%U Another's ily-Subscribe Michigan Daily I I Read the Daily Ads Before You I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 111. I # I LAN INSPECTORS ADMIRE CAMPUS.I ONG RINES cumbs to the and Arrives at -ld for Practice Board of Visitors Spends day Among Buildings. "I would express great admiration over the appearance of that part of the campus which we visited yester- day," said Mr. Herbert Dow, of Mid- land, chairman of the State Board of Visitors, which commenced its annual inspection of the university grounds and buildings yesterday afternoon. Mr. Dow, Mr. Walter S. Russell, of, Detroit, and Mr. J. W. Mauck, presi- dent of Hillsdale College, who consti- tute the board, arrived in the city yesterday noon and, with the assist- ance of President Hutchins and Sec- retary Smith, started their work im- mediately. The medical building, the new engineering building and Memo- rial hall were carefully looked over. Tomorrow the remaining buildings will be examined and the grounds will be observed more closely. r 2! f f 1 SOPHOMORE DIES 'OF HEART FAILURE Glanville S. Lamb Found Un- conscious in Bed Yester-! day Morning EXPIRES BEFORE DOCTOR COMES. I FEARED SMALL MICHIGAN CROWD PRICES FOR M.A.C," GAME ARE REDUCED Agricultural College Manage- ment Make Special Rate to Students. Glanville S. Lamb, '14, Charlotte, Mich., and a member of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity died suddenly at the chapter house, 610 Cornwell Place,' yesterday morning. Lamb had been in apparent good health. Death oc- Notwithstanding the announcement that $1.75 and $1.50 would be charged for reserved seats at the Michigan -M. A. C. game at Lansing on Sat- urday, a special students' price has been made by the M. A. C. manage- ment which makes it possible for stu- REGENTS MAY SAVE STRUCTURE. Fate of Burned Medical Structure left to Them. The Board of Regents at their next monthly meeting, will decide the fate of the Old Medical Building. The questions which they will answer are: is this structure to be r ebuilt, or is it to be permanently destroyed? Last spring, the authorities consid- ered the removal of the building which was practically useless. The protes- tations of the alumni who had take:i their courses in this building were loud. It was then that a campaign was planned to raise funds for reno- vation. In all, something over two thousand dollars was subscribed. However, this campaign received a sudden shock, when on August 15, this structure for which these funds were being collected was almost totally de- stroyed by fire. The alumni then ap- pointed a committee to confer with the Board of Regents. This committee' has submitted to the Board a request that the building shall not be removed and it is probable that the Regentst will permit the building to stand. l WOMEN ATHLETES PLAN1 TO GIVE FALL PARTY.a COUNCIL Fl TO MAKE CF Annual Fresh - Soph Will be Held Un Rules on Saturday 211 I.E IR IN FALL GAINST FARMERS bs Play First Mid- of the Season. TRANSACTS MUCH E "Shorty" McMillan eature of Tuesday af- y football practice. quarterback did not ctice but he was out ing each play care- as announced that he ;ractice early enough aying- a part of the C. game at Lansing "As we were on the campus but a short time, we are hardly in the po- sition yet to formulate any decided opinions," said 'Mr. Dow. "But I will say that we have met with nothing so far that would tend to create any criticism on our part. "A.new board is created every year, so this is our first official visit to the University. In this inspection we are becoming familiar with parts of the school which we never had the pleas- ure of seeing before. We spent con- siderable time looking over the big naval testing tank. It is certainly an invaluable asset to the Engineer- ing department." curred from acute dilatation of the heart. Lamb retired Monday night about 12 o'clock. From all knowledge, his rest during the night was undisturbed. About 6:15 Tuesday morning, Charles A. Bowman, Lamb's roommate, was awakened by the sound of heaxy breathing coming from Lamb's bed. Alarmed, he tried to awaken him but could not do so. Calling in a number of fraternity brothers, a general anx- iety was aroused when the seriousness of the affair was realized. Dr. C. M. Kline, who lives in the same block,' was summoned, but before he could arrive, Lamb expired. His parents were at once notified and they arrived yesterday, accon- panied by his sister, Louise, and n. E. Packard, an intimate friend of Lamb's, and a classmate of his in the university last year. The body was taken to Ypsilanti yesterday afternoon. Interment will be in the family lot Thursday after- noon. The Theta Delta Chi fraternity will attend the funeral in a body. dents, either of Michigan or the Agri- cultural college, to purchase reserved seats for $1. When Director Bartelme talked with Coach Macklin of the M. A. C. team over the telephone Monday, he told, Mr. Macklin that he thought the high prices would greatly decrease the number of Michigan students making the trip to Lansing. Coach Macklin expressed concern at this and stated that he would see if something could be done to adjust the matter. Yester- day morning he called Director Bar- telme by 'phone and told him that the special students' price had been made. PURDUUE GETS BIG BEQUEST. Aggies to Benefit from Gift of $X0,4000 and 1,500*Acres. LAFAYETTE, IND., Oct. 10.