class into cliques and to im _nate a repetition of the disconten;, wihich prevailed in the '11 class, the- :tbolishmnent of all electioneering Kor glass offices was advocatgd by Frani- Vic Hale,: '14, at the second soph lit ~lass dinner held last evening at t1bi IUnion. Professor John R. Brumm, Cyri' Quinn, GUY Woolfolk, . Leonard Clinr I id George Carron also spoke anC -nmusic -was furnished by Bruce Drom ey, Lyle :Clift and Edward Moseman. cii flw b; -;.? t ,' 1,~~ --- I W it .4., Ci ns, burdions, ingrowing- s. tre itptd and cured- rything ahsolu ek an- -12 a. m. 1-S and 7-8 p n J. FOLEY eet. End North 1 2th School - Phone 988-J In spite of the cold-or because of it -there will be an ice carnival at Weinberg's rink Saturday evening2 January 20. The affair Is= under tho auspices of the Wlomen.'s League, Lily. Tubbs being chairman of the commit- tee in charge. The-carnival is open to all men, women and children,. A band' will play to add to the enjoyment ofJ "the glide." An admission fee of fif- teen cents will be charged. 1) a , ,, 71 Reductio1n Sale of hattan Shirts 11fUST PAY LABORATORY FEES. Credits Will be'IHeld up unless Stu- dents Spttle. By resolution of the Board ofRe Re eats, hereafter, no credit -for labo- ' atory courses will be given by the" registrar until the laboratory account: for the courses have been paid. If the laboratory account of a stu- lent has not been settled by the tim(, lhe examination rprsare' trans p aitted to the registrar, the examilna- ~ion report of that student will be .harked "W" (withheld) anid- credit will not be given except on presenta- ion of a receipt from the treasurer hat the4 account h~as been pa.idAr additional' charge of one dollar Soil' )e made for late payment. -The tables will be checked up and accounts of students taking beginnin- 'ourses in general chemistry will be" -eady for settlement by January 31. The accounts in qualitative analysis will be drawn up by February 2.Al' other accounts will be ready for settle- nent by February 5. -$1.20 - $1,35 - $1.50 A ll $ 2 .5 0 S h i fts n qwi y a ti "$3.00 i" i '" $1.88l - $2.25 -85C IM- ~ Z'~' MC4 0 )n An ven d''tU- t days because444' itmensth~tl 4x 4 -an'ti W ith mepcansg te of Fatima you - get a penna nd coupon, 25 0}f wich £if' o r a~curc a handsome f,I college p en' + t nandI (!,&x32) 'eckcf~on Oq 100 0C. at$ .NE WTEAR 50C Ties 35c, or three for $r,00 L", CONLIN&c IIEGEL ~lulnus Attendds Coronatiom Gus Martyn Johnson, ''05, 'was' one )f the thousands that attended the re- ,ent Coronation Durbar in India.- MS T P4 to graph1sg-0to . 0. MARDE.