..-. .._.e..... ..r. ,._ .. .. . _ I- MUSIC AND DRAMA i GAN DAILY IUNI'VERS 171Y NOTICES VIIN ew WVhitn~ey TI I i bite shoe 'NY, Inities Faculty Concert. Every other faculty concert this year has had as an "extra attraction" either some out-of-town artist or the pre- sentation of some novelty.! Last night the pro gram was given entirely by lo- cal artists. Each number was warm- ly applauded, atnd all three of the ar tists were compelled to respond with numerous encores. Miss Emily Sadler was heard in a group of short solos and again in Saint Saens' "Introduction and Rondo Cap- riccioso." Mliss Berry played her ac- companimnents acceptably. Schu- maun's "Kinderscenen" was Mr. Albert Lockwood's contribution to the pro- gram and it struck a responsive chord in the hearts of all present. The most interesting number of the evening was Leoni's vocal setting of E. A. Poe's well known poem "The Bells." It re- ceived an impressive interpretation by W illiam Howland. Miss Nell Stock- well rendered the piano part effective- KY. The next musical event is Mr. How- land's Vocal Historical Recital which takes place on the afternoon of Wed- nesday, January 17. Majestic Theater. Manager Lane of the Majestic thea- ter wishes to announce to the public that the Majestic will continue to give the same high class shows irrespective of the fact that the theater in Jackson is closed temporarily. The new show for the last half of this week opened last night to ,the usual big crowds and one of the best bills of the season was presented. As a special feature in ad- ditiort to the vaudeville program they sensational moving pictures telling the history of the song "The Star Spangled Banner" were shown and these photo- plays attracted much attention. Sat- urday afternoon every University man who attends the matinee will be pre- sented with a beautiful Michigan Art Jalendar free with the compliments of .he Majestic mnanagement. Next Thurs- Jay the long expected Gruber Ele-1 -hant will come and needless to say_ .hat this act will attract a great deal :)f attentimi. I MAJES TI CI Independents who are going to hop .neet at Union tonight at 7:00. All1 Cornhuskeirs meet at Rentschler's at noon today for Michiganenslan pic- ture. All tryouts for University Rifle team' some to McMillan Hall range tonight at 1:30-9:30, or tomorrow, 2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:30. Senior Engineer Basketball practice, today, 4:15, at city Y. M. C. A. Meetintg '13 Eng. class dinner com- mittee this afternoon at 5 inEngineer- ing Society room. Lit hockey practice, 3:30, Ferry field.. All candidates must report. No Seats 'eft in Smoking Room at the Chubb House, but there are a few' in the main dining room, $4.00 per week. 75-76 Graduate Club Meets Saturday. The Graduate Club will hold~ a meet-. Ing in Barbour gymnasium at -7:30 Sat- ur'day evening, January' 13. Prof. H. R. Cross will deliver an illustrated lec- ture on "Architectural Evolution," and a social program. will close the even-, ing. Joseph M. Gaites1 ::aiph :+ In the successful musical play DR. DE LUXI Saturday, Jan. 13 Matinee at 2:15 Night Performance at 8:15 .. Prices: 35, 50, 75c, $1.00, and $I.' OlT, MICH. te Junior nd get it ver with delivery. i-to-date, Dtatroft. Mich. IIA CK'S A ROO(,M .. .. ....... . 7" L 4. jproper plare It, lake yoiir ladly friend ,inner's, Dinches or refriesh-' ts. het otomin connection open from 8 a. in. to 5 p. in.;on I'rdal s til,i). m Mmquets rind c ub) dimmers at ,r hours by -pecial artrang-e- TONIGHT! TO THlE I (n~ct even ings SECOND) FLOOR MIACK & CO. MAIN ST. TIhat Monkey, Simiam Jokey OTH ER BIG ACTS Souvenir Matinee Saturday Free Michigan Art Calendars To All. UNIVERSITY MEN Men ot Whoe Wanta Light-Weight Sox That Will '%%'ar Without Darning for Six Months michlI Holeproof'Hose are for you college men who have no mother, or A'ster near to do %our darning. Ti er-e are the venuine Holepro fi Hose, the sott( st, Dn(st cimrortable, be-t, fittirng, most stylish hose ever woun. Trhey comne in weights to suit. Six pairs :ire guar-° oanteed not to %~ ear' out f~r six months. Please do not judge the genuine "Eloleproof" by the i~g uarA nteed tkse." [foleproof" are made in all the late, tc are Tperfet t in fijish arid weave. Thry art close-fitting. Colors guarant They possess every advantage knovwn to vo.tc I aaal.i~s.oq-iVuo A 19IadIJLIHL i I ~mmFOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN F, . ..,, ... FlInc Shoes' frrm $4.00 to $6.00. Nomithere else will you money, that we dive you-the proif 0 the ;, you know--come arnd eatls orge stock, our REPUTATION for CORR ECT give you BEl TER SERVICE than it is pos- and $6.00 custom models with those cost- viii do you good. n l r ° , i . From, Egyyt We 'use yarn made from cotton grown in Egypt; also cotton grown in the Sea Islands. i lhese ar e ihe' finest yarns in the world. They cost us an average of 70c pt r sb.; the top market price for CO t n yaIns. We could -ave almost half if we bought eomnn i orn. But the hose would than sink to the conmnion grade. It would not suit; the collegiate. -Holeprool" is the finest hosiery made. 40 Years of. Knowing How 40 years in the h siery bu sinesb have taught us how to produce a stuperior product. We have mane thousands of tests and experi- menits. We have le 'mned how to make six pairs of bore that~ wear with ut holes for six months, w it out sacrificing comfort or style. Please Try the Genuine] There are scores of poor imnitation -hose. made wi' h cheap yarn by a m.teir makers-so one in cart-ful to fret the origial. It bear the name proof" on the 10e. Al,.o the trade mark showeni ad. and the signutut e- Six pair of mnen's "Holepr, of." guarantee Mo1Uh,, comet $1.50 up to $3 (o, coi'dit~g to titi~l tietght. 'Piece ate twelve colors, tcn weight five grAes. Holepiroof Silk Sox, three pairs guaranteed month; $2.40. We tmua e "I-Toleproof" for women and c it tco; six pair- guarantteed six months. Silky stoc for womn i - t *3.uUi for ht e epairs, guaranteed mtonths. Tell icur moilher ai d sister,, about the Scold in M3ast High Grade Stores The -vziuiue ''ole) rnoof" is sold in Ann' Arlor by our own hat'rdasher lpribaby .0et six hiars t, day anal ir} the n. Do itnow. You will never go buck to the other kind r RFIELD'S" 119 South Main Street flOLEPROO F HOSIERY COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, i i ~1 Repairing I r i BEST Photographs go. to 0. C. MAEDE III