Cr LAST C I t BY V, M. C. .A. 0; Block a4des (Contivztud from Page t.) tinme and not 'a little money in travel- 8 ling from the Atlantic to the Pacific for the purpose oforganizing, alumni cor- mittees in siteen large cities. TheK P committees havcx for ther prime pur-'I pose the meeting of recent Michigan t graduates ina their city, .and inucing is them if possible to gie some of their0 time free of charge to the relgions,' social and civic life in the communityL This -work is still in tits infancy, ut good reports hiare already been receiv-o ed from several cities. i Over 115 members o last yea'sP graduating class have sent up theirs names and addresses and these haves been seat either from this office or byV our Alumni Committees to the orani-s zations in their respective. cities that really need their service. For the pur-9 pose of helping in a similar way Mich-t igan graduates who happen to be locat- ed in small towns and villages the As-C sociation is publishing a number of leaflets that contain definite sugges- tions as to the best ways and mleans oft serving .most helpfully the ~religiousl and social needs of their communityt 3. The medical and industrial ~is-a siont in Busrah, Alrab ia. Five students! are now on their way to te "city of Busrah, Xrabia, two probably havng; already arrived. Money sufficient has been pledged to support the proect until the net camnpaign for funds. Yale,aH arvard and Pennsylvania have similar university missions. The Association was led to undertake this enterprise lbecause it believes that the great interests of th church at large demand "the education of Univer- sity men along missionary lines. Wit' the multiplicity of local'student inter- ests it is impossible to secure sufficietI publicity for all such matters unless r project is launched that is ' large eaou a to attract the attention of th(< whole University. That the under- tbking has Sueeded thuws far is source of~ profonud satisfaction to all the friends tai the Associafioni, for th Seeretariea and officers o~ that organi- zation biie r sthat this enterprise wi do More to stinlato interest i t g~stmisionarv iprojects of th' church tha i'n other plan they cnk dervise. The present accommodations are sc inadequate for our association wot that unless larger quarters are se- cured, the work will be greatly hadi- capped. The plans for sguring funds to carry out ousr bilding project, a submitted to t~e Board of Rtegents, o not « onitemaplate ageneral ampagi amifog the .alumni. In this connection it will' be inter estinv to .lno x that definite plans for an Association building were drawr. up about ten years ago. Shorty after they were laid aside when it wa known thant the memorial building wa being planned, Again they were lath aside when thaee caapiign for the pres est 1'Union building was launched, bn' nowin view of the ssoiatiou s urgentl used li tsewis ab lutely essetial t( secure a building. The Association is 'not open to th criticism so frequently heard of re stri tin; its membership to the stu- dents who chance to be members of so called evangelical churches. The loes yoinp. 1Men's Christian Association las for tho' last six years opened its mem. bvr, hip,. Including Toting priileges, to students of all, creeds, races and col- AN LDAILY ors, iwlO believe in and desire to for- ivard the general object for which. the association has been established. In reviewing the work which the As- e sociation is called upon to undertake one can see the need of continuity in _________ leadership. The Association is corn- Felled to secure the services of menT who will agree to give a good share of Thur. their lives to the work. Such a policy is in line with the most approv ed methi- ods of conducting large enterprises. No special mention has been made in. this article of the relation of the Association to the churches, in view of the factthat the matter is treated in another communication. It is quite possible that this article has not an- swered all of the objections which may still rest in the minds of some of the students or professors of this univer- sity. Should that be so, the officers or secretaries of the Association willp gladly answer any questions that may be submitted to them personally. The authorities of thle Students' Christian Association deplore the effort of any one to draw the Christian As so- ciations or any one of them into antag- onism 1ith ally other organization. So far as the Christian Associations are enlcerned such attempts' are wholly un- authorized and against the wishes of those' in iuthorit * Seat Sale fUN'VERSI'Y NOTICESj Engineer hockey men report at the C s d Engineering Society room tonight at Am 7. Important. t ' The senior laws will. hold a class Gxh nr fn his afteirnootn at 4 A'loin Sil ay I sday, De Tues., Dec. 26 M: dies of pec al p,,)cksges for the holi UI fr( sh goods in perfect col a' room G to continue the discussion rel- -tive to the class picture. GargBoyle staff meet at Randall and Pack's today at 12:30 for Michiganen- SSian picture. Gargoyle business staff meets 5 P. m. today. Senior lit baseA-,ll ,numieral men be at the gym today at 12:45 sharp, with numeral Jerseys and caps for ?Mich!-I ganensian picture. Se'e large ad for free pipe deal at th~e Tobacco Shop, 118 and 120 mast Iberty St. 59 to C- The mcore and music~ of the Mlichi~ n ion. Opera can be purchased a the most convenient place. Grinnell Bros. Annex, 313 So. State St. 62t,, I Th RexaI1 D E. C. EDSILL, 122 S. Main St. Ia~l MIR A 4jl l'i L Designers of~ Men's Clothes, in Erigii v mrmr, % Imay w1b Ex Jud I'M JMY& . '1 , r Jewelry >d Stick Pins i"'ond Pe~ndants ts, B ics LAST tton,c(-. Spoons IPin ., Fols, Sycons Pennmauts Match loldei's Pockct Kim-cl Iry aStoref [n You must not forget her:abox of Park & Ti or 11 .hitm an 's Candy w We have ali sizes Jr WNW a f S ,pound up, at 6oc, 8oc an a pound. We pack and ship or in .''town' without extra ny hing 'i n the wayv of Geiitt 1"Furnish1ing's: as aCli'II-,ttwas Gift, 1('t us uchase. Our stock of holiday n< vkwcmir is j e: i, :dent with the mrany IPlete' ra2nges ofU1plain cil 11-6in bi'athea or rep? sik, Perpe)(ndiiculr r1 and L.gured de-Ig'ns, are awmong the faCy slks to be worj thist sea- .50. lovcs and iJittens. in rilk. wool mr fur. lir ia well as unlined, can Fancy ye. is in white and colors, al' o the e -tcu t in whitw coipse _Shirls, Mac hurdle Full Dress Shirts lobes. Silk, Cotton or Wccl Hosiery. Silk or linen Haftd- i oney Fur Caps. Muffierz. Smokirg Jackets. aveling Lags and Suit Cases. Umbrellas ONLIIN& FIE G E L I .. alkis' Ann i r £ Ph otograph~s 9Q to G. C.OMA , --