......... ... ... r..
Election of the various committees
took up the most of the time at the
D first meeting of the faculty of the lit-
erary department last evening. Sever-
al changes were made in the admin-
istrative board. These were made
Id necessary by the departure of some
of the members from the university
r~ and the call of duties in other work
8 about the campus.
Dean Reed, Professors M. Winkler,
F. M. Taylor, J. L. Markley, A. G. Hall,
S. E. H. Kraus, J. B. Reeves, C. Bonner,
A. L. Cross, E. C. Case, T. E. Rankin,
r and C. P. Wagner were chosen for
that committee.
Professor J. R. Effinger was ap-
pointed to the senate council in place
y of Professor A. H. Lloyd who is ab-
sent on leave. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner
r was given the task of looking after
r- the sophomore advisory board and
Il Professor T. E. Rankin was selected
r- to advise the freshmen. The library
in board was re-elected without any
id change.
~ The faculty authorized a new course
r- which was recommended by Professor
Albert Lockwood. It will consist of
he research work in connection with the
in Stearn's collection of musical instru-
'- ments which is kept in the university
ly --
v- Tentative plans for the meetings of
s, the year have already been arranged'
Iy by the Commerce Club and the out-
look for an exceptionally interesting
i- program is brighter than ever before.
e- Instead of the trip to Toledo at the
id end of the school year, the °organiza-
ie tion has planned several trips to De-
is troit to visit the various factories of
>f that city. 1
"If you -make any showing at all
Over 400 athletically inclined young
you are going to be sent East to .reps
resent Michigan" said Dr. Kraenzlein.
to the thirty men who presented them-
selves to Captain Beardsley - at the
trophy room in Waterman gym last
evening as candidates for the cross
country team. .
Captain Beardsley gave a brief out-
line of the history and purpose of the
Cross Country Club. "Pat" Gamble,
varsity track captain gave a short;
talk on the benefits of cross country
work. He said that the "Success of
the team depends on the individual
efforts of the men on it."
Two cross country squads will run
Tuesday afternoon, the fast, at 5:15
and the slow, at 4:15.
Rate to Lansing Is Secured and
Details For Trip Are
women were present at the rousing
mass meeting of the Women's Athlet-
ic association held at Barbour Gym-
nasium yesterday afternoon. This
was the first meeting of this nature
ever held by the association, and prov-
ed to be a great success.
The principal speakers were Miss
Bigelow and her assistant, Miss Berry,
both explaining and outlining the ac-
tivities of its association. Short talks
were given by Miss Woodhouse, Pres-
ident of the association; Miss Nadeau
tennis manager; Miss Hopkins, hock-
ey manager; Miss Higgins, basket ball
manager, and Miss Spaley, vice-pres-
Prof. and M is Zowski, entertained
over 20 Polish students at their res-
idence, Saturday evening. Eleven c
the 13 members of the Polonia Liter-
ary society of 1910-11 were present,
the remainder of the guests being new
The increase in the membership of
the Polonial society is due chiefily to
the efforts of a committee of three
Detroiters which was appointed in
June of this year for the purpose of
conducting a campaign to establish a
Polish educational center at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The Polish press
of the country supported the move-
ment inaugurated by the committee by
printing a series of circulars ,which
were sent to all the Polish weekly and
daily newspapers.
The officers for the ensuing year
are: Francis Dombrowski, president;
Ladislaus Garsztecki, vice-president;
Adolph Blecki, secretary; Andrew
Sambor, treasurer; and Simon A.
Walkowiak, librarian.
In Annual Address
New Students Ho
cure Best From l
He Denies That Michil
be Called the "God
"A word or two that w
ful to the first year men i
Total figures reached 4675
yesterday after-
cRae, President
of Commerce, rj
ederick B. Stever
of the
s, and
ong those
bs. Membership to the club is limited to
and forty men of the senior and junior
the classes taking twelve hours of Eco-
wo nomics. The first business meeting of,
am the year will be held tonight in Room
va- 201 of the Economics Building, to con-
the sider applicants for membership and
was to complete the plans for the year.
ent Students desiring to become members
of the club should hand their names
to Professor Jones of the Economics
'H. "
Chinese Club Increases.
