£11I.4 A aa .vsus1,gA1 I 1rlIL..I Oficieal .Nevspaper at the Laiiersify of michigall. Published every morning except Mon-. day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. BUSINESS MANAER Albert It. I)iHley shoul Iyes. to choose News Editor'.E.. +....Harry Z. P012 1 Assistant.....,... _...Frank Pennell Athletic Editor..,.....Karl Matthews Assistant...........G. C. Eldredge Music and Drama ... .Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. McGe(- Pliles ............... Emmett Taylor Ed iforb, 1. Arthur B. Moehlmnan Frank E. Shat; E+dw ard G:'Kemp Maurice Myers Nighgft Editors. Maurice Toulnme Mack Ryan I 40101 Robinson Robert Gil lett Wallace Weber C. Harold Rippler Ueporters. I" --t- - m_..._-r _- r. _ srs _. " .:.: _:: 1 John Townley Oscar Beckman Frank Murphy William Daugherty J. Selig Yellen Fred B. Foulh Hal 0. Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter Morton R. Hunter James D'Evelit Morris Milligan Leonard M. Rieser " Lester F. Rosenbaum J. V. Swoene3y lUSINESS STAF~F. Aissstarit to Mgr. .. Joseph Foijeharci Advertising Mgr .. .Elmer P. Grierson 'Mrculrtri N hlr..1:. Ray Johnsen, A. R. Johnson, Jr. ..Ernerson Smith Fdgar L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Holland- W. J. Wetterau. J. 1. Lippincoti Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State an(] North Uni- ve rsi ty. .3 OFFICE HOURS: Managing Editor 1-2 p. tn., 10:30-11:30 p. in.; Bus- iness Managzer. 1-5 p. mn.. kw the ;present Instance,intercassJ hockey, the rule seems to have affected but a very few men and not to have subttaatally weakened the lit team. But as a precedent the action is ,dan- gerous. In its broader effects on the spirit of the 'classes and the relations between departments such a ruling might prove most unfortunate. D ATMOSPHERE IN GYM IS EXPLAINER Bye DIRECTOR. The arctic temperature that has been sor no !table in the shower rooms of the gYiiasiumn during the last few days, is not due to carelessness of the attenda.nts, according to Dr. Ma, d- rector, of the gymnasiumn. "4When the wind is so cold, as~ it has been for the ;;past week or so, it is al- raost. impossible to heat the building? properly,"he said. "It is due primar- ily to the Incapacity of the heating plant 'Ono on severely, cold days the steam is eaten up like driftwood,, but now that the worst of the spell is over no more'difficulties are expected." MEN IN CHARGE WILL RUSH PREPARATIONS FOR JUBILEE Plans for the paroposed Diamond u- bilee. celebration were given a boost y sterday afts noon when ,a committee of university'offiers'and faulty mem- hers tt in the President's office to discuss the projet., The result of the wonference was not made public but it .s known that a start was made toward evolving a defnite plan for the nni-L vrsar* celebration. .; :Acc ording to one university officer, the celebration proposed will be so large as to require the cntant effrts of the men in charge to complete ar- rangements in time. No definite step, aside from that which may have been .alen a tithe meeting yesteray, has as yet been made toward preparing for the event. The dlay I's due to the fact that it was undecided for a :time wheth- ~r the celebration shuld be postpon- A. till t e completion of te Hill audi- toriumnc. , SECRETrARY SITH '.t" ININQ BUSINE S ASSO I0lN SEET., Mr 4hrley W. Sit, Secretary of~ ,ie° Uversity, wvent to Chicago ye- terdaytmrunn for the purpose of at- tending the animal meeting of the Bus-' ness ,Association, a society composed of the business officers of mddle-west- ern colleges and universities. "The as- sociatkn is conducted for the purpose of discusing the business administra- tion of .the schools represented, thus securing mopre efficient management in college affairs. Mr. Smith has acted as secretary of the association for the past, year. Treasurer R. A. Campbell will go to Chicago later to attend ,the meeting of ' the' assocation. Sopmrone LWSAdopt Constitution. °phe soh its formally adopted the new 'onsitution w*hich was drawn up by the Student Council for the use of all the classes in the university, at a meeting held' Wednesday -afternoon. A seargent-at-arms and an oratorical delegate will be :elected by the 'class. later In-the year. Treasurer Joseph Welch appointed Guy Woolfolk, HI r- old Schradzki2h, Walter' Cox, Maude Mills and Sophia Koch as'deputy col- lectors ofclss dues. I316 ;scuth Sa le SFtrce t Eic Pus--..c ,,ac Qx.l For Toxie E: Office Best #4 WA 4;, Phone 961'-L P~i ;r.'Irum Porff'8*dtI SuitsClear IFULL prlee: By earrier. $2.50: vtmai. S.100. nr Arbor Tress Building, ynard Street. Fe; it over pair of LK-I SJ If they start well, and that3 and when they sible for their young design with a °d with Senior or Fresh? The decision of the athletic board which rules that the literary seniors pursuing the combined lit-law shall be considered as law freshmen in inter- class sports; appears to be absurd, whatever may have been the purity of the motives which prompted such ac- tion. In sympathies, interests, and ui- versity residence these men are sen- ior lits and any effort to legislate them into a status denying their membership in the senior lit class must be without proper basis in theory. A fourth year man, is a senior and should be rec- o~nized as such. While the lit-laws are happy to recognize their position as members of the fresh law class in most things, when affairs of the classes come into conflict, they m~ust inevitably choose the class with which they have been for four years and with which(j they expect to graduate. At the veryj. 561L English IIARRY JoodwaI (OR. LIBERTY AND MIVAIIN SRET A most convenient place for yourD banking. D - - - E TUTTLIE & CoL j WE SERVE HOT LUNCHES I I Fine line of JLowney'sa and Hagley's Chocolates Lc til ll ~efore fl Nihh to has been f f there i; plenty .r a itti,'g ax is fiuie't of Det- Ep,,glish Cloth Hats Rough Felt Hats tons Studio I VATSONI Detroit, Mich. lof Dancinlg and Thursday evollinfgs, :10:0 vale kEstions given b'y ~pitnn ouzrs 10-T2 A. M.. 2-4P. N 5 and 7 Pavsenger Cars Prices Reazonab@ HOMIE PHONE 452-BlackL West Huron Street : W AGNER &Co. STATE STREEiT: I Just Re-ceived A LARGE ASSORIMENT OF LINE CANDIES In halves and pounds. Phone us Your Wants._ VauDoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard St.! Money for the Students Why paiy 50 or, 60 cents per hour when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR 25 Us. per hour at The Old Place 312 South State Everything-New Hair Dressing Manicurir Mrs. Electrical Face and Scalp FA Treatments Bair Goo F ull Line -11 Toilet Preparations Ri and Clair fods Ri MLLE. TAYLOR 1110 Sou, 119 E. Liberty 1469.3 HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESS E H-ALL BROTHERS 41 Suits Dry Lieaned and Pressed 75c overcoats LA DIES GARMENTS' OUR PB#..IALTY. TRY US -*,.,, ,. are requested to come to the ensian as we wish to show yyou_ bust results for the purpose. ll ANDfiLL & P-1