1 C gan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911. ... 1 LTM AT "RAMESES" I AI TO APPEAR IN I)ETROlT. L 4 f fU VING'S DAUMGTERS PREPARE TO CHEER CHILD PATUI Will Petition Senate Council to Allowi Show to Make Trip--Matter A III. ij. f12to be Decided in Vacation. A petition signed by the most prom- inent members of the Detroit Alumni' he Students' Association asking that "The Awak- ened Rameses" be taken to the City ates of the Straits some time after the ho-4 idays, will be presented within a few, days to the Senate Council. At the present time President Hutch- ire segregated. This ins is in Manistee and as he will not w u .u return until Thursday it will be nec- wrhere our religious essary to call a meeting of the Senate t themselves in the during vacation to act upon the re- n service as distin- quest. more formal gather- ------ - Segregation is the College Girls and Y. W. C. A. Buy Gifts organizations among Over fifty 'dolls and many toys have I assume for similar already been promised by the college nee, we believe, has girls for the Y. W. C. A. to distribute ;hown that with our among the poor of Ann Arbor at1 serious questions as Christmas time. All dolls and toys rith are more freely should be in by tomorrow evening. ertained and discuss- There will be no regular meeting of in which men have the Y. W. C. A. owing to the close prox- res and women by imity of the Christmas vacation. work of the Young Chase Osborn, Jr., is Engagd. Women's Christian GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., Dec. 1.- ' l 3 i ] c 3 E The ASknowledgment whi h follows NC ws rtten by and is ublished at the request of, the authorities of the or- ganization which is performing a arbinson Takes Second Place splendid work in providing Christmas In Trvouts for Lansing gifts and Christmas cheer for the pa- I Re presentative tients in the children's ward at the urniversity hospital. "For some weeks past 'The Merry W C,0NATET PROES BRILLIANT. Little Maidens' have been very busily M lending their small helping hands to The soph lits carried away all the the Hospital Circle of King's Daugh- honors at the local Peace Oratorical ters' Christmas Committee who with Contest held last night, as Percival V. Mrs. Josephine H. Murfin as chairman, Blanshard, '14, won first place' and C. direct much earnest effort toward 1To C. Harbison, '14, took second. Blan- brightening Christmas day for the lit- shord will represent the university at to patients in the children' ward of i the State Peace Contest to be held in U. of M. hospital. To those who in turn Lansing on March 29, at which the most efliciently lended larger h'elping representatives of five colleges will hands t se little Maidens wish to compete for $100 in gold and the honor say "Thank you" from their hearts: p of competing at the national contest. to their mothers and many, many The contest was exceptionally good ac- friends; also to McCrumb's Mack's Iet cording to the judges, Regent J. E. Kirby's, Foster's, Dean's, John Martin, van Beal, Professors J. H. Drake, T, E. [Hoag's, Times-News, Walker's Livery. brie Rankin, J. S. I.ves, l brarian T. W. and Michian Daily telt Koch and L. P. Jocelyn, who announc- ed i temslves as hihr h1 'lea.- 'ii 'n v wr n l d with the result, stating that the cpAtest was without doubt the . best ever held at Michigan. Mr. Blan- ON "JOYS OF h 1 L THE TR ilL.' rntation of the At a luncheon at the Kent Ccuntry e students of Club this noon, the engagement of Missj win their alle- Marjorie Stanton of this city, to Chase of the Chris- Osborn, Jr., of Sault Ste. Marie, son lish this end, of Governor Chase S. Osborn, was an- general meth- nounced. The wedding will take place early next fall. liglous educa- shard had the honor of receiving five firsts and one second, a clear lead of points over his nearest comnpestitor. jii Qt Fe jwit eet rrY 14 Law Professor Announces Engagemenms The engagement of Prof. Gordon Stoner, of the law department, to Miss 'I ]i S argaret cLaughlan, of Chicago, was n ®Indemnity Stw4ents Still Suppor-ted. . announced last evening. Miss Mc- ocia- Rumors that the Chinese Indemnity L a, hln, who is now teachmng i the ,hos- Fund scholars have been cut of from Laghlin, ho now teachg inwth high sc-heel at Houghton, Mich., was mis- the financial support of the govern- menton acoun of he rvalaion radluated from.l the Literary depart- .narymntnacutofhervuin r1ont lhcre in Jlull, 108. Silo is a Tonal now going on in China, are unfoupdedhmlntferenJu, 0. h ioe "member of the Delta Camra sororityl rn of Their monthly allowances arrived yes- The wedding will take place shortly car- terday morning onl time.afe hclsofteol.e ret ---after the close of the college year. when Chinese Studets Will Hold Soci.' TRAINER MURPHY ADVOCATES each The Chinese Students' club will hold I ADICAL ChANGES IN RCLES4 here its regular meeting at Newbe ry ri' not tomorrow evening at 7:30. Ogficers ;jMike Murphy, the veteran trainer of ding for the following year will be elected. Pennsylvania, has come forth with a par. The annual social of the club will fol- few of his own ideas of how football tWO. low immdiately after the business should be played. And incidentally :hese meeting. :Mike takes a short rap at the rules puts committee. He doesn't care for the eater Illini Club Secures Special Car. forward pass and thinks it should be the The Illini club has secured a special abolished, as it is useless and spoils lents car to be hitched on to the special train the game. Then iedloesn't s believe in -. co , Ilanlin Garidnd. 'Dean Cooley Speaks at Union Tonight. