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December 15, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-12-15

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They Can't Always Believe Their Eyes,
And Complications Result
Behind the Scenes.


Attitude Towards Union And
City Pastors Will Be

IThe long continued silence that thej
Y. M. C. A. has maintained by its fail-j
ure to answer charges that have beenr
hurled against-it by members of the
local Pastor's Union and the support-
ers of the Michigan Union is about to
be broken. Definite promises have
been made by the Y. M. C. A. author-
ities that a communication will be giv-
alI the music for "The en to the Michigan Daily within the
Ranmeies" with the excep- next two days which will define thei
Y. M. C. A.'s future attitude towards1
the churches and the Michigan Union.
It is generally understood that a
he perfosma.nEcerynseatcompromise has been effected with the
e full sway. Leery seat Pastors' Union but the terms have not
Iand special cars, carr - yet 'been made public. Practically ev-
ties, will' be run from De- erything has been completed except
heater. The curtain will the final signing of the compromise,
at 8: 15. according to one who is in close touch
with the situation. The terms will be
D DISCUSS PLANS made public just as soon as the rep-
V BUILDINGS 3IDAY resentatives of the two organizations
-c Acan prepare the agreement for publi-
Mblthit Association for ;cation.
ory Membership Will Much interest has been aroused
,ome Iep. mong the student body regarding the
m attitude of the Y. M. C. A. in regard to
11' Memorial building and the Michigan Union and its new club-
campus heating plant are ! house which it has hitherto refused to
rs which will occupy the make public officially. All action in
ition of the Regents at behalf of the Union has been delayed
awaiting the publication of the Y. M.
December meeting to-' C. A. plans for the future. Now that
tion of the Athletic Asso- the situation has been cleared up fu-
g that membership in the ture developments are expected.

Heads of Universitv.M.AC. andj
Mining School Investigate t
That the three state institutions of
ihigher learning-,-the University, thec
r Agricultural College, and the School of{
Mines-should cooperate intimately,.
was the conclusion reached by the ,
presidents of the respective schools ate
a conference held, Wednesday, in De-
troit. The meeting was but prelimi-:
nary in nature but the preparation forg
permanent cooperation, and the provis- o
ion made for regular quarterly con-a
1 ferences between the heads of the;
three schools, promise a great better-
ment in regard to the present system e
of higher education in Michigan. Ir
"Ve are going to hold four meetings
every year in the future," said Pres-
ident Harry B. Hutchins when asked s
about the new movement yesterday.b
"One conference will be held at each s
of the schools interested, while the
fourth will be held in some other townp
of the state. Our next meeting will t
be at Lansing on February 8th of nextp
year." I
The idea of encouraging coopera-'
tion between the three state institu- b
tions of higher learning was first pro- t
mulgated by Governor Chase S. Os- w
born. The latter thought that, per- t
haps, some needless duplication of a
various courses existed between the t
three state schools, and that a moret
direct cooperation would tend to mini- n
mize this fault. As an example of the g
overlapping of courses, it was pointed s
out that general engineering is vE
offered at every one of the three state w
schools, while forestry courses are in
given at both M. A. C. and the Univer-zi
sity. It is realized that students can-
not well rotate between the various a
schools to complete their education, tc
thereby making it possible to teach tb
a certain subject in one institution on- a
ly., but it is hoped that the present du- f
plication can be remedied to some ex-
tent, if only as a matter of economy. tb
President J. L. Snyder, of M. A. C., aN
was the guest of President Hutchins,
.in Ann Arbor Wednesday evening, on u
the return of the two state school S
heads from the conference in Detroit. ai
President F. W. McNair, of the School tr
of Mines, spent yesterday here as the tc
guest of President Hutchins.

"Gangway for the professor," yelled
the shrill voice of Mrs. Huston hidden
behind a profusion of ruffles, corsets,
bespangled dresses and that sort of Forty-
thing. "Cheese it, kid, a prof," from a
newly born burlesque queen, and a
/earer of the duds, who had just let Mi
out a stream of language which would At 1
not get by in a class room, ducked
through the nearest door to escape the FREE
censuring gaze of the professor whoev-
er he might be, whose approach was Selectk
heralded in the manner just described.
But just then a little stoop shouldered
gentleman, bent beneath the burden
f authority, a title, and in particular, Eleve
a heap of colored garments which he Michiga
carried, or rather pushed before him,
emerged into the pale light of the igan Ce
Whitney basement where the costume and the
*ooms of the opera are located. He coast.
vas the make up man, th~ costume ar- tomorrC
ranger, or the painter of faces; in Ill., wh4
Booth, he was the general utility man, en Satu
ut particularly, he was "the profes- The I
or" in that little perfunred world in trip are
which he lives-a world of wigs, paint, H. E. H
powder and joy rags. Which all goes es, I. E
o show that there are professors and Mills, C
rofessors. Major,
"Get next to the chicken, kid" mur- Conger,
nured a voice in the ear of a neighbor lams, E
broiler. But from the "ruby" lips Hanna,
here only issued a merry laugh. "Aw, Butterfi'
votcher givin' us, Steve, that guy's in Hartsve
he show. He's engineer soph, playin' Metcalf,
co-ed in the second act." But just ry Sprin
he individual, tagged chicken, began A. R. Cr
o smooth out the wrinkles in an obsti- Reed, H
ate garment on one of the chorus Tribble,
;irls, in a manner which no masculine Wilkins.
troke could imitate, and when it sur- accompa

ation be made compulsory for
idents, will also probably be dis-
S-at the meeting. The athletic
n was presented at the Novem-
eting of the Regents, but was re-
to a committee at that time, so
,tion on the matter is expectedj