-Pur- due University is the recipient of $50,000 in cash and 1,500 acres of land1 in Minnesota, by the opening today of# the will of the late Wm. C. Smith ofI Williamsport, an alumnus. The gift, is to be devoted to the erection of new buildings for the college of agricul-t ture. Student Council Arranges Elect And Ratifies Class Constitution The preliminary arrangements the annual fall rush between the lower classes, the ratification of uniform class constitution, the lection of dates for the nomina and election of new members to council, and the election of officers theI VARSITY SPRINTER HAS TO LEAVE UNIVERSITY. I- o believe to come ed in Ann i Detroit Mon- "I had a talk mind to come Ann Arbor on ative sources, it is un- Millan could not with- us Yost Smile. The of the Michigan play- n in Detroit to attend Billy" Wasmund cor- quarterback and, it is dn't take 'no' for an kept McMillan's de- f when he returned nday evening, intend- 1s a surprise, but with 'Shorty" himself the kept quiet no longer. st at yesterday after- "McMillan will prob- part of the M. A. C. the plays rapidly and ion right now. I be- five to eight pounds was last year," and smile that has made t Freddie Ross, Varsity sprinter,) packed his suit case last evening and, making his adieu, left the university and Ann Arbor. Ross declared that he had found the difficulties in the way of his remaining here this year unsurmouritable. He left in search of remunerative employment and, if he is able to secure a position by which he can support himself. and attend school, he expects to return. Ross was one of the leading sprint- ers at the 1911 Intercollegiate games and with many of his former rivals out of school he loomed large as a point winner for 1912. Cupid Snares Two Students. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Lynda Watkins, '13, and Morton Thierwechter, '11 E, which was an event of early September. Mr. Thierwechter is continuing his stud- les in the University. OPERA POSTER CONTEST TRYOUTS MEET TONIGHT. Former Student Edits Magazine. Donald A. Kahn, a former member of The Michigan Daily staff, has just published the first number of a humor- ous magazine entitled "the Joy Book." Mr. Kahn holds the editorship of the new publication with headquarters at South Bend, Ind. The book is brought out every month and has a local cir- culation. However, the management hopes to extend its distribution throughout the country. While in college Mr. Kahn achieved some note as a humor writer for the campus publications and as author of Koanza- land, the Michigan Union opera in 1909. He left school in 1910 to follow the journalistic profession. "Whistling Pants" Parade at Purdue. At the annual upperclass parade at Purdue, the seniors wore black derby hats and corduroys; while the juniors wore white hats with blue ribbons. The trousers are called "whistling trousers." Graduate Receives Praise. On tie "Who's Who" page of the Saturday Evening Post of October 7, appeared a sketch of William L. Day, '00 L, referred to therein as Bill Day, II, "the youngest federal judge in cap- tivity." Soph Lits Plan Dance. Memories of their troubles to get the social year started early, led last' year's officers of the 1914 literary class to arrange for a class dance to be held this year just after the new offi- cers are elected. At a meeting, held Monday, the preliminary arrangements were completed but the date for the' affair has not yet been selected. crimmage practice was held ay afternoon. Instead the team long signal drill in prepara- the midweek contest which staged Wednesday afternoon .e Scrubs and the All-Fresh ie scrubs and the All-Fresh ternating as the varsity oppon-' his game will be staged in reg- le, commencing at 4:05. "Stan" e and "Bill" Edmunds will of- The Women's Athletic Association will entertain all of the women of the university next Saturday evening in Barbour gymnasium. It is the pur- pose of the association to get every woman, especially the first year stu- dents, in close touch with its advan- tages. The festivities will commence at 8 o'clock. There will be dancing and refreshments. Plans for the fall hockey games have been perfected and the first prac- tice will be held at Palmer field, Oc- tober 17. Gertrude Powers has charge' of the junior and senior candidates and Gertrude Helmeck) is looking af- ter the sophomores. They will receive all applications for chances to. play, the game. At present the tennis courts are open and any who wish to use- them must notify Madeline Nadeau. Thq basketball leaders have been chosen as follows: May Hodge, senior captain; Bertha sophomore captain. There will be a meeting of the try- outs for the Michigan Union Opera poster contest at 7:30 tonight at the clubhouse. Chairman Cox will give out information concerning the poster and contest. It is desired that all who intend trying out be present. A prize of ten dollars will be given the winner of the contest, two opera tickets to the person taking second, and one opera ticket to the person who is the third selection. The awards will be made by a committee to be ap- pointed later. A medicinal plant garden is a novel and very valuable addition to the Min- nesota college of pharmacy. The choral union at Wisconsin this year is to give Gaul's Joan of Arc. