I1I iChigan 1 I of ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1911. i XMAS SPIRIT FILLS THE AIR "Progressive. Approach of the Day of Days Creates a Pleasant Sensation in the Minds iication" Hearts of Everyone. COMEDY CLUB'S SELECTION OF A PLAY IS MOST FORTUNATE. and !Cast Will Have Much Work to do, How- ever, Before the Production is In Shape. nsive outline of "The - Ann Arbor is lively-far more lively by Mr. F. G. Tompkins, than at the time of the big football! :hins' recent article on games or the "J" Hop. Everywhere ss in Higher Educa- are smiling faces. The students are atures of the December going home. Today is the day of days, :h appeared yesterday. There is none of the sadness among le "Campus Beautiful," the seniors that is to be found in June by the committee ap- when they are quitting their Alma Regents, provides for Mater for good. Everyone is joyful at ent of a grand mall or the prospect of seeing home and par- ending southward from ticipating in the gayety of holiday so- ation of the stables on ciety. y avenue to the library, To the freshmen it means an op- nemorial at its head, portunity, in many cases the first, to e towers of the library appear as a real "schollej" amn. He down the vista. Along can at last get all of his high school' and shrubbery will be I companions together and tell them of usion, but the diagonal the glories of Michigan. Also he will rows of stately trees have an excellent chance to convince id only the removal of the "governor" that his allowance is he carpenter shop will barely large enough to pay his board bill ,and that a raise is absolutely nec- rmits of the construc- essary. nedical building of the style of' the present nlargement of Tappan MUSICIANS WILL neering building, the the construction of an But the freshmen aren't the only happy;ones. Think of the large num- ber of upper classmen who have been looking forward to the day when they could renew their acquaintance with the pretty girl who wears their college insignia. They are ready with suit cases packed and raiment carefully, brushed, awaiting the final hour. Thousands will leave on the 'various trains today and more will start for home tomorrow. For the past two or three days the baggage men have been rushed, and the station is packed with trunks. However, by Thursday night all of the fortunate "Studes" will be hojnieward bound, and the old town will go to sleep for two weeks until life returns, and the regular grind is started again. Meanwhile "M rry Christmas" is the watchword on all of the streets. GARLAND PLEASES SiL A.. AUDIENCE Popular Author and Lecturer Vivillv Pictures Joys of theTrail" k Pei e e ~ni ling, a new law building. ngs for the library each a courtyard. The project lie impossibility of uni- action but plans that the s will be of one shade of ith gray slate roofs thus s far as possible the gen-- nind and greatly adding to the campus. veness is the dominants nnnt" - ncRa HtA tUU IY EN Active Part Will Be Taken By Ihem in two big Musical Assemblies Here ADMISSION WILL BE CHARGED.I HUMOR AND POETRY ABOUNDS. That the group which has been chos- en to put on "The Magistrate," the an- nual play to be given by the Comedy Club this year, will not be idle until the curtain rises on the first perform- Its Fail ance is a certainty. The late date at Of I which the play was chosen, and the subsequent change from "The School- Is-Th knistress" to "The Magistrate" proved1 isfac a delay for which the Thespians will have to pay hard and conscientious DETROI work. At the first rehearsal which was gone through last night, much enthusi- The Fr( asm was shown over the parts, and the Ex working material which the Club has at its disposal in the new play promis- es that this year's effort will not be Severe lacking either in quality or skill of upon the presentation. The defect which was evident in which a "The Schoolmistress," a lack of cen- day, in tral interest and a sustaining plot, f' and hav choice. The Magistrate is full of vi- tality, and this characteristic of Sir press. Arthur Pinero places it among the first tion cent of the masterpieces of the British lb- realissu sen. The theme centers around an eldery widow who, wishing to disguise gan Uni her a(e, assumes a role of youth many ed and years short of her true age. Her mo- should h tive is to retain the hand of a rich t*on. and respected husband, the magistrate. The tv She has a son, whose age, in order to relate to carry through her ruse, she is obliged are to I to conceal, as she has done her own. hich th The son is actually nineteen years old, when th but she has