nuversitj pt 1on~- year, . Ann Ar- of Con- 'ost Office at. under Act 3, 1879. 'owtrs. UNG~ER [)Iley1 "(Good Cheerf."s It is a fine old customi which has made popular the cheery- call of "Mler- ry Christm-as and Happy New Year."To [yoi wve repeat the greeting, and hear- I thiy ester~ our best wishes for holiday happiness. We tirust that the spirit of the season will be returned by the new ~ya.It brings inew opportunity, new purpose, 1new,-develop,,ent, ' strength. The'. yesterday is gone and wihit the fact that wve "battled as well as w-e couald." If w-e did go downi, wve are on our f.eet withi the morning, ready to press forwvard again. And let us not wxorry ourselves with regrets. W,( -will begin anoew. UO"r ~~ I The II. The Ir '1' te a Tre lB Ll vester- ~ni 'OwlaI All the Best Nov:Is o' t1 Are The Niarriaige Portio Sh- Build i hFHerHo Trhe LiogRoll-John WAHR'S 20, 1911. Just to prove that a printer canI PI. tin1.flmh Portreets. to q u aw the Daily Illini ))leg(, Dress." We without comment, to determne its itions at Mlichi- lingered long e noted the same n uncouthness in otes and like the for it. follows- students nor fac-~ ejustly criticized s, it may be laic' )Oosition that the ;ontains a greater ressed men than ce. This is evi- thful coxcombry, ion of the true es. The short- uctors in matter., ;be better excus- )Okirng not at the x man than to rlong seclusion till- In; some of our best-paid professors are fthe most loosely Bohemian in appea~r- ance, and some of our poorest stu- dents the most fastidious. Our most recent visitors from the East, as Slosson. and More, have re- marked upon the general neatness in dress of the student body. The last four years have accomplished a great advance in this respect; the rough corduroy trousers and black neglige shirts that every senior remembers] as characteristic of dress in his fresh- man days have disappeared from the campus. We have been able, with one or two aberrations, to pursue a course past the more ridiculous "col- legians"-vivid class caps and hats. or rah-rah apparel in general. Fra- ternity jewelry, whether tie-clasps- pins, or cuff buttons, is seldom prom.7- inently displayed. WVe see little that suggests the W iisconsin or MTinnesota man's affectation of a lumber-jack's dress-heavy shoes, coarsebag trousers, and high-collared sweater jackets. _To all appearances, we com- prehend ~as well as do E~astern col- legeo students how much the character of an institution mnay be expressed, and its social atmosphere elevated, by" refinement in dress. If we had 'a few"' more In1stru1ctors whose own care in personal appearance would justify itheir remaring on the dissonance of a crimson tie with a blue suit, as one recently did, we might be par- doned a really smug self-satisfaction." play a joke on the directory once a year as well as on this sheet each and every day, wo. note with pleasure the membership which the gentlemen of the press have attributed to the Rocky M4ountain Club. To prove that accura- c-N i-arics inv ersely- with distance we quote the following from the De Pauw "The glee club of 1'ichigan Ujniversi- ty has been asked to visit Japan at the expense of the Japanese government." You M)Ake a Guess. Dear Ed :-.Allow me to liquire whether the "parent" of Rameses is native to Ypsl, was brought uip in Ypsi,j or has taken his university workiI that fair city? "Turkey." BIG .1111S N THE flIJSINI SS.1 )VORLI) TO LE'CT4UU E HERE. Beginning in the first week of the second semester the five public ser- vice and railroad, men secured by Prof. Adams will sta rt lecturing in the courses in Public Accounts and Rail-I .croad Economics. The lecturers, Crawv- ford, of the Pennsylvania lines, Plant, of the Southern Railroad, Beahan, of the New% Y6rk Central, and Wishar and Lutz, both on public scrv ice comn- s arechara;cterized by Prof. - , . being of the high,,stca- bre in tliwrei2ct lines. :A i eery difficult,", he said, "to _U ,;L with i aihoritative informa- tion oil these subjects. These men ar2 the ones, who are doing things, and. ha v'o.first hand k.nowledge. W~e are getting- them to give the results ofi 1heir practical experience." The lectures are to be part of th- reiular course work, and it is not known ii letbler any of them will be mlade public or not, VAR ISITY DE,1BATEtS ITILL STAY9. IN ANN ARBOR~ UNTIL FEIDAY, The members of the two Varsityd- batin teams will11 not be able to leav e for their respective homes tomorrow but will remain in the city until Fri- day for the purpose of arr-ang ing thir ar,;uments for the debates which oc- cu;r January 19.,.At that time the threel mlen en the affirmnative side of the re- ~call question, whtich is to be debatedl, will meet the team from Northwestern here, and the team uphioldin the nega- tive side will battl.e with the Chicagoc teami in that city<. There wl be a freshman engineer A':sseinbly the Wednesday after vaca- tion, but there will be no Agssembly to- Portra WeD® Suits Cleaned and FULLER Chris Watches Hwi du liiinois 319 'E. Ehuron Piati nuna Portraits SOuvt nir IMi cbig an, Co~oglnt s ,S tems Napkin Rin'gs Hailer's ('01. LI1ERtTY AND MAIN STtR1 A most convenient plac-e for yo banlsing. WE SERVE HIOT LUNCHES 1Fir'&Lint. of Lowney's and Hagey's Choeoa 3 . I ,; ' f f Enjoy tte Xmas Holidays in one of our Nobby Englisii Suits and Experience the Satisfid Feeling a perfectly tailored suit gives one. Alt the latest novelties. WAGNER & CO. Tailors State Street I E F 5 p. m.===Choice Spipe with each liards or Pool, at ped Billiard Par= Brunswick Balke and see for your= . 20, 1911. Stop Sneezing Did you catch cold Saturday Uj ,C La, y ~tn m,,et Iiae')f ill the good cold c res, Ltnd C ughl Syrups at the right Prices. Don't forget to stop at Yau1orcu's Phirmicy 703 PACKARD STJRECT L IG SMITH & BRObS. Typewriter s Ball-Searing- long Wearing Y~yt'l nt u~ia a TyepxxriterIliter. Gee the~ t >- bet LI vt<-,it's us.J % hi ii ; llx e Alsk us to -hsh y 0 u j uair Irwesing Manicuri electrical face and Scal Treatments Fuli Line ,.ftToilet Preparations and Hair Goods MLLE. TAYLOR 1-19--E. Liberty 1 HAVE YOUR CLOTHI HALL BROTIII Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c A DZES (iARMENIS()UJ vE'..IA1 . -I R U!! I' lV ,Prop. 310 S. State st. Up Stairs 1 ?ANDAIQL & PA CK1;, PhotgApin r -- ~