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE WILL WIND UP CAMPAIGN TONIGHT. The Union Membership campaign" will be wound up tonight, as far as possible. General chairman Tipping has called a meeting of the entire com- mittee at the Union at 7:30. Final reports will be received by the sub- chairmen and the results of the cam- paign will be definitely known. SPECIAL TRAIN TO BRING 0. S. U. STUDENT ROOTERS. COLUMBUS, 0., Oct. 10.-Following the usual custom, the 0. S. U. students will have a special train for the trip sto Ann Arbor for the Michigan-O. S. 9J. game, October 21. Ohio State plans to send a large delegation of rooters to Ann Arbor. Several fraternities have made arrangements to attend the game in bodies. Offer Course in Photography. Engineering Photography is the name of the latest course to be added to the curriculum of the -Engineering Department. One hour of credit will be given for this course, which will be open only to Juniors. and Seniors. The course embraces the theory of -the negative and the photographic print, as well as a knowledge of vari- ous kinds of photographic equipment. The course will also take up enlarging, the making of lantern slides, detailed views of structural works as well as other technical features. MONTANANS INAUGURATE HIGH SCHOOL PRESS BUREAIJ MISSOULA, MONT., Oct. 10.-To unite more closely with the high schools of the state, the "Weekly Kaimin" of the University of Mon- tana has organized a miniature "As- sociated Press." Representatives in., each of the schools will send in news items concerning their athletic and literary activities to be publish- ed in a special column of the "Kai- mim." Valveless Pump Made Here. Tests are being made by the stu- dents of the engineering laboratories with the first valveless pump ever manufactured. This pump was built in the laboratories under the direction of Prof. J. A. Moyer for the Manistee Pump Co. and is said to be a distinct step toward the simplification of pump manufacture. Medical Dean Expected Home. Dean and Mrs. V. C. Vaughan are expected in Ann Arbor either Thurs- day or Friday after a three months in Europe. They sailed from Genoa on the 28th of September. the semester, were the principal m ters disposed of last night by the S dent Council in their first session the year. Rush Comes Next Week. Because of the football excurs next Saturday, the rush has been h over until Saturday morning, Oct. last year-a triple pole scheme to followed with the "cane spree." though the matter of a one pole ru was taken up by the council aga this year and placed before the f ulty, The latter did not deem it visable to grant it because of the da ger to health involved in the mo concentrated contest. W. S. McCormick, of the Stude Council, was appointed general cha man of the coming festivities, w Herbert Watkins, and Herbert Tr also of the council, as his assistaw The presidents and vice-presidents the upper classes will be asked lend their services. All arrangemen when finallyy completed will be co municated through the columns the Daily. Ratify New Constitution. The uniform class constitution whi has been under course of construct for the past year was ratified and w be given to the respective classes so: time next week for their approval rejection. This opportunity will presented before the time of the f elections among the classes. Elections to the Council. The upper classes will make th nominations of men for seats in t council some time tomorrow. The nominations are to be made under t supervision of a councilman. 'I senior lit class will nominate thre the senior engineers, two; the sen laws, one; the senior medics, one; I senior homeops, one; the senior pha mics, one; the junior lits, two; I junior engineers, two, the junior law one; and the junior medics, one. I elections will occur next Monday. To fill office vacancies in the counc occasioned under the constitution the beginning of each new semest the' following were elected: Vic president, Frank Pennell, 12; recoi ing secretary, James Foley, '12 D; a auditor, Herbert Trix, '12 E. g directed the Michigan e first squad yesterday. :ception of Carp.l1. who (Continued on Page 4.) play With was I I Annual Memberships at office 'Three Dollars the year. Season Books admitting to five games, free to members. First choice seats Penn. and Syracuse games. Reduced rates on eight base ball games Free use of tennis courts to members. Michigan vs. M.A. C. at Lansing, October 14th Excursion $1.00 Round Trip. Special train via M. C. Ry. leaves Ann Arbor 8:45 a. m. Returning via M. C. Ry. leaves Lansing 7:30 Railroad and Came Tickets at Athletic Office Wednesday, Oct. 11th Students' Reserved Seats Including admission, $1.00 TODAY Reserve-Varsity Game 4:05 p. m. at Ferry Field Admission 25c Season Book admits members to this game.