ich19. ati
Basketball Team Composed of Wear-
ers of Football 113" to Play
Between Semesters.
A basketball team composed of wear-
ers of the Michigan football "M" has
been organized for theq purpose of play-
ing out of town games diuring the off-
ydays between semesters. The team
will be known as the "Gridiron five,"
and though it will be apparently a
1 barnstorming aggregation, the men
should be able to give a good account
of themselves on the basketball court.
Frank Picard is the manager of'the
team, and he will select his players
from the following men: Wells, Pater-.
on, Conklin, Thomson, Carpell, Torbet,
Garrels, Edmunds, Pontius, and Quinn.
Permission to use Watermaan gymnasi-
um for practice has been obtained and
the men will begin practice at once.
Relative to games, .Manager Picard
has written to the All-Saginaw team,
the Toledo Y. M. C. A., and the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati. Care has been tak-
en to state that the team is not a Uni-
versity of Michigan organization, and
that it plays with purely amateur rat-
Dean Orton of the Ohio State Uni-'
versity engineering. school, and Dean
Mortimer Cooley, entertained the 0%-
senior engineers who attended the en-
gineering dinner at the Michigan Un-
ion clubhouse last night. This was a
record breaking number for attendance
at the class dinners held at the Union
so far this year.
Dean Orton gave a general talk and
complimented the engineers on the
spiri of the school as shown at the
dinner, and especially in the attend-
ance at the dinner. Dean Cooley's tall
was also on general subjects. Franz
Fischer serv edas toastmaster and Ray
Campbell and John Henning were
called upon for toasts.
Dean Orton gave a lecture later in
the evening before the engineering so-
ciety, on ceramics. He pointed out the
value of having a man in charge of a
clay products plant, who not only had
a theoretical knowledge of the subject
but a practical one as well, such as an ,
expert ceramist would have.
Engineering News is Opposed
to New Course and to
IVan Cegrees
Januarv 20 is Chosen After
Wh tnov Theater Bioking *
is Changed *
"A Six Year Course in Conservatios
Engineering at the University of Mich-
igan" is the title of an editorial in the
Engineering News of New York, in its
issue of December 28. A copy of the
Michigan Technic describing the course
was the basis of the editorial, especial-
ly a paragraph relating to the degrees
that would be conferred upon the com-
pletion of a certain amount of work.
Part of the editorial follows:
"Any engineer must wish that the
engineering schools could see their
way clear to abolish entirely the ab-
surd degrees which they have copied
from the old-time college custom. It
is not worth while to criticise the time
honored custom of granting the degree
of 'Master of Arts' to a student who ha-
completed a four year course and done
certain post-graduate work, because
everybody knows that the recipient of
such a degree is far from being actual-
ly a Master of Arts, and is very often
master of nothing save a few scholas-
tic acquirements.-
Degrees Become Absurd.
"But when the engineering schools
adopt this fetish of the old time col-
lege and apply It to their students, the
Zgrees become so absurd that no grad-
uate with common sense cares to use'
them. Who is there who could claim'
to.be really a 'Master of Science in En-
gineering? Certainly no graduate who
has merely completed five years of
work in a school and has had no expe-
.rience as yet in practical work of the
profession, could pretend to such dis-
tinction. And yet the giving of such a
degree is reasonable compared with
giving the title of 'Master of Conser-
vation Engineering' to a man who has
merely completed six years of Study
in an engineering school. Every en-
gineer, to the degree in which he is
competent in his special field of work
is a conservation engineer.
Approves Crane's Attitude.
"Mr. R. T. Crane, of Chicago, has
criticised the technical schools on the
ground that they hold out false hopes
to the students who take their courses
His criticism is absolutely justified I
such a case as this before us. The
students wlo take this six year course
in conservation engineering may in-
deed secure some valuable ground
work in engineering studies; but if
they go out at graduation and write
'Master of Conservation Engineering'
or hieroglyphics that stand for .it after
their names, they will make themselv-
es ridiculous in the eyes of intelligent
men. If the university encourages
them to take the six year course in the
expctation that they will find lucra-
tive positions as 'conservation engi-
neers' on graduation, it is deceiving
them and doing them a serious injury
Specialization a Mistake. '
"We may repeat here what has often
been said in these columns aid what,
we believe is the opinion of the ablest
men in the engineering profession and
among engineering educators that
specialization in engineering educatior
is, in almost all cases, a mistake. The
time to specialize is after a man has
completed his engineering studies. In
nine cases out of ten, circumstances
determine what branch of engineering
a young man takes up after gradua-
tion; and he often follows some branch
entirely 'different from that, in which
he specialized while at college."
