progressedI n through ( UNIVERSITY CALENDIIAR rior, of the discovered. taS lF E) ll. * 1L4ST LOSTS LOST IN~ OF IS CHILDH A, Apertlain bewhilkerei I 4' MIDST IfOOD HULNTS ed instructor in 3.ANI 14 I nent responded to Sze was under con- A peculiar fea- that the interior ined with a triple rich failed to pre- ;ailing a headway. s used to cornplete the Union ci fic Railroad. We do not Dw the value of the Gold Spike d for this purpose, but we do )W that BAGLE~Y°S GOLD 'IKE is the BEST Cigarette bacco in the world. Made from the finest leaf grown in Virginia and North' Carlina, carefully telectedI aind blended by men with a half century of experience. PACKAGE TRY IT NCEMENT O TO lifield &CO.N Jan. 4-11.-Tryouts for Deutscher Ver21' ein play 4 to 5 p. mn., room 203 U. FT. Jan. 5-6.-Examinations for removal of conditions. Jan. 6.-Women's Athletic Association party at Barbour gym at 8 o'clock. Jan. 7.-"The Debts You Remember," Newberry Hall, 6:30 pVim. IJan. 8.-Senior Law diuaer at the U~n- ion. Jan. 9.--Senior Engineer dinner at the Jan. 9.-"Ceramics" Dean Ortonzi of 0.1 S. U. West Physics Lecture Room at 8 o'clock. Union. Jan. 10.-Vocal recital by Nora C. Hunt, School of Music. Jan. 11.-S enior Dent dinner at the Un- ion. Jan, 11.-Faculty Concert', High School hall. Jan. 12.-Soph Lit dinner at the Union, 5:30 p.'m. JTan. 13.-Senior Medic dinner at the Union. Tan. 13.-Athletic Association election:. U. Hall, 9 to 12 a. m. Jan. 14.-"Tlie Debts You Forget,"New- berry Hall, 6: 30 bk. i. Jan. 15-.Juior Engineer dinner at the Union. Tan. 15.-Orchestra 'Concert, High School hall. JTan. 16.-A. Radelyffe Duginorce on S L. course, U. hall, 8 p. m. Tan. 17.-Vocal Historical Recital, 'High School -haill. Jani. 17.-Cerele Francais soiree, 'Sar- ah Caswell Angell hall, 8 p. '. Tan. 18.-Union membership dinner at the Union. Tan. 19.-Junior Lit dinner at'the Un- ion. Tan. 19- Northwestern-Michigan. de- bate. Tan. 19.-Morning, Woodrow Wilson at Whitney Theater. Tan. 21.-"The Debts You'll Pay," New- berry Hall, 6:30 p. mn. Tan. 22,--Flonzaley Quart et,'Univrersity Hall, 8 p. In.' Tan. 22.-Fresh Engineer dinner- at the Union. Tan. 22.-Comedy Club in "The Mag- istrate," Whitney Theater. an. 23.-"Le Roman Feualetorn," M.. LZouis Delamarre, Sarah Cas well An- gell Hall, 8 p. mn. an. 23.-Commeree Club Smoker- at, the Michigan Union. ran. 23R-Soph Engineer dinner at the Union. an. 24-Piano' Recital by Ceceilia Ray Berry , School of Music. an. .28.-"The Responsibility of the State" Newberry Hall, 6:30 p. in. van. 29.-Semester examinations be- gin in all the departments. " ;an. 31.-Violin Soniata .Recital, High School hall.; jJN1 1 ERSITY NOTICESf JVatted-Second growth hickory butts, suitable for Automobile spokes. For further information caul on or write W. C. Mlorrey, Mlgr., Timber Depart-! ment. Hayes Wheel Co., rJackson.Mihg n4,to7 LOST Last-Three rings in Women's League room, University. hall, before this holidays. Reward offered. Call 789- L. Address, 604 Mladison. 68-69-70 Lost-WNednesday, evening, a small black Conklin Self-Filling Fountain Pen. Return to 718 Church St. 230., L: 69-70 Lwit-A silver bar pin with U. S. M. A, seal in center. Finder please return to. 718 S. Ingalls St.: or P1hone 187. and r ece ive reward. 70 F illIRENT. Foy Rout-W~ell furnished, warm two- room suite. New house with all the sociology department, who is some- what of a pedestrian spent the holi- Id(ays i.- an upstate town, the home of his childhooO days. One afternoon thinking to enjoy the beauties of the scenery and to recall the pleasures of his youth by visiting the old haunts he started for the swimmin' pool and th ik r otg o e o eetomany years had elapsed since the good old days and the gentleman found him- self unable to recognize the landmarks that surrounded his old stamping ;rounds, and after wandering around for some time, it finally dawned upon hint that he was lost, lost-in the midst of his boyhood haunts. His continued absence created great onsternation among the members of his family and in the evening a search- ing party was instituted to hunt for the lost instructor. After inquiring of ;o.veral farmers they learned from a little girl that a "lean with button shoes and whiskers" had passedl the farm some time before. Continuing n the trail of the wanderer the party at last located thimn near a small town miles away fromt home. L For photogaph! and in fact, ev graphic from a 1 $1A0 K $500 You know the the new year right at modern-*conveniences. 