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January 11, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-01-11

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owhom I see
room I aIN
dress it tender
lit to progres
about Here.
am ab out to b
t hat an insul

:n. When
hold her
But last
irther and
e said, "T
ssed by a
an invita-


send in I i -l
Our pc
I there a

iswer 'to
we can-'


.is a Profession.

homnore girl, nineteen andI
l that ill this, my seconc
e for ine to decide on myj
WVhat I want to know is
ui thin~k it wouald be moref


are a blonde we would advise
ecialize in manicuring. A
with a university degree
a certain success.
rid they are varied, diversifies
ing. Altogether "Doctor Dc
the best, the prettiest, an(
Est production to be seen it

feature in. add
ay of vaudevil

Iot parr
ese an.
es to tL

-Fair Jos-
Mce of te
s voice ad-
thrg horoughly

weeks ago. "The Star Spangled Ban- 0
rier" will be seen at every performanc C l
starting tonight as a special attraction ____
in adidition to the regular vaudeville
Another act that will attract muctb IC
attention is that of Neverveld's Edu-
cated Mlonkey in ta series of laughable
and wonderful riding stunts.I

tcsi~tes Mrs. E. S. Sharrill '\was at the piano
'Citty end played thne accom panirnents with
- ti charm and refinemnent that bespoke
zfine respect for the art of the singer
CI&ARS "Doetor 1k Luxe.,,
iPIPE' The author of "Doctor De Luxe"
lpes ,wrhich plays ate the New jWhitney The-
Ater~ Saturday, January I13, matinee
id ive you' and night, can be credited with hav-ing
succeeded admirably in showing in
,hat original and amusin~g piece the
DES delightful possibilities offered by op-
portunity and the necessary conditions
IXJ And Mr. Hanerbach does it too, in such
~ L..~Imerry fashion that the audience glides
o", Mich. through the current of the story With
______a joyous abandon which is akin to the
pleasure of a fascinating waltz. Th(,
rnnt urdfmusic by Karl Hoschna is tuneful, me-
iuielb yin- lodious, vivacious and snappy. Nor
tri 7-8p does he dole out his musical number.
fwith a niggr ad - th npel
h 12th nadhnor tilupel
n®9,1 ing harmony. There are a great inane
otion Sa le of
Shirt s

Smokes a~e once more at a normalI
price. The backbone of the F~atima.
trust is broken! Yesterday a placard
appeared in a State street store stating
hat all fifteen cent cigarettes would
again be sold two for a quarter and
hat the five cent rise in the price of
vatiinas would be abolished. Failure
xi the part of down town merchants to
'peep the agreemeit of boosting the
;.rice is said to be the cause of the re-
lapse to former conditions.
Although but one-half of the allotted
.ime for tryouts for "Dr. 'Wespe," the
?eutscher Verein play,. has passed, a
arge number of embryo actors have
'Arcady signified their intention of
omapeting. for parts. The tryout this
-ear is being carried on in a different
wvay than formerly. The candidate se-
lectis any part he wvishes, and learns a
-)agtle or two- of the dialogue. When he
iresents this to the committee, com-
osed of Professors Boucke, Hilduer.
ind Diekhoff, and Louis Haller, "11-
14 IL, he ismarked as in a debate, on
,tage presence, voice, enunciation, and
)ronunciation. In this way it is hoped
o make the choices as fair and imper-
3onal as possible.
An epidemic of la grippe spread over
th.e campus afflicting both instructors
and students,
wThe Daily said: "The class in Histo-
ry of Philosophy is grumbling over
the amount of work they are compelled
to do this semester."
University extension centers were be-
ing established at Grand Rapids, Sagi-
nawi, Kalaiazoo, and Toledo,


trar To

Michigan ranks fouth mong
universities of the cou~ntry in the
ter of numbers, with an- enrollme
5,452 on November 1, according to
istration figures of twenty-even
ing American universities ree
compiled by Registrar Rudolph T<
of Columbia University~and appef
in Science for January 5. Colu,
with 7,938 students, California
5,724 and Cornell with, 5,609 srni
.Michigan. Harvard is fifth with a'.
rollment of 5,426, Chicago sixth
5,390, Pennsylvania seventh with
and Wisconsin, eighth with 5,015.
Seven universities show a deci
in total enrollment from kovemb
1910. Nebraska shows thie larges
with 928 owing to diferent lass
tion of students and4Minnesota,
suff ered in a like manner to thee
of~ 424. The other schools to loQ
Chicago, Missouri, Northiwestern,
as and Yale. The largest gains
found in California with 966, o
to an increase of 913 in the sun
session, Columbia 527, Cornell 44(
Ohio State 386.
Omitting summer sessioni stuc
Michigan ranks third with 4,783
Columbia with 5,669 and Cornell
4,889 are the only schools. ahea
her.. Harvard follows with 4,724,:
sylvania 4,718, Illinois, 4,570,. Mh
ota 4,307, California 4,051, Wic
3,95-0 and New York University
The largest gains excludinag su
session students are Cornell 307,
State 282, Illinois, 241~, Columia
and Michigan 132. Only four un
sities show an increase in fall att
ante of over two hundred while in

All $2.50J Sirts now
s $1.00 " 4

- $2.25
- 85C


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three for





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