IC. 1gmn ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9,1912. NUl SET w a . . . .. i DATE FOR DEB ATE TRYOUJTS Alpha Nu held a business meeting Sat rday night at which numbers were rawen for the initiates' debate with .delphi and the date for the tryout t as January 20. It was also dtecid- d to hold an initiation at 6:30 next aturday, January 13, followed by a aort program and the nomination of fflcers for the next semester, the elec- on to occur the following Saturday. committee was appointed to arrange r the annual banquet to be held ear- in March. LARG4ELY ATTENDEI) COURSES1 Registrar A. 0. Hall, who was given ;harge of the examination schedule o1 ;he literary dep:ar~lTment, has placed the, mnatter in the hans of the eInei lepartment and a. joint department .I s hedule will be arran,,ed. The COMmI~t- tee expects to have the schedule ready in a weed or so. . Regis trar Hall's only1 stipulation in a,;reeing to the abo, e arrangement wvas that it be so worked out that the examinations of a few o! ,he lamgely attended courses be heir The first week. iL3LNLS 'i'ALKS 'rank bun D TI ' As tene rs (IN s"XI t ils countrx-, glebeforc"the ),aand the M4 l ..ler-o'_e iate 1 :h;, cn The W" _,in, statistics liine'-tenths of tl$ ry _et less than lcl that the nainn : r the bare ned( In, Bohn sproke -i ustrlal cond . V h " c: he _r: L :_a lotle. H cf !h^ intolie c ,t in m:odern WSISTRATE" S NEW DATE With hoIral Unix fn rMake~s Advisable Posipon( meni 'OR NEW YORK WFIRE, N WWSTARTS TOMI RROW, Inter-K' pa- tm ~nt Hockov h dule At nowic :, i 2 d.mes Arranged d'VEN IMN G_._ES .'RE FEAT'URED Tw enty games ' between the''lo .mnle .,.,homeoys, lits, and a tear. from either the dent, medic, or phar-' F o ni> ' u t ;of t r( Manager Cohen of the Comedy Club yesterday cancelled the booking of the, first performance of "The Magistrate," which was to have been given on Mon- day evening, January 22. Negotiation~ were at once started with the New York office of Klaw and Erlanger, who control the Whitney theater, to secure another date but up to last nigh: nothing definite had been heard. This step was taken when it was die-~ ;overed that the Comedy Club per- formance conflicted with a number on the Choral Union series. The manage-. ment feared that this might prevent many patrons from attending the play or the concert and so decided to cance l the date. At 'present, the prospecti'v bookings are for Tuesday, January 23 or the Friday and Saturday preceeding Hiowever, the whole matter will have to wait upon a wire from the New York headquarters which is expected at any moment. This slight 'disarrangement of th( plans has not interfered in any wa3 with the rehearsals of the production Realizing that~ they may not h~ave as much time in which to prepare for the first performance, the cast has en- tered into the work with an ardor that is prophetic of success. "We could put on a show in three days," said Manager Cohen last night. "The way the play is progressing we shall have more than ample time toIl put on a first class production, no mat- ter when the date is fixed." t he largest ~'orld, the .ic W" His niectedw4 'nic department, or a combined team from all three, will makte up the inter- lepartment hockey schedule. The first P1 ;ame will be played Wednesday night at Weinberg's rink,'--letween sthe hoin-. or s and engineers and, since both For ti. ,eamns have been ufidergoin-g hard °Ir sex ractie~a fast game is expected The files firs rink at Ferry field is in good conditionw'oph lit aznd is being used to good' ad, aftag e c ar, wi ,y the different teams. ' rl'ile4 The schedule follow s: the seco . {omecops night. Homneops night Tomeops night. Hlomeops5 night. lHomeops HomeopsS vs Efiineers-January vs Eilgineers-January vs Combined team--Jan. vs Combined teuam-Jan. vs Lit-Jan. 12, night. vs Lit-Jan. 20, nigoht. 18, 111 fAnn HI. d. ion of ver~an rat ii SOLD. P'omeops vs Law-Jan. 13, night lomeop s vs Law-Jan. 22, night. - engineers Vs Gorhbin, d team--Jan. 15 night. 7 ngineers vs Combined team-Jan. 23 night 7n~ineers vs Lit-Jan. 16, 'night' Engjneers vs Lit-Jan. 24, night. En ineers vs Law-Jan. 17, night. Engineers vs L aw - Jan . 25 , night. ob n t o e m v i - a .1 f onmbination team vs Lit-Jan. 22, af- ternoon. .Combitiatlo team vs L-Jan. 2, afe- tnoon. Combined team vs Law-Jan. 19, afe- ternoeon. its s Law-Jan. 20, afternoon. LUts vs Law-Jan. 24, afternoon. RIXI1ENTf PRELATES WILL ATTEND GUILD BAN QUET. The s Aine in .4gAca( ' rom it 315 c4 :. IlO An Arbor goif Clubs ie decision, er organi- -operty for ons~ for a r club arej nty Club's )silanti. LET'S HOPE THAT THESEI CHILLY BLASTS MODEiRATE1 White summer dresses and white flannel trousers will feature the "sum- mer party" to be given by- the- J-lits ini Barbouir gym next Saturday after noon from two to five-thirty.