ry- Of the 63 Chinese indemnity students
lay that came to America toward the end
aw, of last month, Michigan drew the larg-
>rd est number, 18 of them deciding to
Mr. cast their lot here. This makes a to-
for tal of 51 Chinese students at the uni-
itil versity, over half of whom are sup-
ent ported by the indemnity fund provid-
'. ed for by the Chinese government for
the education of Chinese students
ent The Chinese student's Michigan
He club, which was formed five years ago,
en but the existence of which was not
announced until this summer, held
its regular monthly meeting in room
248 of the New Engineering building,
out last evening at 7:00 o'clock. The pri-
to mary purpose of this club is to keep
ere the Chinese students in the state of
oth Michigan in close touch with their
has mother country and with each other,
ng and to promote the general interest.
and welfare of all concerned.
Arrangements for the special train
which is to take Wolverine rooters to
Lansing for the Michigan-M. A. C.
game, have been completed. The train
will leave the Michigan Central sta-
tion at 8:45, and returning will leave
Lansing at 7:30. The railroad fare
is $1.
Of special interest to Michigan stu-
dents is the price of admission to the
game. The general admission fee is
$1 which gives standing room privi-
leges along the side lines. Granid
stand seats between the 30 yard lines
will bring $1.75, while $1.50 will be
charged for all other grand stand
Director Bartelme was in recent tel-
ephone connection with Coach
Macklin of the Lansing team, and the
latter stated that the Michigan game
was the big gane of the Lansing
schedule and that therefore the M. A.
C. management felt justified in charg-
ing the above named admission price.
He stated that the standing room on
the side lines will accommodate .1,500
Tag Day Proves Big Success.
To enroll every college girl is; the
ambition of the Woman's League par-
tially realized as a result of yester-
day's sale of tags. Nearly 600 women
have already joined the League and it
is hoped that practically all of the re-
maining 200 women in school can be
induced to enroll, before this evening.
"This year's membership campaign
has been unusually successful,' said
Miss DeLano, chairman of the Wom-
en's League membership committee,
when interviewed yesterday afternoon.
"Our enrollment to date is nearly as
large as that of all last year."
University to be Inspected.
Mr. Herbert Dow, of Midland; Mr.
Walter Russell, of Detroit, and Mr.
Mauch of Hillsdale College, compris-
ing the State Board of Visitors, will
arrive tomorrow for the purpose of-o
inspecting the University with Pres-
ident Hutchins. This board is ap-
pointed by the State Superintendent
of Instruction to inspect the schools1
of the state and report is being made
to him. The inspection of the Univer-
sity will take at least three days.
The total registration in the univer-
sity reached 4675 yesterday afternooon,
a gain of 101 over last year at this
time. The enrollment of students is
still continuing in all. departments.
Substantial gains are reported from
nearly every department. The literary
shows the largest increase with 157,
the engineering next with 39, grad-
uate school shows 19 more students,
homeopathic.10 and the dental depart-
ment 7. The pharmic department has
the same number enrolled as last year
at this time.
Two departments show a loss, the
medic leading with a decrease of 72
due to the increase entrance require-
ments that took effect two years ago.
There are 59 less number of law stu-
dents in the university than last year.
.The cause is attributed to the rais-
ing of the standard of the law depart-
Damaged Safe Is Repaired.
The door. of the safe in the Treasur-
er's office, which was badly damaged,
by yeggs last Wednesday morning, has
been replaced by one formerly used in
the First National Bank. Nitroglyc-
erine employed by the robbers, bent
the door to such an extent that it could
not be repaired.
The repairs on the vault are hard-
ly more than temporary, as it is ex-
pected a new safe will be installed
A. A. Klein, '11, Gets Good Position.
A. Albert Klein, who graduated in
the June class of 1911, has been ap-
pointed petographer to the United
States bureau of standards with his
headquarters at Pittsburgh. He will
apply the petographical optical meth-
ods to the study of cement.
While here, Klein was an assistant
in the minerology department for
three years, but was perhaps better
known as the manager of the Univer-
sity band for last year.
Recently the University of Kansas
organized a debating league among
the high scholls of the state. The
extension division' of the university
supplies them with debate material,
bibliographies and magazines.