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley will be he guest of honor and the principa' speaker at the 1915 E class dinner at Lhe Union tonight. The dinner will htart at 5:30 and will continue until cor be in vhich will leave here at 2 o'clock to- the kickoff, and thinks the ball should 7:30. H. A. Enos, president of the 1 teen games will b( acrrow aftcrnoon. The car will be be put into play at some point in the -lass will act as toastmaster and will The tennis cour xclusively for Illinois men and will field. Mike claims that more men are call, on several membc-rs of the class be flooded and d e decorated accordingly with a big injured in the kickoff than any other for speeches. rinks for practice injued n te kikof thn an oter or seecesweather man male lMini club banner. play in the game. weather-man-ma The authority is also of the opinion Fresh Laws Adopt New Constitution, department will r for such prospective student. Ithat the value of a field goal should be The fresh law class put itself on a team. But much more is done. The secre- reduced to two points, that the onside record as the first on the campus to The lit candidat ares of the Association attend many kick should be encouraged, and that adopt the inter-class constitution re-- at 6:45 at the Unx f the High School conferences held a change should be made in the num- cently proposed by the Student Coun- not attend are rec Throughout the year, including also the ber of yards to be gained. He believes (ii, at a meeting yesterday afternoon. 1131-J. tate conference for high school boys that a team should have four downs to A page in the Michiganensian was eld at Torch Lake. They know anaiy gain ten yards. With these few chang- authorized, and it was decided to hold Prof. Lorch Retui f these boys intimately. es he will be satisfied. a dance immediately after the Christ- Prof. E. Lorch But possibly the most thorough ___ias holidays. morning from a vork that is done among the boys of S tdler to Address Aeronautical Club. --the east. Last ' his state is accomplished by the depu- Professor Herbert C. Sadler and . "Mrs. WashteGaw. ookus" is il. attended a confer ation bands of the Association. These M. McKay, '12 dent, will address the Walter P. Stafhbir, '13, "alias" Mrs. architectural coll ands consist of five or six men who Aeronautical Society tomorrow night, Washtenaw-Cookhus, president of the bia University. T re sent out by the Asociation to a 7:15, in room 311 of the engineering Liberty street Browning club is con- tute of Technolo umber of the small towns within a ra- buiilding. fined to his home with chicken-pox. vard, Cornell, Pen Jus of 100 miles of Ann Arbor. They, Mrs. Cookhus became ill before the igan were repress pend two and a half days in each Seniors to Receive Free Alunmnus. first performance of "The Awakened of the conference own, holding between ten and fifteen, Every senior in the university will Rameses" and it was only with the rious modes of c eetings, meeting personally a large receive some time today or Wednes- greatest effort that "she" was able to the different archi aajority of the boys. The service ren- day a copy of the December alumnus. play "her" part on Saturday evening. ered to the pastors and adults is This is the first of several issues which - -omeop Dean 't y no means small, and the general ef- will .be sent gratis at different times Ann Arbor Rol Offers Special Rate, Dr. and Mrs. W. ect, quite aside from the direct in- during the year to the near graduates, Beginning Saturday the Ann Arbor tertain at their ho uence upon the lives of the boys, we the purpose being to acquaint the sen- railroad will place on sale round trip ening. All studen elieve is most beneficial to the Uni- iors :with the publication before Ieav- tickets to all points on their lines at ic department wh< ersity. We are glad to mention in ing the university, a fare proportioned to one and two- in Ann Arbor are mis connection the splendid work thirds of the regular full fare rate, be present. hich has been done by bands of stu- initiates to eet in Joint Debate. These tickets are good until January 2. ents from the Baptist and Methodist Resolved: That the initiative and The Michigan Central and Detroit Uni- hurches of the city. referendum should become a part of ted lines offer no special Christmas Prof. Bogle Unab 2. The work that has to do with M ichigan state law, is the question to rates. Tickets this year will be on sale ;The trouble whi Iumni. The Association has long be debated in a joint m'~eet between the only at the regular ticket oles has been having a een criticised by its friends because inititei of the Alpha Nu and the Adel- uite severe, and I the fact that its members, eve'n phi some time in February. No Assenmbly for Fresh ugineers meet any of his cl hose who are most active in Associa- "There will be no freshman enineer holidays. on work, do not do their full share in Englineers Will Debate Referendum. assembly Wedu sday," sai Dean M. ae social, civic and religious life of the' The Engineering society will hold a E. Cooley yester :hy. "As many of the Fresh Laws Dine ity or town to which they go immedi- debate tonight, at 7 p. m. on, Resolved freshmen have no other classes than The fresh laws tely after they leave college. Believ- "That a student referendum should the assembly, we have delided to at the Union toni% ig that this charge was in a measure be instituted at the University of Mich- let the boys off, but therc will be no sons J. C. Knowl rue the Association has spent much igan." All engineers are welcome to assembly the Wednesday following va- brook will speak. ('cntinued on page 4.) come. . cation." as toastmaster. i