', DAILY M N DAILY th dent shes ;the Alumnus, the Law ,n Technic, and a dent publications. im They're Better. showing the differ- niversity of Wash- 11 men have just iich the Wolverine to come off second Ho0w: 20.5 years; MV., 18.9 .16 in.; M.,_ .96 lbs.; M.,E -W., 261.15 ~sW,16.77 -W., 2 per '7 per cent; than t 4T ,sical Director Hall, uces, "These figures Washington man is ,sically and is freer the eastern man. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Jan. 4-11.-Tryouts for Deutscher Ver-' ein play 4 to 5 p. in., room 203 U. H. Jan. 11.-Faculty Concert, High School hall. , Jan. 12-Soph Lit dinner at the Union, 5:30 p. in. Jan. 13.-Senior Medic Smok~er at'Un- ion at 8 o'clock. Jan. 13.-Athletic Association election, U. Hall, 9 to 12 a. m. Jan. 13.-Soph Lit dance at Packard Dancing Academy, 2:30 p. i.; Jan. 13.-J. Lit dance, Barbour- Gym, 2:00. Jan. 14."The Debts You Forget,"New- Newberry Hail, 3:00 p. m. 0 Jan. 15-Junior Engineer dinner at the Union. Jan. 15.-Orcbestra Concert,; High School hall. Jan. 16.-A. Radclyffe 'Dugmore on S. L. course, U. hall, 8 p. m. Jan. 17.-Vocal Historical Recital. High School hail. Jan. 17.-Cercle Francais soiree,.Sar- ah Caswell Angell hall, 8 p. m. Jan. 18.-Union membership dinner at the Union. Jan. 19.-Junior Lit dinner at the Un- ion. Jan. 19.-Northwestern-Michigan 'de- bate. Jan. 19.-Morning, Woodrow Wilson at Whitney Theater. Jan. 20.-Comedy Club in "The Mag- istrate," Whitney Theater. Jan. '20.--Architectural Society dance, Packard Dancing Academy, 9:00 p. m. Jan. 21.--"The Debts You'll Pay," New- Newberry Hall, 3:00 p. m. Jan. 22.-Flonzaley Quartet, University Hall, 8 p. m. Jan. 23.--"Le Roman Feullleton," M. Louis Delamarre, Sarah Caswell An- gell Hall, 8 p. m. Jan. 22.-Fresh Engineer dinner at the Union. Jan. 23.-Commerce Club Smoker at the Michigan Union. Jan. 23.-Soph Engineer 'dinner at the Union. Jan. 24-Piano -Recital by Cecellia Ray Berry, School of Music. Jan. 25.-Shakespearean recital "The Merchant of Venice," 8:00 p. w., War- ah Caswell Angell Hall, Jan. 28.-"The Responsibility of the State" Newberry Hall, 3:00 p.,im. Jan._ 29.-=Semester examinations 'be- gin in a11. the departments. x :k' k * ... * i * * CLASSIFIED ADS. rAdvertisingiag atter~ for this classified column must alwiays be parid for it aid vanmce, and may be left ait the D)AILY office op-. po site the Majestic between the hours of 'i2 noon aind 10! p. in", or ait Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, fat any timte up to 9:30 iP. WO These Ads bring 'results. *' { *' *x *' *. *; DICTIONAR~Y THE MERR~IAM TWEBSTER{ jThe Only Ncow unxwbridged dictionary in many years. An Encyclcpcdcia,. ontains f1 pith and essence (.f Ln outhor'twtive lhrary. Covers every ficid cf knowledge. r The Only dictionary with the New Di- vided Pam c. A "-trcL-o of Genius." 400,000 Wcrd~s fcfincd. '700 Pa^ es. 6000 Illustrations. Cost $400,.00.1 For ph and in grap hi Yfield & Co.'s' Any~ x led Reasc Co~ (where. ge no tatice. mnpany IENII * * * * * * Hockey players will find a splendid assortment of sticks at Walir's Ui- v'ersity Bookstore. 71 to 80 Awakened Rameses. Souvenir Scores and Sheet Music for sale at Schaeber- le '& Son's, 110 S. Main St. 63 tf Patronize the new print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phone, 43 2-3 18 eod tf Have you seen Mr. Smithson regard- ing that summer job? Don't delay men for the proposition is well worth look- ing into, if you need money. Call today at 503 E. William. 