HEi Pll MAEAD. ri1lywM- w + +w- - - L -i X "IA. lusive Styles users. Late Street RS 6 Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- .day throughout the school year. .. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert 'I. "illey Editors. News Editor ....... .Harry L. Fol7 Assistant..........Frank Pennell Athletic Editor ..... .Karl Matthews Assistant ........ C. Eldredge Music and Drama ..::.Earl V. Moore Intercollegiate News Harold G. 'McGee Files.............. Emmett Taylor Editorials. Arthur B. Moehlman Walle W. Merritt Frank Shaw Maurice Myers Edward G. Kemp. Night Editors. 12. dl Calendars :.4., 4* w Kockey have the most complete of Hockey Sticks in the Hockey Pucks 25c and 50c ook our line over before buying. Maurice Toulme Loren' Robinson Wallace Weber Reporl Mack Ryan Robert Gillett C. Harold Hippler Otero. Sheehan's, STUDENT'S BOOKSTORE o- ; caSe welv get our frequenlly, from ih Zthe maker of the Dest in the land,.- John Townley Oscar Beckman Frank Murphy_ William Daughberty 3. elg ellen' Fred B'. Foulm Hal C.. Talimadge H. Beach Carpenter Morton R. Hunter James D'Evelin Morris Milligan Leonard M. Rieser Lester F. Rosenbaum J. V. Sweeney BUTSINESS STAFF. Assistant to Mgr:. .J.oseph Fouebard Advertising Mar .. .Elnmer P. Grierson '^rcuiatlon Mg.... .E. 'Ray Jobnaon A. R. Johnson, Jr..Emerson Smith Eidgar L. Jaffa ..... W. T. Holland 3 W.S. Wetterau. J. 1. Lippincott Want Ad Stations. Press Building; Quarry's Pharm- acy, State and 'North Uni- versity. OFFICE HOURS: Managing ,Editor. 1.2 p. in., 10:30-11:30 p. in.; Bus- mess Manager. 1-5 p. in.. Roth Phontes Alrir. Subscription price: Ry rcarrier, $2.60: 'By mail. n$110. OFFICES: Ann Arbor Press Building, Mavnard Street. SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1912.' Night Editor-Mack Ryan. James Burrili AngelL It is fitting on this, the eighty-third anniversary of the birth. of Dr. James B. Angell, that grateful acknowledg- ment again be made in' behalf of the university to the di: tinguished scholar who for so many years devoted him- self to its interests. To place the uni- vrran4t, in ihn*..nnf .rn nlr.a o.f o lfl versity and the state. His large knowl- edge of- affairs,, his practical skill in administration, and above all his well known attainments in public law, as well as high character, led, not unnAt- urally, to his being repeatedly called for a time away from the university into public service. But whether as the representative of the university or, of the state or of the national govern-1 ment he has worthily performed the duties entrusted to his, care. Of his loyal affection for the univer- sity, of his seal in promoting its var- ied interests, we have had repeated and abundant' proofs. To him the univer- sity is largely indebted for its pres- ent efficiency, and for the honorable position it now maintains among the great schools; of learning. We rejoice in his well earned distinctions, and we, are justly proud of his achievements. r Student Dissipation. In a recent issue of the Detroit Free Press a gentleman, who signed him- self "Lawrence Maye," in a letter to the editor says in part: t"In Ann Arbor a state of open vic- iousness exists which calls for prompt action on the part not only of atll Chris- tian denominations, and organizations here, but also on the townspeople as well. r"The university is becoming known Sas a great educational center the world rover-but if its good natme and fame rare to continue-Michigan must cleanse ter university and learn the Iadvance cry of the newer stronger lmovement for "God and Home and Ev- Iery Land." IThe writer is evidently not a studenL 3for we can find no mention of his name tin the university records. If he is, he used the above name to hide his identi- ty. That, however, is a minor consid- eration. Many of us have lived here in Ann Arbor for nearly four years and associated with every type of stu- dent. During' that time we have had 'excellent' chances to observe carefully every phase of student life, good, bad and Indifferent. During all that time few of us have seen anything that 1could be construed as an open state of viciousness. There is no place for the moral, degenerate at Michigan and, the few that may be found from time; to time among this great student body, seldom stay long enough to harm any- body but themselves. We have always believed and maintained that Michigan sends forth each year a pretty manly bunch of young men, whose. ideals; and aim~s are high. Among these the -habitual gambler, the, drunkard and' Ithe licentiate find little place.. It has been