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January 09, 1912 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-01-09

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I The first


Vocal ReOital.
musical attraction to take
vacation will be given at
of Music Wednesday even-
week by Miss Mora Crane
alto, of the vocal faculty.
ve a recital complimentary
ral public. The program

cital follows:
eni che poi sereno ...... Gluck
ergiss meini nicht ......... Bach
ruehlingsnacht ......... Schumann
ui bist die Ruh .........~.. Schubert
seine Lieb ist grun ........., BrahmsI
ycle "Schorr Grettein" .. Von Fielitzf
Am Garten schrict ein Bursch
bkh step' aim Zaune I
Am Dorfplatz klingen!
Das frohe Pest ist aus
Der Mondschein glitzertj


t ist schmary
y and Today ...... Spross
;al .............. Harris
nn fatale (Don Carlos) ...
vin Sherrill at the piano.


"Doctor De Luxe."
"Doctor De Luxe" is one musical
comedy that has "made good," and will
be seen at the' New Whitney theater,
Saturday, January 13, matinee and
night. It will be a sort of call for all
people' who appreciate a sensible hu-
morous book and good lyrics when set
to music of the popular, whistleable
sort, and presented by a capable cast
of principals. The now famous "sltel-1
,ton" number is quite the brightest,
oddest and busiest number the stage
has ever seen, and when one remem-
-, hat thorn ro v~jusct row come won-
derful pieces being produced, the ex-
,1catl. lt~lsA tCJf11g lneopen-
ing scene, a "Pet Emporium," showing
mnany beautiful dogs and cats is not
)nly a distinct novelty, but so daring
znd picturesque as to attract the at-.
ention of prominent producers, who
save declared it to be the best example
,f the "truly unusuial."
Another Young Alumnus Weds.
News reached Ann Arbor y esterday
3f the marriage of Dewey A. Hinckley,
'11, and Miss Frances Brownell, which
occurred in Kalamazoo last Saturday.
The young people will reside in Kala-.
mazoo, where Mr. Hinckley is engaged
in the insurance business.
Forester Returns from West to Marry-,
Frank J. Mosher, '10, of Beloit, Wis.
and Miss Mable R. James, 'Ypsilanti
Normal, of Hloughton, Mich., were mar-
ried Janu~ary 4 at Houghton. Mosher
was a forester and met Miss James
while attending college. They will live
at Fortel, Ariz.
Prof. Rich Visits Port Hluron.
Prof. E. D. Rich spent Friday and
Saturday of last week in Port Huron,
where he was investigating the sani-
tary' conditions of the shops of the
Grand Trunk R. H., in connection with
the state board of health.

The law arguments before the Judge
of the practice court in the law depart-
ment will begin today. Heretofore the
law cases that the seniors have been
busy; with have been a mater of
pleading, but, now the, arguments in
court without a jury will begin. The
regular jury",trials will not begin :until
next semester.
Cupid Snares Fred ,Lawton
The list of recent graduates who'
have joined the ranks o benedicts, or
prospective benedicts, grows apace, J.
ired Lawton, '1; being th laest ac-
qutisition. The engagement of Miss
Marjorie C. Newton, o Detroit and Mr.
Lawton was announced recently. 1YiF.*
Lawton was a member of Sigma- Delta
Cii, '.rigon, Micigamua, "Spinx, Dru-
ids, Gritins Toastmasters, the staffs o1
-the Michigan Daily and the Gargoyle,
cue most of the oher college actvities.
Law Seniors Plan Dancing .Party.
Preparations are bieing 'made by the
senior laws to hold two dances this
year. The custom has been establishe
oy the senior law classes' in former
years to hold the first dance on Wash.
ington's birthday and the second on
April Fool's day. This same plan wil
oe. adhered to this year," The social
committee, which has the events i~
charge, i's composed of M. S. June,
chairman; L. D. Lynch, and Langdon
H. Larwill.
Senior Law Dinner Postponed.
On account of the fact that Robert
Tipping, chairmai tof the social con-
miittee appointed to make arrange-
.nents for the occasion, was absent, the
senior law dinner which was schedulc
, or last night, was pstponed until lat-
er 'in the year. Te dinner was to
ave taken placey at. the Uanion but
th rough the 'absence of the chairman
of the committee, some of the necessa-
ry arrangements could not be made in
time and a postponement resulted.
Police Designate Coasting Streets.
Chief Apfel has been notified by the
street committee that coasting will be
ilited to Feeh, Observatory "and
Third streets. Owing to the number a}'
accidents which have followed 'th,
coasting seasons of previots years the
police'lnterd to regulate coasting this
Engineers -Dpart to Conduct Tefs.
IFour Michigan engineers, Otto Eck-
ert, G. Bauer, F. J, Pierce, and W. 0
rossman have gone to AuSable
where they will conduct. hydraulc
tests for a company on the Au Sabe,
In Walter Camap's list of t20 greatest
football men,' Fielding H. Yost is men-
doned as one of the game's greatest
coaching missionaries. 'Woodruff, of
Pennsylvania, Williams of Minnesota,
Stagg, of Chicago and Shevlin, of Yale,
are the others mentionied.
According to ,a recent report, Wis-
consin's University Extension Division
has reached 76,000 people in the last
eleven months.
"Shoes repaired while you wait. An-
dres, 2W So. State St. 34 sod if


Saturday, J
Matinee and 1

Toseph ?MI.Gaitest



New Whitri


fn the successful

Cherry Bark C
An tifficient agrn eab e Rt x
nment of Cough-4, H(,arsene!-s
Cherry BArk C. ugh Svtup is pt
that both cbildien and adult,;
remedy of pleasant tas'te. Wea
efficiency of all Rexall Renwdii
The Rexa11 I
122 S. Main St.
Designers of Men's Clothes, will






1 and gi ve 3you


s, uninsingowi~z Prof. Bunker is Reeting Classes.
.treat*'d and crd Prof. R. cEe.. Bunker, who was busy
.thing ab.yoiuielv an- trying a case before the U. S. District
J.4L2 a.mn. 1-5 and 7-8 p m Court in Detroit last week, is again
at. FEYrh1th meighis classes in the law depart-
choo. -Phone *89-1 ment,
duction Sale of
in Shirts

Pi sbieCol
Have you seend
"E LO QZA'"001
The latest collar
for now ?
Sits well;
Fits s well
5, 2 for 2,5-T




All $2.50 Shirts now

" $3.00
64 $1.00

'4 t

_ $1.88
- $2.25
- 85c




E IO 2


5c, or three for $1.00



ruISale in Ann Arbor by
Wager& Co#
ProllizeDaily Advertiser

'hoto graphs go to

G. C. MA4

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