718 Church 70t . l; o,- Rent-Single front rooma large and well. heated. Family board is optional. Block from campus, on S Thayer. Phone +072-L. 70 Buy the story of "'lThe Awa~enod R-~ yeses" and othc r photographs of the fl.-- f? of Lyndor,, photograilh~r. t i. 'Patronize the new print shop, Davi .Hind Malinger, Job Printers. 109 F ' Washington Sfreei. Bell Phone, 432-.1 18 cod t" H-ave you seen those nobby Oa fort ,,,teaat Milward's? T - 1'3U, S State St. ;9 tt O ~ r e tzidS'o o t vice io bt: had Avywhe-e. s we acknowledge no iori y in every in stance. Men's Suits and Overcc Big Reduction Our W~inter Clo h'g Stock DiN ided Lot 1 S.4is anid Overt, Company !_; e_: LISTEN! All Bart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at Reduced P'rices 217 So. .Main r The score and music of the Miehi-I v -,n tnion Opera can be purchased a' the most convenient place. GrinneV' Bros. Annex, 313 So. State St. 62t; Shoes repaired while you wait. An dres, 224 So. State St. 34 (sod tf Awakened Rtameses Souvenir Score: and Sheet Alusie for sale af °Schaeber le & SoJn's, 110 S. AMain St. 63 V Adelphl 1Will Debate Treaties. A the regular meeting of cae Adel phi wvhich will be hield this evening p 7:30 the following program will b Given: Is Prohibition a Failure in Mlainp ... .: ... Muhr.. The Chinese Republic .....Barne Recitation................Bel' Talk............. ......Gutknech Parliamentary Drill...... Rosenber Debate: Resolved: That the Arbitra tion Treaties with France and Grea. Britain Should be Rejected by the Senate. Affirmative: Schroeder and Parker. Negative: Goodenow and Helinreich. Critic : 'Blanshard. TWEJNTY YEARS AGO( TODA'Y. The Detroit branch of the University Alumnae met to devise means of rais- ing, money to. provide for separate ac- commodations for women in the gym- naslum, funds to complete which were being raisedl. A series of entertain-. inents to be given at the, Detroit' Rink was planned. There 'were twenty, twb graduates. of the university in Congress. LotZ SLo t5 46 66 as All odd P'ants at 20 Shirts v -lI ;dcerweai at~a Re ,ctio'n3 121-123 S. Main i LET TRFtUBEY Furnish the Ice Cream fo. Your Party j ,1 ff'i 2 k idN r / fl,11?! H IIII ,,r I r~ A ~Ad i I. 1 E Soph lit basketball ;its Y. M. C. A. practice today,I Alpha Nu Busin~ess Meeting tonight at 7:30. All initiates interested in the debate please be present. I 1 , % N' ICater To Clubs Frats 8lr Fresh law basketball practice at city Y. MT. C .-A. todayI 41,'iwting, Engra'ving, Ernb.N. i" nl'ItsI~ , arsdA ith tNovtpes tL' III t T [3flv u and D o ce P ro, relt-. S v"e D oo stet ('o,,fus(Abi t hetusrn mid Plue-Cha. . NMeye s, 215 S. Main St., 2nd Flhu.' Phitane 281-L ,A 10 '.I t), ., l',M hir, "I i seN a .rw . HOLIDY GOODS- We are closing oust specials in Christmas goods AT COST AND BELOW. Finest line of. Ebony, Silver ani White line of Combs, Brushes, Band Glasse s and Ml.anacure Goods in the state. Goodyear Drug CompanyI \ \ 1 s 1 , iQ, .;, - r r. ' 'fI' -=-- - - , e ~atsfii.~~- re re or c1 11~ I II BOYS--When you 0 re going horn. for Xma es stop in and get the ids" snad the girls16some fine c~lrdy from. heS GAR'-t"v"Y Back cmx Ae Aolidays It takes off the rough edge of the "grind" to find the welcome pack. age of Fatima Cigarettes. ,A I Jj" f -d TURi 7EDr( Q 1'iir n~itut -n: ht d 't.;'y c at, %k('VtE'., Iris. arty Street T'Chey will . ppreciate somnething that 1 has the flavor of the college towna thyt, this cak ndy hams.I With etch po aa o f Fatima you get a pen- flent coupon, 25 "f which secure a handsome felt college pennanzt l12x32: -selciionof 1l%0. 20 for 15 cents th CS for Colic geMen 'at Allen's GoodClot he s