him fourteen, and around Presa him centers many of the humorous Presnc situations of the play.Icommuni Work will be done by the Comedy its critik Club immediately upcn the reopeningte atti of college after vacation. All lines{the artic will have been committed by that time, "Stude and the play will be staged for its first with the performance on the evening of Janua- expected ry 22. It will be given for the benefitjgreater a of J. hon iisitcrs c 'February 10. canvasse A. and t FACULTY MEN TO ATTEND . same. IMPORTANT MEETINGS, "It -has .tion offic Taking advantage of the opportunity pected to offered by the lull in work during the posed bu holidays a large number of faculty ferent so men will attend meetings of national ni at all. associations in Chicago and Washing- sociation ton, D. C. eral can' Among those who will go to Wash- one gues ington are Professors Krauss, Guthe In reg Novy, Huber, and Newcome,,Dr. Ruth- clubhous ven, Dr. Gleason, Mr. Leverett of the, which ha geology department, and Mr. R. C. Al- ing amo len, state geologist. clares nc Some of the men expect to go to Chi- merely s cago to attend either the meeting of are inad the western section of the American building Mathematical Society, or of the Mod- Y. M. C. ern Language Association" a're, Pro- ped. fessors Hall, Bradshaw, Ziwet, Scott. - Thieme, Tatlock, Canfield, nStrauss. PROF. Y Boucke, Hildner, and Dr. Florer. siv At the thirty-third annual conven- Bringing with him the smell of theI ie present, states rres. .n his recent article, "and progressiveness has always eteristic of Michigan since Pres. Tappan." Michigan ranked below the eastern ig these lines, and in fact the first great educational to break away from the tion of the Music 'Leachers' National I pine cone from the peaks of the Rock- 's I l metnoas. s- ~ MANY WILL CELEBRATE HERE. e . The Union, the Theaters, and Gran- ger's Keep Open Through 1e Holidays. dl 0o Although the outgoing trains are e , destined to carry away the majority E of the student' body before the day is over the university world is not to it be entirely depopulated during the holidays. To the many who must re- s main in Ann Arbor the campus and - near-campus institutions will continue s to minister. The libraries will remain d open during the holidays for the ben- s efit of those who would read as well as - those who wish to study. The Union clubhouse will minister to many wants by affording lounging, reading, grill,' and billiard rooms where the unfor- a tunates may gather. Special Christ- d mas and New Year dinners will be r served there. Granger's too is to con- tinue in its accustomed way. The 'Teg- k ular Wednesday and Saturday night s assemblies are toi be held throughout J the vacation thus affording those who it must loiter here an opportunity to woo e Terpsichore. - Although no definite program has e been adopted by either the University s Students' Christian Association or the ' Young Women's Christian Association n of Newberry Hall, 'Secretary Smith a has announced that open house will be 1: maintained during the vacation, andj that there is a probability of a social, , similar to the one given last year,being n held in Newberry hall for the men a of the University. The cosmopolitan e club will give a dinner at the Michigan Union on New Year's for the member-I ship and all foreign students of the a university who care to attend. e' e Hop Independents Plan Formal Dance e At a meeting of the J. Hop indepen- - dents at the Union Monday night, it! e was decided to hold a formal dance a Saturday evening following the hop, and a dinner either Friday or Saturday - . f that week. Matters relating to of- o penses and general routine were also I association, which will be held in Ann Arbor, December 26-29 inclusive, sev- eral members of the faculty of the University School of Music will take part. President Harry B. Hutchins will deliver the address of welcome in behalf of the university, following which will be a paper read by Prof. Robert M. Wenley on "The Function of Music from a Non-Professional Point of View." Papers will be read by some of the visitors, and in the evening a recital will be given by Al- bert Lockwood, Samuel P. Lockwood. Mrs. George B. Rhead, and William Howland.' The North American section of the International Music society of which Prof. Albert A. Stanley is president, will also meet at the same time, and will hold its annual business meeting in Albert Lockwood's home. All othcr sessions will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, or University Hall. Ad- mission to single sessions will be.50 cents, while membership tickets, en- titling admission to all sessions, and a bound copy of all papers will bE $3.00.'