New Book Tells His Experiences
Student, Diplomat and Edu-


x today. Modest and unpretentious are "The
mon- Rmitoday.f Jme uril n
s the Considerable mystery enshrouds the Reminiscences of James Burrill An-
progress of the Hill auditorium pro- gell" which have just been published
start ject. It is barely possible that the Re- in book form. The "Reminiscences"
I even .gents will attempt to secure another are a complete autobiography of Dr.
did at site for the edifice, or accept the York Angell's life and touch upon the im-
z song property at the figure demanded by the portant phases of it from the early ed-
d owners.ucation of the President Emeritus to
d and his presidency of the University ot
piece Michigan. They include his under-
con- SD DRgraduate and graduate life at Brown
melo- University where he'received his bach-
"Ypsi Will Become Interclass Managers of elor's degree, his term as president of
S. the Track and Batiketb~all'the University of Vermont and also
n the Edward Saier, '13, of Lansing, has an account of the various diplomatic
ad fa- been appointed interclass' track mana- missions which he has performed for;
dward ger, and Bruce Anderson, '13 engineer, the United States, as for instance his
called will have charge of interclass basket- work in China and Turkey. A sur-
rus, in ball. Owing to the absence of Director of his duties as a member of the
Bartlmethe ppontmnts avenotvey
Bartelme the appointments have not Canadian Fisheries Commission is al-
. All been officially announced .but it is ex- .
Arthir pected they will be upon his return. Th book makes delightful reading
thy of Other committees to. be appointed have matter not only because of its free and
and been nominated and only await the easy style, but also an account of the
tenaw final action of the board.
t many interesting anecdotes of Dr. An-
s pos- Nothing will be done in regard to -ell's life which are told in a most
ienne. interclass activities until after Christ- engaging way. It is good as a refer-
club- mas and it is not likely that the sports e
idents will be pushed hard until next semes- nce book on most of the later history
there tel. The schedules have not been of the University.
wnin dran upas yt. -The book went on sale at local book-
cning drawn up as yet.
stores yesterday. It is published by
Lether Miss Bigelow Gives Cotillon. ongmans, Green and Company of New1
e per- The third annual cotillon given by
L .has Miss Catharine Bigelow, Directo.r of Law Elections Close Today.
ersity the Barbour gymnasium for the girls Today is the last day that the sen-
who are taking gymnasium work, will ior and junior laws have to hand in'
"Four be held tonight from 8 to 11. Mrs their elections. Election cards should
arties Jordan is assisting Miss Bigelow. be handed in at the Clerk's office.

.Andi aA .e toiled lurm

Athletic Director Sighted Again.
Director Bartelme, who is voyaging
in the interest of Michigan athletics
has again been spoken in a familiar
port. Associated Press reports from
Syracuse, which appeared in the met-
ropolitan press yesterday morning, re-,
ported that the Methodists renewed a
two-year football contract with the
Wolverines by terms of which the
Michigan eleven is to appear in the
Syracuse stadium on the twenty-sixth
of next October.
Council May Be Reached at the Union.
Persons wishing .to communicate
with the Student Council relative to
any matter of campus interest can
reach that organization through the
Union by leaving their communications
at the clubhouse. It is thought that
this process will be more prolific of
results than through the old method of
sending communications to different
council men.

stage snatches of prose fiction greet
Ais ears from the babel of voices 1
low. "I say, Mrs. Huston, please '
up my dress this doesn't fit at al
and "Mrs. Huston, which is'"the frc
end of this corset," or " Say, Gi
snatch me another wig, willyulh, th
one's all wobbly."
Dr. Van Hoosen Speaks Today.
Following the lecure by Dr. Bert
Van Hoosen at 4 o'clock this afterno
at Barbour gymnasium, an inforn
tea will be held. The subject for t
lecture is: "Openings in the Medic
Profession for Women." Admission
by League tickets, but guests may
brought at a charge of ten cents -eap
the banks of the Nile, until the la
Cleveland Alumni Plan Banquet.
Michigan alumni in Cleveland
planning for a great banquet on :t
night of February 14. They have
vited President Hutchins, bean Cool
and Prof. E. D. Campbell as guests.









Prescribed by Dr. Gargoyle. See the A
and Read the Opera Number of the Gargo
Campus Wisemen. It will be out soon.


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