~ The com- 'mittee promises many feature dances. Ike Fischer and his orchestra will play in their shirt sleeves, and there will be .refreshments of the true hot-day na- ture. Dr. 'and Mrs. Jackson and Prof and Mrs. Wagner will chaperone the party. Tickets are twenty-five cents and may be obtained from any mem- bers. of the social committtee , who re- quest that every J-lit, girl or boy, :come to the party unaccompanied. ,P~ROF. SADLER INTESTIGATES. PADDLE WHEEL EFFICIENCY INAL FEMININE.J iiseems to be :the hief'sub- discussion for the -ext meeting fffersonian society, to be herd' x evening, January 13. Tlie' .of woman suffrage" wily be d E. N. Dodds and R. J. Moffet ! pport the proposition, while L. ey and 0. B. Goldman will ar-j Lnst such a step. Other num- the program will be The Atti- the Law toward Women., H. $.. .;Women as Officeholders, C.A.. r; and Woman's Economic Po- ricer to~ Speak at Newberry Bal M4arjorie Melchor of New 'York~ ress the meeting at Newberry s afternoon at five o'clock on Leach~ing Concerning Prayer. At Journalist Spewks'Today.' cG. Kane, of the 'Detroit News ak before Prof. Scott's news- lass this morning~ at 9 o'clock. Prof. H. C. Sadler has started work} on the investigation of the efficiency of different types of paddle wheels, particularly in connection with river work. The investigation is being made at the request of United. States engi- neers, who are studying the question of ,thie development of the Missi'ssippi river. The effect of paddle wheels on themanoevering abilities of .different types of river wheels will be noted and tests on~ the, radial and feathering types of paddle wheels made. The apparatus necessary to conduct the tests was designed by Prof. Sadler and is being built partly in the naval shop and partly in the engineering shops. Bishop Charles P. Williams, of Mdich- i an, Bishop John Newton McCormick tf Western' Michigan, and Professorj eorge W. Patterson, will be the -pekers at a banquet for university people a iliated with the Episcopal !hurch, to be held in Harris Hall, Sat- urday, January 20 at 6:30 p. in., under the auspices of Hobart Guild. Besides Bishop Williams and Bishop' McCormick, Bishop William A. Leon- ,a-rd, of Ohio, and Dr. James B. Angell have been in- ited to attend the banquet as guests of honor. Prof. Charles SE Denison will preside as chairman. Tickets will be fifty cents a plate and may be obtained of members of the banquet committee. Finds Addition to Track Team. Another find has bheen unearthed for the Mi('higan track team in the person of Herbert F. Larsen, '13 E, of Cry s tal Falls--a br'oad jumper. -Larsen at~ tended Armour Tech at Chicago and entered Michigan in the middle of lasi year. Heo;wilbe ;lizible for the' teamr next semester and will prove' a valu- able_ man. Larsen has jumped 23 fee, in track' meets and has done 22 feet ir practice while at Michigan. 13d'ard Orton, Jr., dean of the dc artmnent of engin~eering oft~ 0. S. U will speak before the Engineering Sc 2iety this evening on "Ceramics." Clay products, from insulators t fire-proofing tile, are. becoming- c treater important - to engineers ever year, and general ignorance concerI, is, clay beds may be leaving1 undiscox I" Ired valuable deposits. Dean Ortc lhas given a great deal of study to theE ubjects enabling him to speak wit' .uthority. The lecture will be open t hke public and will be held in the We. r-hysics lecture room at 8 o'clock. X{ANZEWS RETURN BRINGS- - HiOP -RRANGEMENTS TO llEA'- With the return of Earnest Kanzle' ;eneral chairnan of the 1913 junic. hop committee, after a 36 hour dela aeon the glee club trip,-arrangemen f for the annual promenade will oc~cuF 1.he attention of the committee for tb 1 dxt three weeks. A me et'i- of' tU :nairmen of the various. committe( will be held at the Chi P'si fraternit: hquse at 4:45 'this afternoon.: At 'dhii time the progress of-4he work durn the vacation will be discussed and tb f'ontracts that are ready to be accept ed will be given final consideration. Board ill .Meet to, YHL Vacancy, A 'meeting of the Board in Control c 3tisdent Publications- will 'be held thi after'noon in west hall to elect'a?mem- -)er; to fill the vacancy caused by th Failure of Robert Tipping. to returni t epliege. It' is probable that a fina; date 'will be~ set for 'the acceptance c seior pictures for the Michiganensiap afte~r which no photographs will b_ E}" for Engimi The E! 'iold a d arge attc received. I' r. 4, ~