AMITTEES FOR HOP ARE CHOSEN I Chairmen Given Instructions Will Start Work At Once. And e shoe mities REINHART INDEPENDENT'S MAN. Michigan's most representative and elaborate social event of the year, the 1913 Junior hop, is under way. Com- nitteemen from the various fraterni- ties have been chosen, while Dexter Reinhart was elected without opposi- tion to represent the independents by the junior literary class. The, commit- tees have been selected according to the rotation plan which it is customary to follow. The first business meeting of the combined committees was held at the Chi Psi house yesterday after- noon. Ernest 'Kanzler, was elected general chairman and A. M. Reed was selected to lead the grand march. Chairmen of the various committees were apportioned'their duties, and in- structed to receive bids for the music, refreshments, decorations and pro- grams. The firms that have handled the hop business in the past will be communicated with at once, and bids for the work will be accepted immedi- ately after the Christmas holidays. The following is a list of the commit- tees and the men who will serve on them: .Geneial Chairman, Ernest C. Kanz- ler, Chi Psi; Secretary, Bruce Ander- son, Phi Delta Theta; Treasurer, J. A. Syverson, Phi Kappa Psi. Reception-A. M. Reed, Alpha Delta Phi, Chairman; H. C. Allen, Alpha Tau Omega; Robert Oren, Sigma Nu.. Arrangements-Chairman, T. W. P. Livingstone, Signa Phi; J. T. Caldwell, Kappa Sigma; Henry Spring, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tracey Bogart, Sigma Chi. Decoration-Chairman, Julius Beers, Beta Theta Pi; C. B. Longley, Delta Upsilon; Godfrey Strelinger, Zeta Psi. Music-Chairman, A. H. Kuhn, Theta Delta Chi; Morley Griswold, Delta Tau Delta. Invitations-Chairman, Walter C Hill, Psi Upsilon; John Coolidge, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Bernard Fallon, Phi Gamma Delta. Chaperones-Chairman, Dexter K. Reinhart, Independent. UNIVERSITY NOTICES All Musical club men must be at the Dearborn St. station, Chicago, tomor- row afternoon at 2 o'clock. Meeting of Cercle Francais for act-; ive members in Cercle room Monday at 8:30 .p. m. Senior lit class meeting today 4 p. m. Tappan Hall. Illini club meeting today, 4 p. m., Tappan Hall. Finest equipped Billiard Parlor in the city, 118 and 120 East Liberty St. Everything new. 40 cents per hour on any table. THE TOBACCO SHOP, 59 to 67 118-120 East Liberty. .PROF. EFFINGER HELPS FORM NEW "ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. A new alumni association was form- ed in Alpena recently under the di- rection of Professor J. R. Effinger. About twenty-seven men turned out to become members of the organization and about as many more are expected to join by the time the association is was elected president. Among "those present" at the meeting were "Red" Campbell, last year's varsity pitcher, and former Regent Frank W. Fletcher, '75. The next meeting of the new associ- ation will be held December 26 when all the under-graduates who live in the district covered by the association will be present. Engineers May Remove ."Cons" Soon. All engineers .who have conditions to remove' will have a chance to do so on January 5 and 6, 1912. NOTICE! To Automobile and Motor Cycle Own- ers :-The 1912 automobile and license number plates are now being issued. All owners should make application at once so as to be prepared for January, 1, 1912. No cars or motorcycles will be allowed the use of the streets of Ann Arbor after January 1, 1912 with- out them., In putting on license plates the rear plate must be attached so that the light from the tail light will shine on the number plate. This is in accordance with the state law. By order of THEODORE APFEL, Chief of Police. < 62-63-64-65 The score and music cf the Michi- gan Union Opera can be purchased at the most convenient place. Grinnell Bros. Annex, 313 So. State St. 62tf Heywood and Wakefield's Rattan Chairs in baronial brown with leather or tapestry cushions are the most styl- ish and comfortable pieces offered for sale at present. Martin Haller, Fur- niture, Draperies and Rugs% 61-63-65 Perfo New The A Public De man Rami Saturday, Dec 16, 8 p.m. Seats Now on Sale Box Office Whitr RoyalTiloiw Clothes put up as you wait thim, of ready-mades. Ct me and see t and styles. ALLMAND & FC .Z3 AUTO LIVERY BELL PHONE 1101 Ann Arbor Garage, 206 and "" ;11 s upI HARRYI Sl 56 Lafayette Ave. Scotch, English, and Irish Woolt and Suits. The stock is comple English Styles Tb "bla Te Mov ing tie Shav that' force Pictures /. d $4.00 Of today demand ,K & CO. Action, Excitement, and Adventure 00-SAIIOCK s opio .3png puJqpjO 'a Is noqmx A piece of handsome furniture is al- ways appreciated and there is always room in every house for such a gift. Martin Haller's Furniture Store. 10 P(Q01 For Sale at Vuh rslty Toggtz-y Shop 1107 S. Vcnfv~x-&ty'Ave.. The Great White SIGN of °the TN I C 61-63-65 . Y the LARGE- I STOCK atFoc h ' ' from $4.00 to $6.00. Nowhere else will y money, that we give you-the proof of t 7, you know-come and eat? irge stock, our REPUTATION for CORRE give you BETTER SERVICE than it is p and $6.00 custom models with those co you the CT os- st- For a-Change A new package and revival of a good 'ld- TEMjPLF IN I r Will Direct You ;: S . Tam 't fRMA1' '' Pt;3SALLHMA P . ,z N _-/ a- i IMA' AELD'5" Admission 5o Admission 5c Down town on South Main L C, SMIH & BROS", Typewriter Ball-Beaing- Long Wearing You'll need a Tyepwriter later. Get the best now and have it's use whilein college Ask us to show you FUELBER & ZEWADSKI 310 S. State St. Up Stairs 20 - Sold in an air-Might, sealed tin, 25 cents. .1.19 South Main Street -f E. E. CAL KINS ( I Repairing L Y ... - % I botographs goto G. C.MA I