H E M I GM 1GOA N b AtI S.I the big white shoe hate OUTLOOK FOR TRACK TFE. M1 IS I3~ES'T IEVERI. (Continuedl from Page I.) .many one of the greatest weight nmen ever at Mlichigan. In the pole vault are Bartoni and Davey, both credited with z11 feet in- doors, and better than this in the open. In the broad jump AWaring made 22:2 in the Syracuse meet~ and 22:3 won tlhc intercollegiate event last ye'ar. Sar- *gent, wvh6 is said to be a find, hias been doing over six feet 1n the high jump). Then there are other men that Dr:% Kraenzlein is covering up, and there - is always the possibility of a find. e Natur'ally dope is uncertain, but past performance is a good criterion, sw and there is every reason to belie (- that all these marks should be improv- ed upon this Sear. I1 Michigani's chance;~ ever looked better for winning, the big meet it must have been in the dark dim past, and from now on the work of the squad will be directed with that achievement in view. Women Who Remain to lie Entert'ineil The college girls who are forced tor remain in town during vacation will rblyeenrtidonDcmr 28 by the Collegiate Alumnae at the house of Mlrs. A. C. Jennings, the di- rector of the local branch. The ete~r- lainlent w'ill be in the nature of ,a tea. Albout thirty or forty girls are expect- UNVESIYNOTICESf# PAMY Prof. 17. C. 1'e o h egne- ing depar tet gae ashort ~talk;onl 'Thel~eelopwntof Aropanes 1in Iuropel;=atthelmet =?ig of ten Aero i- I curse0ofconstrucIn'- fr some tim hiouse the aerone,and!this Will be fin "ishe~d soon. { ii tcichater for thelades ho attend. the1 usuaill Wednesday matinees for in adldition to ;the big mu -sical production) of "MryMr" hc a aken the to0wn',by -storm11the 1managemenllt has arrang'ed ito give wyasoueyfree for beahutifull twen°lty sixPec sets or 11ogers ?:'.enCine _warranted silvortilare to ome fotunat 1i3?l1ld ies who a 'lt ttendQ thex mtllliieetoday. ToorownihtAams 'and OuhI. better known as L h %"Two Admilirals" will return '1inlt1 hir11new musical pr1o- diuction enititledl "Oh, What i:aNight." The1com !)ny1andchor;us of girls willI be thUecsame Lhat appeawc red here bef'ore but thl sho1 wid bechnedenirl anlnoun1ced fo!r nx odya he o'clock--this being "Christmwas day and 2eat ca be eseved he ame s a q r MUNNIM"Mo6m Thursday, December 21 Ma Y ,o-b on r_ Whitzney'Th4 Fraternities sand Clubs Seat Sale Tae's., Dec. 26 Mail Orders No Y Clollhes put tin ,as you k~ant it in, at 0 e picc ~f rcady -mades. Comne and gee the patterns and te.- DETR~OIT, MICH. vs mlr All girls who will remain in Ain Arbor during vacation please leaive their namies at Barbour gym or wth Katherine King at -Newberry hall. Poihemus 'Transfer Line Chckls baggage direct from House to distination Men on)I all returning trains both Phones 15 I~t LL ( y '. .1' r _ _. } . igey , Detroit, Mich. lACY ank Tan Shoes for Collegef $3.50 and $4.00 31A CK rCO. A new pakg 3 fshoe cny r J.G 7.-s ff'+o r, .-.'R sealed tine, 25 cents. ?6 Pices Each Lac 7es, here s a chance to get something fo-r nothing, you may be lucks. Un an entire snew show I I I Thle Most ColleeI ALLM AND &FORSYTHE 215 Sou~th NMsIA t~jf We (levote cSp~cial attention to young mWen's tailoring. If th( III Ii el 1 l-cidre l ty will probably continue to dress well, at meants thecy wil.l conitinule to have their clothes made here; and why <<