-vJ mievIigau. morning except Mon~- )ut the school year. Post Office at Ann Ar-. , under Act of Con- h 3, 1879. r K. Towers. SS M[ANAGER Editors. .....Harry Z. FoIk classes and organizaes s letmnie con- vinced that they are: in earniest, they will respond. No hardship is involved as it is hum~an nature to wait until the. "last minute" and the advancing and fixing of the "last minute" adds no new difficulties.:- Only necessity will cure procrasti- nation. If the Michiganensian edi-J; tors succeed in;Jdong 'th~eir share in4 developing habits- of punctual- ity 'instead of mak~ing postp.9l~en~ent easy they will have earned the grat-~ itude of all affected.k Best Desk Cal Diaries, Books of -Files, Ty] ,.l [ iN. TALK~ . *"";.,,_: tie. imnplore 'the menIlrs q the N. 0..C. P. to tape' into their wud.t the m~an who calls 'half way racp~S. the. campus to enquire; ,is it c- -d e--gb lleglate News:f Eldaredge V. Moore G. McGee tt Taylor ii o,~ t ~ r I- Et I, l .:us " I. Ryan; [I ~odHplrpersuiaded our Cornell bre en t,.de" toldRipper ist from spellng it Ann1 Harbor. ; SLine. Ads ar Beckman ° a- splendid assortm n of. sticks at. Daugherty VW'hr.s,".:~-2~ ed B; Foulk "photographs of the ., zile+.f.z~ Carpenter don.". ne 'd vli If RMsrrisJi1bbey's imai.;cot u;:t rd . ieer rrvein present proportios p e- :: V. Sweeney that we -Will be forcedio d4i~anA