Forester to Talk on "Administration."
James B. Saxton, '09, at present for-
est assistant on the Targhee National
Forest in Idaho, will talk on "Admin-
istration" before the Forestry Club at
its meeting in room 407, new engineer-
ing building, this evening, The busi-
ness meeting of the club will be called
at 7 o'clock.
Following the receipt of a telegram
from New Yori , Saturday evening,
January 20, was selected as the date
of the first performance of the Comedy
club in "The Magistrate." Klaw and
Erlanger, the theatrical magnates who
control the Whitney theater bookings,
changed Madame Trentini's company.
which was to appear in "Naughty Ma-
rietta" on that e ening, to a later date,
in order that the campus Thespians
might have Saturday night.
It was decided to change the date
of the club's opening, which had been
scheduled for Monday, January 22,
when it was discovered that the Choral
Union concert also camie on that even-
ing. Negotiations with New York were
immediately opened and resulted in the
booking of the new date late yesterday
Bert St. John, who is directing some
of the rehearsals of this year's pro-
duction was in Ann Arbor yesterday
afternoon and spent his time in whip-
ping the cast into shape. The entire
play was gone oyer and the director'
made many minor chan'ges, which put
a new light on the entire production
and made it assume a real profession-
al air. Mr. St. John was most pleased
with this improvement and pronounced
the play in excellent shape, consider-
ing .the time that has been spent in
rehearsing it.
The startling activities of
pid among our subscribers,
and old, together with the p
eonce of leap year,, has mad
seem advisable for us to se
the services of Dora Lean Jib
a famous expert in matter
the heart Miss Jibbey's exp
ence and information are at
service of our readers. She
conduct a regular departm
answering all inquiries fully
promptly. - If you are in do
about a matter of affection
have a problem of conduct
know a friend who -has, add
"Miss Jibbey, care The Michi
* *
Cu- 'k
new *
res- *
e it '
cure *
bey, *
s of *
peri- *
the' *
will *
Rent *
and *
oubt *
, or *
, or *
ress *
igan *
* * *
Purpose of tils Act
Early Publicat
the bi
year I
all cla
ties cl
-- , tions
Large Amount of Delayed Business is was no
Attended to at Second Meeting. . allowec
Lost time was made up by the 1913 from y
junior hop committees at the second ing per
meeting held yesterday afternoon at tion 4
the Chi Psi house. The chairmen of the membe
various committees submitted reports, upon t
and two contracts were accepted. The by mer
program was awarded the E. A. Wright previou
Company of Philadelphia, and the gen- as forn
eral decorating for Waterman gymna- howeve
sium was placed in the hands of the for the
National Flag Decoration Company, of matter
Detroit. Both of these firms have han- It w
dIed the hop's business for a number busines
of years past.- tor be
Word has been received from Fisch- picture
er's World's Fair Orchestra relative to Februa
the special' features which have been ied to
especially prepared for the 1913 hop. present
A number of excellent new songs have seniors
been composed for the occasion, but no for the
definite action was taken yesterday by sented
the committee. Finzel's Band of De- those si
troit will also be communicated with uary 31
so that the music contracts/can be clos- one dol
ed up in the near future. The
The question of alloting the booths part of
was also taken up. A new arrange- ly pub
ment is to be made of the floor space. Heretof
and it is, possible that a few more along,
booths may be squeezed in. A number picture
of fraternities, which' have never re- part, a:
"eived permanent space, have entered publica
applications for booths. So far Delta in the y
Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Acacia, and Phi standpc
Kappa Sigma have applied for space. able in
Final action will be taken by the com- whole.
mittees at the next meeting. The inde- Elect
pendents were permanently given the cancy
trophy room in addition to the booth. deferre
A meeting of the combined commit-
tees will be held at the Chi Psi house. INTER
Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
ie Su- \ Contrary to the schedule as announc-,
dress- ed in Tuesday's issue of the Daily, the
in the first game of the Hockey series will b-e
on, on played between the lits and the engi-
Man- neers tonight, inste'ad of between the
engineers and homeops as per the old
schedule. The change was made nec-
r defi- essary on account of the withdrawal of
lows: the homeops as a team, the homeop
Kala- players going in to make up the com-
:ies to bined team.