"College Inn," Old Soph Headquarters
is Dismantled.
Liberty street does not let its pride
run rampant over other city highways
these days. Into the land from which
there is no return has gone its great-
est claim to fame for along with the
old days has departed the most char-
acteristic landmark of those same
days. Old College Inn is no more.
Time was when College Inn featured
the opening of every new year. From
its four small walls radiated the pick-
et lines of the mighty sophomore class.
Into those four walls emptied the
soph drag-net. Liberty street was
the danger zone for the freshman,
College Inn its -hated center. Here
he learned his alphabet anew. Here
he gave his high school yells. Here
he ate of garlic and mustard and stale.
"dog." Also did he learn that to those
higher up on the ladder of classes'
must he show respect; that the tradi-
tions- of a university are many; that
a freshman is a freshman until his
cap has been licked by the flames of
a certain annual fire. Such were the
old days.
Now dismantled foundations and de-
bris mark the place where the school-
ing was once administered. A huge
tank-once a receptacle for those
whose training must needs be accom-
panied by a plunge into water tem-
pered by cold October nights--weath-
ea's away in:the rear. The sign rests
listlessly on the ground. And he
whose memory dates back to the time
when the mere mention of College Inn
brought fear and trembling to his very
heart and soul, sighs at the desolation.
Dr. Warthin in Annual Address.
Dr. Warthin, of the medical faculty,
will deliver the annual address to
new men next week Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday in the West Amphi-
theater of the New Medical Building.
Tickets can be obtained at the Y. M. C.
Acacia to Build on Old Site.
That the Acacia fraternity, whose
house was destroyed by fire last win-
ter, will rebuild on their old site on
State street, is now a certainty. Plans
for the new building are now being
drawn, but it is not expected that
building operations will be started un-
til late next year.,
ing up of their character a
hood, and in their moral and
growth," was the way Preside
B. Hutchins described the pt
his address to the freshmen
berry hall Sunday night.
other things, Pres. Hutchins s
"It is important that you ge
right. I have noticed failt
failure, not only in the univei
in life because the man was n
ed right. It is of highest im
to get into the right crowd
the right surroundings.
"There are some things that
done if the new man is to 'a
dangers that surround a li
from home. It is necessai
that you get control of your:
do your own thinking. You n1
for yourselves the answer to t
questions of conduct and li
students you are laboring un
tain duties and responsibiliti
owe a duty to your parents anc
to make your university life a
to go out into the world as
rounded man fit for the dutie.
"You are also under duty in
way. I do not think that the
as a rule realizes his duty to
until after life. It is for put
vice that the university studei
ucated at public expense,' ai
right here that he should beg
himself for this public service
"There are certain things
you must, do to discharge yo
faithfully. First, you must rn
most of your university life.
ly, you must make the most of
eral opportunities that the um
offers you. Then again, yc
look after your health, for kr
without health is useless.
more, attention must be given
moral and spiritual developme
world is looking for men si
morals to lead its great mo
There are aids on all sides fc
development. First, there is
dents' Christian Association.
university is often called a
one, yet we have the largest C
association in the world.
more, we have in this towr
and churches indirectly connec
the university, where you wil
be welcome
"Then too, there is the facu
the members hold the correct
toward moral questions, and
ready and willing to aid you
ever you are in doubt ask a
member. The -faculty are n
natural enemies, they are your
They are the best friends you
Ann Arbor."
..,. . =k
ire is Unfounded.
s care rumored ab(
f'junded according
health officer, th
.ses in the city, be
dren. Nothing b
ut anything wro
a '
son's "Maud"
rof. R. D. T. Hollister
Membership Tickets
Oratorical Contest
The University Oratorical Association
Offers more than it ever has before-
More than any other campus organization
University Oratorio
Intersociety Cup
Old English or
Shakespearean P1
ue Debate
13L, 14,'i4L
"There Is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken to a flood,lead# on to fortune-
Omitted all the voyage of their life
is bound in shallows and In miseries."
The Oratorical Association affords you a
Splendid opportunity to*come a
Goad speaker, don't put it off
or you will be sorry.
__ II -