__r- -- I-. UNIVEIkSI ITYCAIA.'NDA R -W i edence to the asser- atlemn in petticoats udent body is steeped rality, and who bases )n the statements of a teamsters' picnic de- city square. RS AGO TODAY. began . ind+o©r i dele- n off the. Wenley made hi fist ap- re a local audience. aternity quara ver the of the J Hod assumed' )ns as to claim coluhins e Daily. s Addd to Library. books on different tech- were added to the engi- yth~is mont, Jan. 4-11.-Tryouts for Deutscher Ver- ein play 4 to 5 p. mi., room 203 U. H' Jan. 9.-Senior Eingineer dinner at the Union. Jan. 9.-"Ceramics" Dean Orton of 0. S. U. West Physics Lecture Room at 8 o'clock. Jan. 10.-Vocal recital by Nora C. Hunt, School of Music. Jan. 10.-Senior Dental Society Meet- ing, Dental College. Jan. 11.-Senior Dent dinner at the Un- ion. Jan. 11.-Faculty Concert, High School hall. Jan. 12.-Soph LUt -dinner at the Union, 5:30 p. Mn. Jan. 13.-Senior Meicli dinner at the Union. Jan. 13.--Athletic Association eection, U. Hall, 9) to 12 a. m. Jan. 13.-Soph Lit dance at Packard Danciag Academy. Jan. 1.-"The Debts You F'orget,"New- Newberry Hall, 3:00 p. n. TWENT1Y YEARS~ AG>O TODAY. Baseball schedule announced, includ- ing tentative arrangements for games with~ Cornell, Pennsylvania, Lafayette, Princeton, Yale, Harvar, M. A. C~. Northwestern, John~s Hopkis, Brown, Hamiton, and Connecticut Wesleya. Glee club itinerary, for annual tour, was made public. St. Louis, Omaha,1 Chicago, and St. Paul were among the~ stops Lto1be made. Cos 'O , ow uoqi veRsf rY *v),n .E Ii r o Wanted- O01(1 r?wq ib Ikory .Yu. suitable for Aulwile~d~spokes* P), furthe'r illormlill "t-a .1 AtI hr %', 11 C. Morro),. Agr,, riw~4-1. J),.' Michigan . a ls ,.. Foe Rent-One large front suite. 83: E., University Av~enue. 72 FOUND Found-Watch fob on State St. Owner 'may have it by calling at the Dlaily office and paying for this ad~ errds.' ment. 72 " =Buy the story of "Tle AWakieied ti.. nxieses" and other photographis of tit fipain of LyndoxL, photographer 62 I Io. score and music of the Mihi it I 1111111 Opera can be purchased h fhe most convenient place. rinni Trt; Annex, 313. So. State St. 62t1 -Awakened Rameses Souvenir Sorer and Sheet Mske for sale at Schaeer to Son's; 110 S. Main St. 63 t. ,.have, you seen those nobby Oxfor blues at Milward's? Talor,~330 S. stat( t.: 7tf' "Hockhey players will land a splendb assortment of sticks at Wahr's Uni- ,% ersity Bookstore. 71 to 80 Lost--Bill Folder containing about $2 i n cash, also cards with owner' " name Return and receive reward at 101 South Thayer. 71-24, 'Patronize the new print shop, Davi md: Olinger, Job ;Printers 109E Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432- t J8 64 eo l VIILEHMNOOD CONCEALED. 8#4 Decared. Dean Cooley in Stronm Sunday Address. "$The Virility of Manhood" was th subject of a strong address made b Dean Cooley Sunday afternoon at th meeting of~ the Men and Religion For i rrd Movement at the Y. M. C. A. ' B yvirile manhood;' *ad. O Copley, "I mean the kind of manhood extispliti'~d by the man who "wears breeches, and I want carefully to ex- elude the mollycoddle as defined by ex- President Roosevelt. I mean the kind of a' man who does not have to tak his medicine in capsules, but who'ha' the qualities exemplified in the old days when the' quinine was taken off the end of a knife, and cayenne pepper in hard cider, and when his tonsls' bothered him he had burnt alum blown into his throat by -his mother through a paper tube. I mean the kind of, men who do not need to be tau,-ht everything but have the capac- ity to learn for themselves; the kind who when told to do a thing answer aye, aye, sir,' without any thought of whether he can do it or not, and'then goes :off, and des It;, the kind who when put in a hole does not wait tc. be hauled out, but climbs out him self, or if he can't climb out dig down and comes out the other end. "This kind, of manhood is not so! conunon today, or at least, it is not soapparent. Civilization has acted like a .cloak to smother it or at least; to .conceal it." {TH7E ILERRMT WEDSTER JThe Ornly L 1c: r_ crk. d ictionary in Many years. An Inc-rc h c. Co!It ^t"he dh and c '.c.zc..Jf a :h~rt ive 1,1arY. Cover-:severy i__cU f kno:wlc(e. -- nl xhth ew i viedP42.A ~c' cf Genius." 400,000 Xc" Tc .C00P, CS.I 6000 Lu a~n.Chzt $10J,:00. * .Cuot t' s I"CSC rcn~z1 n ~ glo volumoC. fu -I ful par- t ctar . et.. \ iyame this paiper and G & C. Merriam Co. Springfld, las.,U. S. . llkiy NomI ALARM CLOCK You knowf ~h xlew y risgh. at 719 Chapmnan', .. J elry Store ~'Veluth Asin -Staar