our. experience that few men have been spoiled at Michigan. Most of the failures can be traced. to amuch earlier sources. There are over rfive thousand students on Michigan's campus and we welcome and challenge' -any investigator to find "a state of VV1~LJ ii LU~ LtUreran % UiA ic 6IGL O11 QiUUm..waY1U6 Daafa- r Fla+t~n 'ur ?otrai ts Plattimum Par When You Desire Portraits of Quality Go t Desk Calendars, Elcelsior and National Diaries, Iledgers, Journals,' blank Books of all kinds, Card Cabinets, Letter Files, Typewriter, Ribbons and Supplies Offices Stipples of all kinds -every article and ioe of it guaranteed. office 314 SOWUhState S~r~c1 WAHR'S Bookstores THE PHOTOGRAPHER' 319 E. Hfuron, Phone 861-L Platinum Portraits Flwtf m Part: a IWe Do French Dry and Steam Cleanir PKESSING ,,e d RLP.PAI'R I Suits Cleaned and Pressed 750 Suits I IFULLER & O'CONNOR Tailors 619 E. W Royal a,.lors r Y' Clothes put up as you want tht m, at the price of rwady-mades. Come and see the pattern and styles. Main St. Opp. Ct. Hou Supi Dst Stock in the City, 4- Chocolates ALLMAND & FOR I . and C'onfections ~E. E, CALKINSI For Anythin'g in the Line of First Class Barber Work Call at Pad's Home Barber Shop Sanitary and i'p..to-Date BestVM orkrnen Enpoyed We cater especially to student trade, In Basement Across from New York Club Cornar of STATE and BILL STREET HARRY LENO 56 Lafayette Ave. Scotch,' Ergl Fh, and Irish Wools and Suits. The' stock is comple English Styles I. schools of learning with their rich en- ments like these based, as they usually dowments, to make the state known are, upon some occasional drunken- and respected through its university, n ess or presence at a periodical poker and in spite of opposing influences to' game, harm the university with the make it the crowning glory of the conservative; element of the state. They states requires the highest wisdom and ' are in most cases without foundation the rarest skill. His administration but, like the weeds scattered by the- covered practically one half of the en- wind, they sprout and take root in tire life of the institution and during many places. that time the university expanded I We do. believe that conditions at wonderfully not only in the number of Michigan are, quite, good and that they its students but in the breadth and are- a great deal better than at many character of its work. other .unversities that happen to be And not alone as a college president situated in large cities where the city has -Dr. Angell won distinction for covers dissipation and vice that are himself and reflected honor on the uni- unheard of in Ann Arbor. 'DETROIT UNI ennan- terican i lwask COR. LIBERTY AND MAIN ST BEE U S Between Detroit, Jmack o. 7 A most convenient ptace for your banking. TUTTLE &CO WE SERVE HOT LPINCHES Fine Lind of Lownecy's and Hagley's Chocolates Detroit Limited-8 :13 and 10 2:13, 4:13, 6:13. and 8:131 Kalamazoo Limited-7 :46, 9 a.m. ; 1:46, 3:46, and 5:461 7:46 p.m. Local Cars East Bound-To Dc 6:45 a.m., and every two p~.To Ypsilanti, 5:45 a.m ly to 11 :15 p.m.; also 12 12:50 a.m. To Saline, chan Local Cars West Bound-5:3" and every two hours to 11: which you may have that ture taken is very limited. ted that you want the best, rtistic photography. In the please arrange for a sitting. ' Englsh -Rough Enloth nl .1FFelt C H ts _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _Hats WAGNER 8& CO. STREET i to1Stdi ALTER J. WATSON Owe. Detroit, Mich. Sc oo f acilen Tue~day anti Thursdoy evenings, 7:"0t-18:00 hen you cdo. PL'ivate lesZons given by &I pointinent ,decoy or office 11ourjs 10-12 A. M., 2-4P. M TERYT 5 anti 7 Passenger Cars. Prices Reasonable fl HOT EPHIONE 452-Bla%;i rage, 206 West Huron Street Stop Sneezing Did you catch cold Saturday? We carry - cn' "lete line ofall the g )o4 cold cures, and Cough Syrups at the right Prices. Don't forget to stop at Van borcn's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STREET I Money for 'the students Why pay S0 or 60 cents per hour when you can play BILLIARDS AND POOL FOR 25 cts. per hour ate The Old Place 3 12 South State Everything New [Hair Dressing Manicurig Electrical Face an~d Scalp Treatments Full Line of Toilet Preparations and Hair Goods MLLE. TAYLOR 149 H. Liberty 1459-J Mrs. J. R. "T flair Goods, Rain waste 1110 South 1 HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED! HJALL BROTH ERS 405 Suits Dry 'Cleaned and Pressed 75c Overcoats Dry LADIES OARMENT-3 OUR 6PECIALTV. TRY US S I .. studio, are requested to come to the 3n1 as we wish to show you suits for the purpose. RANDALL & PA CK, P