Union Offers Special Sunday NIenu. The following dinner will be served at the Union today from 1 to 3 and from 6 to 8: y .CLASSIFIED ADS. *k Canape de Fois Gras. Consomme Julienne. Pearl Celery. f ;y Olives.I Broiled Lake Trout, Maitre d'Hotel. Julienne Potatoes. Roast Spring Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Steak Minute Colbert. Roast Prime Rib Beef, Natural Gravy. R & W Ove r- coats I 1 Potatoes O'Brien au Gratin. Stringed Beans. Candied Sweet Potatoes. Macedoine Salad. Maple Ice Cream. Fancy Sponge Cake. Demi Tasse. FOR RENT. For Rent--Parlor Suite; steam heat, Electric Lights. 432 S. Division St. 63-64-65 For Rent-Two large rooms, 220 S. Ingalls. 64-5-6 WANTED. Wanted-Second growth Hickory butts suitable for Automobile spokes. For further information call on or write W. C. Morrey, Mgr., Timber Depart- ment, Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Michigan. 49 to 73 FOR SALE For Sale-Duebills on a leading New York Hotel. See the Business Man- ager between 1 an 2 p. m. eod tf Awakened Rameses Souvenir Scores and Sheet Music for sale at Schaeber- le & Son's, 110 S. Main St. 63 tf LOST Lost-Friday night, on Main street, a Japanese Mink neckpiece. Finder please return to Daily office or call 1081-L. 65 ILost-Delta Sigma Rho fob with name on back. Finder please call 246 Bell phone. 65 Lost-Moore's a-halable Fountain Pen in U. Hlal Friday afternoon. Re- ward if returned in good condition to Daily office. 65 Lost-Chemical Lab Note Book for course I either in Chemical buildingj or gym. Name and address in front. Reward. Call 678-J. 65 Xmas sale of banners, pennants and pillows. $1.25 banner, $1.00; 75 cent pennants, ,50 cents; fine imported knife with every $2.00 sale. Fine pres- ents. Skinner's. British Suit"' * yjrignh trea Decker & id's M4ain St. Xmas sale of fountain cents. Knife given with sale. J. L. Skinner. pens at 35 every $2.00 Zociet+ liOvanb . .., ... w...,.........a. .., of I UNIVERSITY NOTICES I mas gifts per Knives iper Weights per Files per Clips oker's Sets Desk Sets, Etc. Senior engineer class meeting, Mon- day at 5:30 p. in., to consider class constitution. All junior engineer- basketball candi- dates meet in trophy room of Bym at 4:30' Monday. The education club meets Monday at 7 p. m. in Tappan hall. Prof. F. S. Breed will speak on "Scientific IMark- ing Systems." Everyone interested is invited to attend. There will be a general. business meeting of the fresh law cl ass Monday. afternoon at 4 o'clock in room B of the law building. Men from upper penins.ula meet Tap- pan hall, 7:15 Monday., Gargoyle staff meet at Randall and Pack's Tuesday 12:30 p. m. for Mich- iganensian picture. Q We devote especial attention to young men's tailo: in life well dressed, they will probably continue to di means they will continue to have their clothes made he depend upon us for the "right thing," we will be re appearance. Q Exclusive patterns in foreign woolens selected es men, constitute a considerable portion of our stock; and for this particular class of trade have a dash and sty refinement of fashion, that cannot be mistaken for app less expert knowledge of the type of apparel young gent) (IL Suits and Overcoats, $30.00 and up. P. Kirschbaun "The Original Young Men's Tailor' G. 2737 ,V _ r Co. SUPPLIES hone 1404 ring omly Architects to Hold Smoker at Union. The Architectural Society will hold a smoker for students of that depart- ment at the Union, Monday, December 18, at 8 o'clock. Robert Fisher will preside as toastmaster, and Mi. W. C. fitcomb, L. F. Anderson, and L. Keli- her will respond to toasts. Prof. Cross to Address Lovers of Art. Professor Herbert R. Cross will ad- dress the Ann Arbor Art association on "Art Centers of Italy," in the high schoola uditorium next Tuesday even- ing, at 8 o'clock. Grinnell Bros. have a very large stock of Mandolins, Guitars and eimallj music boxes from $2.00 up; just the thing for a Christmas gift. Call at their warerooms, 120 and 122 Liberty streetI for anything in the line of music at lowest prices. 62 tf W. J. SIMONSON, Mgr. Uncle Sam always buys the best. Turn up the rugs in the U. S. Senate office buildings at Washington aid stamped on the back of every one of them you will find the name of Whit- tall-the mark of quality. There is not a rug made in this country that will give the wear and satisfaction of a Whittall. For sale at Martin Haller's Store. 61-$3-65 musical ome The Song Far ,e Book by Harry Shed4 Lyrics by Jack Kenyo Music by Hilding And CAST OF CHARACT1 Jack Cherry, Sophronia's son.................. Billy Dasher, of Chicago...................... Mary Cherry, Sophronia's daughter.......... Monday Tuesday Wed. MAJESTIC ..25c k, ..... ........... ......5c rd .. . . . . ... .. . . ..15eC ...4.5c they last you can buy them for 25c at rry's I I LET 'ER FREEZE Schumacher's Hardware will furnishyou with a pair of SKates, and you can skate. Peek & Snyder Skates 304-510-31t South Mali' i Tailor Alma Buckman, Colonel's daughter........................- Colonel Buckman ....... .......................Fre Sophronia Cherry ................................ Marmaduke Sudds. .............................C Capt. John Cherry, the husband..........................T The Princess Tonga.................................. e GUESTS AT TUE HOTEL oRMOND Molly Moline, Dublin, Indiana............................. Jean Macfarland, Glasgow, Virginia....................Ma Carmen Mendoza, Madrid, Alabama....................... Gretchen Bratzen, Vienna, Maine........................C Varvara Menchikoff, St. Petersburg, Pa................Kat Dolores Cuneo, Rome, Georgia..................... Olga Jacobsen, Copenhagen, N. Y......... ......... Johanna VanBeckman, An-msterdam, Cal............... Place-Ormond-on-the-Halifax,.,Florida. Time-Now. Act i-War. Act 2-:Strategy. Act 3-Peace. MUSICAL NUMBERS (Director of Music, HARRY WALAc.) Detroit Mich. i tens for Overco- ts fete in every way. I Dress Suits n Pias, Fobs and Fraternity big Ben alarms $2.50 Arnold alarms $1.00 atrmnage is Well Caedfbr Here IBC ®r o University School of Music x. 2. 3. 5. 6. ennan's Restaurant Many sLudents condemn an eating place be- cause one meal is not a harvest Dinner. I 7. 8. 9. 10. I T,, 12. 13. I4. Opening Chorus............................. "The Land of Make Believe"................Dashe "When You're in Love"........... ........... "The Summery Girl"........................Mar "Hip, Hip, Hurrah, My Wedding Day"............. A few moments with Sudds. AcT II "Bridge Whist"... ....................Mary, Alm "It's Just Your Way".. ........................A "Experience will Teach You How"..........Col., Sod "Merry Mary".........................Bilfy, Ma: y AcT lIIlI "I Love No One But You"A...................lm "I'm On My Way..................... " oni-ba-loo".............Mar Finale......................... TERS hoot Music Soses I Here is our answer. Beginning January 1, 1912, we will serve from our a 1a carte menu any equal value with- out charge in the place of the regular meal. Find us at 612 East Liberty. Coming Thursday The Two Admir in an Entire Same new show-Cc Company and oe 15 I 1 111 rI ,. . , forCollege en at Allen's GoodClothes