. MICHIGAN FORESTER MAKES FIRST APPEARANCE TODAY. The first number of the year of the Michigan Forester, the quarterly pub-, lication of the Forestry Club, makes its appearance today. This issue of the magazine is devoted largely to news of Michigan foresters who are in the field. Sketches of Leigh J. Young and Whiting Alden, the new in- structors in the forestry department, are also given, as well as general! news of the department. Considerable space is devoted to a directory of the forestry graduates. Calcium Sulphate Delays Lab Work. The presence of calcium sulphate in the distilled water has caused many set-backs in the analytical work in chemistry. For this reason, the chem- ical laboratory will be open until Fri- day. Class to Paint Picture of Rameses. In view of the fact that the robes worn by Rameses, alias Arthur G. Co- hen, of the Union Opera, offer such ar. tistic effects in their color scheme, an oil painting of the old "Egyptian" will be made by the members of a. class in oil painting, conducted by Prof. W. C. Titcomb. les, Hamlin Garland, apearing as the fifth number on the S. -L. A. program, gave those who visited University Hall a talk on the "Joys of the Trail" that will linger long in their minds. It was! a lecture from a master trailer, as he styled himself, and portrayed the trials and tribulations of a packer. Tracing a trail from the plateaus ofj Colorado to the wilds and mountains of Montana, Washington and British Columbia, all of the sensations and encounters of the trailer were vividly told by the lecturer. Poetry and hu- mor were intermixed with the prose, and the effect was unusually pleasant. Probably the most humorous experi- ence related by the speaker was the joy of breaking in a new pony that. was like a wound up toy and continu- ally tried to stand on his back. SENIOR LAWS FAIL TO ADOPT INTER-CLASS CONSTITUTION. r Hopes for the general adoption of a uniform class constitution received a bump yesterday when the senior laws voted to lay on the table the mod-' el constitution drawn up by the Stu- dent Council. Members of the class feel that their present constitution, which has been uniform in the law de- partment for some time, is perfectly satisfactory and that a shift would be somewhat of an inconvenience. "The constitution promulgated by the Council is a good one," said R. S. Bonisteel, president of the senior law class, "but we couldn't see our way clear to substitute it for our old con-! stitution at this late hour." Arrangements for having the class! picture taken by G. C. Maedel were al- TENNIS COURTS ARE BEING TRANSFORMED INTO ICE RINKS1 Work on the ice rinks to be made on the tennis courts at Ferry Field was' commenced today and when completed, four rinks, each 100 by 70 feet will be at the disposal of the inter-department hockey teams, The contests will probably take place at Weinberg's rink where a; crowd can be more easily accomodat- ; ed. today whose onl lege course is too tlemen," said Pr a talk at the jun night. "The pr strong in the di for a professior neglect to elect a "In after year: joy their wealth ary pursuits' and acquaintance wi' of literature wil pleasant than th their days in id vote an occasior instead of Grang This morning is the last that - the holidays. I sumed on Thurs 4. so made at this meeting. R. W. Pryer Returns from Murder Case Mr. R. W. Pryer, assistant in hygi- ene in the medical department, has re- turned from Bad Axe where he has been testifying concerning arsenic poi- soning in the Sparling murder case. He will be called to give further in- formation in January when the trial will be renewed. Pasteur Institute Treats Successfully. Seven of the eight patients, who1 were bitten by a mad dog in Detroit on November 24, were dismissed froms the Pasteur Institute on Sunday. The treatment of the child, who was se- verely bitten on the face, will be con- tinued for one week longer. The Avis family, of Brighton, are still takin; . the treatment and will leave the In- stitute on Friday. Benedict Returns With Bride. Ashley Hudnut, '14 E, the student Fresh Laws Banquet at Union. who celebrated the victory over Penn Professors Evans Holbrook- and J. C by joining the ranks of the benedicts, Knowlton addressed a well attended expects to bring his wife back after fresh law dinner at the Union last the holidays. Mrs. Hudnut intends to night. P. F. McCoy, president of the enter the School of Music. class acted as toastmaster. I Pre Man of t Yesb will will ed. I