THIE MICHIGOAN DAILY '"" or Overcoat, rown, we ve so >ose from that d. Clothes to New York's your pocket- what's strictly to look. Shirts WOULI) PITT MA TTER UP TO STUT- 1) ENTS. (Continued from page 1.) by the Michigan Union, as it now pro- poses to build. 2. 1 favor the building of a club- house for University of Michigan men by the University Y. M. C. A. as it now proposes to build. 3. 1 favor the building of a club- house for University of Michigan men by both the Michigan Union and Uni- versity Y. M. C. A. as they now re-1 spectively propose to build. 4. I am opposed to the building of any clubhouse whatsoever for. Univer- sity of Michigan men at this time. Vote for one only, but vote with all four in mind, i e. that action will be taken upon some one resolution from these foui4. Let us make everyone, who has not done so, bear his share in thinking out this important question. Then in jus- tice to them let us give all concerned a chance to register the result of that thought. Let us have a campus refer- endum. TRENSSOK, '12. ................ ni ' today at 5 o'clock. Senior engineers report at and ,ack' for class picture as possible. Oratorical Board meeting" o'clock today, N. W. Randall as soon at 4:00 New WtVhitneyT I Dlm Block BadgesI i UNIVERSITY NOTICES' I s or furnish LI Chess and checkers club meets to- night at McMillan Hall at 7:15. Soph lit 'basketball practice today at 2 p. m. Candidates for Soph Engineer bas- ketball team at 2:30 p. in. today, city, Y. M. C. A. Members of the Student-Council can get complete copies of the interclass constitution at the Union desk. Junior men's section of the Deutsch- er Verein will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Deutscher Verein rooms. All men who intend to take fencing must report by 4 o'clock Wednesday. Fencing room, Waterman gym. All 'students desiring to compete for parts in the annual French play this year, see M. Talamon in room 105, north wing, U. Hall, 9 a. m. or 3 p. m. Meeting of Gargoyle business staff The Sign of MUSIC AND DRAMA Mr. 1)otterweich's Recital. Henry James Dotterweich of the School of Music gave an evening of Chopin yesterday in Frieze Hall. Mr Dotterwei h liad a large and apprecia- tive audience, and won enthusiastic ap- plause by a brilliant performance. The program was peculiarly, well chosen to display his remarkable technical at- tainments; possesing considerable beauty of tone, and much interpretive sympathy, he plays Chopin especially well. In the difficult Agitato of the .Sonata Opus 35, and the concluding Presto, in the F sharp Polonaise and the Op. 39 Scherzo, Mr. Dotterweich accomplished real flights of Bravura approaching virtuosity. The evening was deeply enjoyable. Pano, Hitorical Recital. Albert Lockwood Will give the first of two piano recitals on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 in High School audi- torium. The program will be selected entirely from the works of Schubert and is as follows: Sonata - Allegro-Andantino Scherzo-Rondo. Minuet, from Op. 78. Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 1 ,Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 2 Moment musicale, F minor Fantasie, Op.- 1 Allegro Adagio (The Wanderer) Scherzo Allegro Suppose youl were a shose- maker- And you made a pair of shoes for your neighbor across the street- And when they were done you paid a nicke1 to* tele- phone a cab stand- And sent .a clerk in the cab around the block to, deliver the shoes- And added a dollar to your bill to cover the cost of, delivery- What would your neigh- bor say? Never mind. The Editor wouldn't print it if you guessed. That 's the old systenm. though- the big profit to the man who nerly delivers the shoes to yot. WEAR-U-WELL brings the prod- uct of its own factories to your door and says: "Come over, neighbor, and get your shoes at factory prices; be your own middleman and save that dollar and two cents that it costs you to have your shoes de- livered under the old system." You pay WearU-Well $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98 for shoes of the same style and quality you have blcn paying $x3.00, $3.50 and J4.00 1uder the 'usual methods of dis- tribution. You save at least one dollar ana two cents on every pair, and on mny mu nh rntore. After Thougit-If your work (et- mids shoes that will stand ard kniocks, ask the ;-nanr at 'Wecar-U-W ell for No. 476SU3, or No. 676. They wrill outwear two pairs of ordinary shoes. °1CUear-a- ue1Shoe Coy SA CT A bOBLt'AR TWO No. 118 E. Huron SI. Ann Arbor FACTORY BRANCHE NO . 103 December 13, 14, 15 Whitney Box Office The Rexall.]I General Seat Sale at 10 A. M. Raineses Regall stands for Quality in Everything, Perfect Service. Our line of Rexall Remedies is compl( It will pay you to look us up. THE BROWN DRUG S E. C.' EDSILL, Prop. .122 S. Main St. The Rexall Store Presc And Now Comes ~ELOR2A" e chum food dressers Keigh+,-r i6hKi. Mee- s- a{ the +op; Paris at the poinis. 4 ply Hand Made, Y4Sizes 1' ,.2for25 FPZSBIE, COOW'&CO IvAKERS TP?0 ; KYI Matinee 1c 1 localted oin the e everything is Scity. Besides Our specialty Denotes that there you will find High Class Motion Pictures ANN ARBOR'S WNao -rB-B Pipes BEST il and gaIe you tction. MOTION PICTURE F CLASS PIPES Ee JOLLY State Street, AunArbor, Mich. HOUSE ingrowing and cured. Mlutely an- uid ;-81p1n~ Films Changed Every Day Admission 5c Admission 5c "Down Town" on So. Main THE SMOG EST TO BACCO i North 12th - Phone 989-J Cifts SEE the singer full of glee piping up! E i the pipe full of Velvet helping of Velvet, the lfnet of leaf-aged over two years- toned dcwn-mellowed-fit for "Prexie" himself. Time alone can eliminate all harsh- ness-bring about real smoothness and develop the taste that's good. When exams.loom up and uncertainty is ripe-a tin of Velvet will help concentration and study-it s smooth! At all dealers. SPAULDDNG & MERRICK C4!CACO n thing in the way of Gent's Furnishings as a Christmas Gift. let us :chase. Our stock of holiday neckixcar is resplh udentwith the many )lete ranges of plain colors in barathea or rep silks. Perpendicular and figured designs, are among the fancy silks to be worn this sea- 50. loves and Mittcns, in silk, wool or fur, lined as well as unlined, can 'ancy ve'ts in white and colors, also the newest cut in white stock. Full 2 oz. in Shirts, Eclipse Shirts, Mac Hurdle Full Dress Shirts imas,.Night Robes. Silk, Cotton or Wool Hosiery. Silk or Linen Hand- Sealskin and Coney Fur Caps. Mufflers. Snking Jackets. Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. Umbrellas -, CONLIN & FIEGFL AOneO.%C a 'Unanenet o d a,,t in~kr 'otogr S go to' G. C. MA