iversity blished every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. tered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- >or, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. XAA1Vnj.\GEUI'TOR. Walter K. Tove rs. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert I. Ililley Editors. ws Editor ........ Harry Z. Fol? sistant ............Frank Pennell hletic Editor........Karl Matthews sistant .......... .G. C. Eldredg* asic and Drama .... Earl V. Moorf tercollegiate News Harold 0. McGe( les ..............Emmett Taylor Editorials. -thur B. Moehlman Frank E. Shaw ward G. Kemp Maurice Myers Night Editors. urice Toulme Mack Ryan ren Robinson Robert Gilleti Elace Weber C. Harold Hippler Reporters. ohn Townley Oscar Beckman ank Murphy William Daugherty Selig Yellen Fred B. Foulk Li C. Tallmadge H. Beach Carpenter Orton R. Hunter James D'Evelin >rris Milligan . Leonard M. Rieser ster F. Rosenbaum J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF. sistant to Mgr. ..Joseph Fouchard [vertising Mgr ...Elmer P. Grierson; rculation Mgr.....E. Ray Johnson R. Johnson, Jr. . ..Emerson Smith gar L. Jaffa ...... W. T. Holland ; J. Wetterau.' J. I. Lippincott es had sung in the springtime, we heard or saw little. Only a few seemed to know them. We believe that the seniors miss something by leaving them out of their program. We believe that in these songs is contained much sentiment and tradition that should not be lost to future classes. . There is no time for reform like the present and few classes so well equip- ped to institute a much needed reform as the present seniors. Of course this is only January and balmy May is a ong way off but we know that few of the prospective graduates know the Michigan songs. There is plenty of time between now and the "sings" in which to get out the little worn "blue book" and learn those songs. Let us have some real college sings this year even though contemporary ragtime .uffers neglect. An Editorial Resignation. It is with genuine regret that we announce the retirement of Walle W. Merritt from our editorial staff. The press of many duties and wide connec- tion with various activities makes it necessary for Mr. Merritt to relinquish a position in which he has done work of great value to The Daily, and we be- lieve, of value to the university. A man of broad training and unusual ability, he has been on the campus a longer time than any other man active in student activities. His mature judg- ment and wide experience lent great weight to his opinions. We wish to ex- press our appreciation of the services he was able to render. Cold and Carriers. Inclement weather has caused much trouble in the distribution of the Daily for the past week. The extreme cold makes it practically impossible for the carriers to fold the papers without freezing their fingers and high. winds have swept the papers off the porches. The management desires that the listribution be as perfect as possible. We endeavor to employ the most capa- ble carriers obtainable, but if they fail to distribute the papers properly we desire to know about it so that errors may be corrected and new men secur- ed if the present fail to do the work efficiently. We request, however, that some pains be exercised on windy mornings to determine whether the paper has not been blown aside from its usual resting place. Best D I. Books of Files, Tyl c 316 South State Stre et W 'o.-trait qof For Yo I 0' Is l!dXCl Phone 961-L Pittium PortrO 1. We Do Frenci PKESSINC Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75o FULLER & O'CC . uilding; Quarry's Pharm- State and North Uni- versity. HlOURS: Managing Editor. ., 10:30-11:30 p. m.; Bus- s Manager, 1-5 p. m.. Roth Phones 940. om price: By carrier, $2.50; By mail. $3.00. Ann Arbor Press Building Maynard Street. it over half t pair of shoes need money. i I. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1912. Night Editor-C. Harold Rippler. University Songs. When we were freshmen they told us to sing Michigan songs. We faith- fully invested in the regulation blue book of college airs and speht lots of our spare time trying to learn some of the better known airs. This we did because it was the proper thing to do and because others had done so before us. We thought it best to get an early start for those senior sings we had heard so much about from the men who returned home with degrees pack- ed in their trunks. For three success- ive years we attended the senior sings and applauded faithfully. Yet all of them were disappointments. We heard the latest ragtime hits, some parodies on the same, and a few of the opera airs, surmounted by the "Yellow and Blue." These comprised the reper- toire of three classes. Of the good old Michigan songs, which are full of the college swing and sentiment, and which preceding generations of class-1 a; Co\n pathI "Chan" Boucher, onetime mogul around our campus, now looms forth at Harvard where he is soloist for the Crimson mandolin club. Yet We Can't do Without Folz. Dear Ed:-We can't think much of your paper if you allow a man on th 4 staff who is cruel enough to have in- nocent Persian lambs killed just to decorate the neck of his coat. S.-P.-C. A. Had your head examined yet? Our notion of no kind of a job to have is carrying the Daily these morn- ings and then having to face those who lost their paper because the wind whisked it over the side fence. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY. President James B. Angell attended a meeting of college presidents at Mad- ison, Wis., at which a committee for the supervising of middle-western ath- letics was recommended. jIA Scotch, I and Sul English ho ~t COR L1BER' A most con T UTT LF E WE SERVE HOT LU Fine Line of Lowney's and Hagteys best n the English Cloth Hats Iu:1 -Hf Rough Felt Hats Studio WAGNER. &CO. STATE STREET Detroit, Mich. of Dancing 'hursday ev .nings, 7:)( to$ 00 lesons given -by a poiniauent -a 10-12 A. M., 2-4P. M . . ..... Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GILBERT'S' FINE CANDIES In halves and pouwds. Phone y your wants. VanDoren's Pharmacy 703 Packard St. Money for the Students Why pay 50 or 60 cents per hour when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR 25 cs. per hour at) The Old Place 312 South State Everything New. Hair Dressing Manicurirg Mrs. J. Electrical Face and Scalp FASHION Treatments Hair Goods, Ha Full Line af Toilet Preparations Rat F water and Hair Goods Pi ae MLLE. TAYLOR 1110 South Ufl 11 I'E. Liberty 1459"J HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED B HALL BROTH ERS .410 Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c Overcoats Dry C LADIE k IARMENT&OUR SPEIIALTY. TRY US i 5 and 7 Passenger Cars Prices Reasonable MB PHOEb 452-Blace est Huron Street I .q--. , our studio, are requested to come to the RANDALL & PACK, Photog Miohiganensian as we wish to show YOU t pet the best results for the purpose.