The contest will take place at Wein-
Com- berg's rink at 7:30 p. m., lights having
"" been strung and a pen made the fore'
Janu- part of the week. No admission, ex-
on on cept the customary fee, will be charged
ng on at the gate for the games.
e." A discussion has arisen in the last
2 and few days relative to the position of a
f For- Hockey player who is both a senior ilt
?ush- and a fresh law. The case was decided
authoritatively by the committee last
nd 21 night and-will govern all similar cases'
i "Pa- which may arise, viz: that a senior
lit-fresh law is a law and must play
; Ray, with .the law team.
The lit hockey team is to be given
Battle special attention by Dr. May this after-
.. ... noon. The members of the lit team.
Club. are to meet at the Ferry field pen at
t De- two o'clock to take advantage of the
before instruction which Dr. May will give
Dr. May has promised to assist in:
13 at coaching the. hockey players aid
ration doubtless other departments will take
>hy is advantage of his offer.
Mill:onaiire "Foe ' of the Colleges"
Succumbs Suddenly.
CHICAGO, ILL., Jan. 9.-Richard T.
.Crane, "foe of the colleges," died late
last evening at his home in this city
The end came after a three days' attack
of lagrippe, which proved too much
for Mr. Crane's advanced years.
R. T. Crane had been a bitter enemy
of higher education for many years,
preceding his death. A self-made man
a manufacturer with philanthropic in-
clinations, he adopted a campaign
against institutions of higher learnin,'
as a hobby. Mr. Crane believed tech-
nical education in the American uni-
:ersities to be especially at fault and
at varying inter als he wrote pamph-
lets expressing his views, which were
sent broadcast over the country.
Michigan and Illinois were the two
universities most forcibly arraigned by
Mr. Crane in his statements. Only re-
cently he dispatched a batch of leaf-
lets to engineering students in the uni-
versity of Michigan, and but a few
hours before his death he completed a
final broadcast directed at the Univer-
sity of Illinois. This last article was
being set in type when the end came
to its author.
It is not known what put Mr. Crane
against the cause of higher education
One report affirms that his two sons
graduates of Yale, did not turn out as
brilliantly as their father desired. An-
other theory has it that Mr. Crane once
sent a consignment of valves to the
University of Illinois shops for the
purpose of being tested by the stu-
dents. The valves made such an im-
pression on the Illini engineers that
they purloined them straightway, to
the disgust of Mr. Crane.
Matihemutics Instructor Called Home.
Mr. Frank H. Stevens, mathematics
instructor in the engineering depart-
ment, was called home today by ,the
death of his father at Rushville, Ind..
yesterday. Through negligence on the
part of the telegraph authorities, the
telegram was delayed an entire day in
being delivered. It is not known wheth-
er he will return this week or not.
His classes will be divided among the
other mathematics teachers.
Homer L. Heath, '07, will be married
to Miss Katherine May Rider, '09, at
the home of the bride in Saginaw this
evening at 7:30 ,.o'clock. Miss Ruth
Judd of Saginaw will be the brides-
maid and Matthew Blish, president of
the Michigan Union, will act as
groomsman. Dr. William H. Rider,
father of the bride, will perforn the
ceremony. *
The bouple will reside in this city
at 1016 East University avenue upon
their return to Ann Arbor, which is ex-
pected on Saturday-morning or dur-
ing the first part of next week. They
will be at home after March 1.
Heath has been manager of the
Michigan Union since his graduation in
1907. While in the university he was
prominent in college 'activities, having
been on the Varstiy track team for
four years and a member of Michigam-
ua society. Miss Rider, who gradu-
ated from the university in 1909 was
prominent in her class, and a member
of the Pi Beta Phi sorority.
Numerous entertainments are being
planned by friends of the couple upor
their return to Ann Arbor.
Friday and Sa
25th, are the day
Michigan intersc
held this year.
has begun on ar
dreds of high sc
others have bee
and invited to,
The time of th
late this year, b
that account.. It is ex
meet this year will be
gest ever held here, a
number of schools will
Dr. Van Hoosen is P1
Dr. Bertha Van Hoc
whose lecture on "The
Medical Profession fo'
supposed to be given:'
and was postponea to
indefinitely postponed t
her inability to get he
because of the press
hat is
On the occasion of the appearance
of the Schubert quartette in University
hall, the Daily protested editorially
against vociferous and insincere ap-
plause on the part of students.
she will
the spring
which the
senting, it
hopes will