74 EXTRA PLACES ARE RESERVED AT UNION FOR SOril DINNER In anticipation of even a larger, crowd than' that which attended the last class' dinner, more spaces have been reserved at the Union tonight for the soph lit diners. Walter Cox will act as toastmaster and, will call upon Professor B~rummi L. L. Cline, Cyril Quinn, and Miller Pontius for short talks. Bruce Brom- ley and Lyle Clift will furnish the mu- sical part of the program, Season tickets will admit, and a single admis- sion will be fifty cents. TELLS TALE OF ABANDONMENT OF ALL BUT SALOON CONTENTS. The novel experience of prowling atbout alone through an abandoned mining town, wherein was found an open pool room with pool and billiar(I tables, balls and cues still in their places; open dance hall and saloons (whose' contents had not been aban- doned), was told, among other inter- esting tales, to the foresters last even- ing by James B. Saxton, '09, of Idaho forest assistant. Mr. Saxton also spoke an general administrative work of the forest service, with special reference to the Targhee National Forest. 'O RELIEF FROM WADING THROUGH SNOW IN SIGHT1 It seems probable that students may be forced to encounter. the snow drifts 'or several more weeks. The chair- inan of the, city council ordinance comy nittee is absent from the city, and the committee has taken no definite steps o0 prepare' the new ordinance, regu- ating the removal of snow from .tha sidewalks, for submission to council ntext Moniday evening. The new ordinance is' an improve- °nent over the one now in force, and embodies all the es Xsentiaul features o. the present one. Much criticism and protest has been aroused over the clause in, the new ordinance which re- quires resident. holders to remove the drifting snow and accumulated snow within two hours after the cessation of the falling snow, and some of the city officials have expressed doubts of the rdinance's passage.' 11 Ouar Great Clot'hn I I Let us tell3 about tla'3 m ~rcmnr'__wblo gcvolun Wr\ its for sat s a~, fs I uls Men's Suits Big O.ur Winter Clothing "Stoxk D6' 0 I, Lot I S.zifs an~d Lot 2 Lot 3 .4i -,r- All Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at Reduced P'rices All odd Pants at 2 4 1 F.4 Shirts and Underwear at a Re,'ucth( Wadhams& - ~ 121-1 23 S. M JTZ . UNI V ERSITY NOTICES S$o. M~ain LET RU B.EY Lit law hockey game at Ferry fieM: today at 3:30. All Michigan musical. club 'trip iner turn in films developed or undeveloped immediately at- Michiganensian offico in order that better rates may be ob- tained. Lit Hockey team practice at 3:0 o'clock today at Ferry field. J lit football team meet today at 12:30 at Rentschler's with jerseys. tice tonight at Weinberg's, 7:00 p. m. Fresh lit basketball at city, Y. M. C A. tomorrow 2:30 'p. in. The senior laws will meet this after- noon in room 'G, at 4 o'clock. All freshmen who are back in their gym work should see Dr. May at once and make arrangements to make it up before "exams.." II _:l e va....,. r e,4 i. rM" A TI MMOMMMEMMOMI= Furnish the Ice Cr'eam for Your Party I Cater To Clubs and Frats J H-OP HOUSE PARTIES Have Your Printing [lone at 5c CHIAS. F. 1lEYERS 215 SOUTH MAIlN STREET PROGRA MS, INVITA- IONS, IIENUS, ETC. V U I VI .SPECIAL ENC 1 Buy where you can get anything You call for ' d a~ 'Ds ' u ,o 107 South Mai Street The Largest Stock in the State to Seleef From WE ARE NEVTER UNDERSOLD MADD'EN & FIi IN THE LITTLE PLAY "4THE TURN OF T NOTE-AR. MADDEN IS REE FAMOUS WFITER0 Crafer"The Politfcal Satnk "The rfe"with, E KARL LA NG Will Dancing Comedian I I i TelephoDne Your Order Now Both Phones No. I I ra-come here for j SGAR BOWI9I EXTRA FEATURE Educ i SW~AN the medium wei h}t dressy coat, T for motoring, we've .Fabrics, Varsi ty erty Street Tail or MAKE THEIR OWN CANDY -COMIE IN AN1!D S E, TME'M Pure Hn.t Cheooltate auid Coffee for tue Cold Weather I Exclusive 11 TA Photoplay S A -Companion Student Souvenir Matinee! Beautiful Art Michigan Calends ADDED ATTRACTION SPANGLED Bi Pictures "The Battle Hvm n r . :, .. , . a I V 4 Rolle SeMcn At Allen's G