THS UI IHIGAl DAILY ... . Ce shipping a box of ;olatos will your pack and send order sent direct rDiarmid's in early.- grade r Xmas Ivory, Ebony, etc. Pixo" a 270 new Newberry to have Christmas Service. A Christmas servico will be held at Newberry Hall this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. C. J. West, one of the faculty ladies, will give a reading of "The Birds' Christmas Carol." There will be some special music by the choir and Miss Trible and Miss Rohier will sing. ;The Palais Royal," 209 E. Liberty,. has just received the Latest Russian Toys on the market, also the most nov- el Xmas gifts. Please call and see. 60-63 WAhen you get "That check" go right down to 313 South State street and get all of your Xmas presents-The Mich- ian Calendar published by E.A.Wright. It makes the most appropriate, inex- pensive present possible. 60 Bring in your safety razor blades and have them resharpened before Xmas. All makes resharpened on an Automatic Keen Edging machine. Kil- lin's State Street Hardware. 60 The Royal Rest Chair is designed for comfort and service. Twelve re- clining positions instantly obtained by simply pushing the button. 60-62-64 The Push Button Chair. For Sale at Martin Haller's Furni- ture and Carpet Store, 112 to 122 E. Liberty St. You push the button and rest. The Royal Push Button Chair is the most comfortable chair made. Your inspec- tion is cheerfully solicited. Martin Haller, Furniture and Carpets. 60-62-64 Especially good for Christmas. The Famous Furniture made by the Charles P. Limbert Company, Grand Rapids, too well known in this city to need any further comment. Martin Haller, Sell- ing Agent. 60-62-64 HAVE YOU BROUGHT IN THAT $2.00 FOR THE DAILY FOR THE BAL ANCE OF THE YEAR Fine line of Electric Chafing Dishes at Killins, State Street Hardware. I 57to $0 We have a large stock of "Up-to-{ Date" Sheet Music, Pianos, and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Look them over before purchasing elsewhere. GRINNELL BROS. MUSIC HOUSE, 120-122 E. Liberty St. W. J. Simonson. 50 tf :* *- * * * * * * * CEMENT CLASSIFIED ADS. Advertising matter for this classified column must always be paid for in advance, and may be left at the DAILY office op. posite the Majestic between the hours of 12 noon and 10 p. m., or at Quarry's Drug Store, N. University and State, at any time up to 9:30 p. i. These Ads bring Results. * * * Go * * *# * .*Bring in your safety razor blades * and have them resharpened before * Xmas All makes resharpened on'an * Automatic Keen Edging machine, Kil- * lins State Street Hardware. * * * * * * field & Co IS WANTED. Wanted-Second growth Hickory butts suitable for Automobile spokes. For further information call on or write W. C. Morrey, Mgr., Timber Depart- ment, Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Michigan. 49 to 73 11anted--Student who is an., expert Bookkeeper to work during spare time. Inquire Staebler & Sons, 119 W. Washington St. 60-63 Wanted--Two seats for Union Opera Friday night. Phone 184. 60 tf Wanted-To buy 8 seats for Union Op- era Friday night, or will exchange Saturday afternoon tickets. Phone 184. 60 tfG Wanted--Place to cook in a fraternity. Telephone 71-J. 60-61 LOST Lost-Saturday evening, in Barbour Gymnasium, gold bracelet. Return to 736 S. State or call 194-J. Re- ward. 60-61-62 Lost-Conklin self-filling pen on Will- iams St. Sunday between Thompson and State. Phone 879-J, 418 Thomp- son. -61-62 For Sale-Three seats, near front, for "The Awakened Rameses" for Thurs day, December 14. Call 705-L. Lost-Sunday evening, on State St. or at Michigan Central Station, Mara- bout feather collar. Please return to 802 Monroe St. or telephone 666-J. 60 Lost-A pair of eyeglasses in case, marked Pinkham and Smith, Boston. Return to 1024 Hill St. Reward. 58-59-60 Lost-Black Suede handbag on west side of Main St., betveen Huron and Liberty. Owner's name on .it. Re- ward. 543 Church St., Phone 1153-L. 59-60 Finest equipped Billiard Parlor in the city, 118 and 120 East Liberty St. Everything new. 40 cents per hour on any table. K /- Bapt Bitter Sweets Thick, cr sty, bi ter chocolate, around a melting oweet cream center. Flavors vanilla, orange, cocoanut. They're called Continental Chocolates In pound and half-pound boxes, at sixty cents a pound. E. E. CALKINS in I I Itluy oft Photo S jng Amrn fact ever a specialt sni ts--th 719. A One prob 'I I I I - __.------- --.d. Clever CE For the Dashing, Daring it e All ice to be had An~yhru'c. s we acknowledge no iority in every instance. Come intoethe Store today and i of the swellest line of college togs yi eyes on. The real leaders among the w young fellows of this town all wear A I Company Cron WADHAMS &CH, CLEVER I1 Dress and A Tuxedo Clothes The Hart Schaffner & Marx style and quality. Overcoats, Hats n Redman Collars Holroof .Hosiery SpaldigS a Barker Collars Interwoven Hosiery and Jerseys Wadhams $30,00 to $45,00 121-123 S Main St. Can get assortment of st yles and prices on two days' notice, for your approval. You can save $15.00 to $25.00 on the suit. Lutz's Clothing Store 217 So. Main THE TOBACCO SHOP, 118-120 East Liberty. 59 to 67 Martin guitars and on earth, on sale at Son's Music House .l2tf' mandolins, best Schaeberle &1 29tf Co lie ge 25 cents ,oy. u .vf1 ,SorM ICU Cm LET Have you seen those nobby Oa ford blues at Milward's?- Ta'- r31 S. State St. 59 tf Patronize the new 'print shop, Davis and Ohlinger, Job Printers, 109 E. Washington Street. Bell Phone, 432-J. 18 eod tf See large ad for free pipe deal at the Tobacco Shop, 118 and 120 East Liberty St. 59 to 67 Boys, now is the time to buy your presents to send home. We pack them all ready to go by express. D. A. Kil- lins, State Street Hardware. 57to 60 E_____ & Designers of Men's Clothes, will give you II in FINE HAND WORK G,36 Fa J1 st R U IE Y Furnish the Ice Cream for Your Party I Cater To Clubs and Frets Shoes repaired while you dres, 222 So. State St. wait. An- 34 eod tf .q- The Cleans AnythiDg English Cte r:. ° C O. 7 b . Phone 1534-L J., A. GREY. Proprietor _. I -._ . JDENTI k you if you send St. for their Satu- ;s. Shamp Maiu St. IT Printing, Engraving, Embossing, Fine Stationery, Two-fold Announce xentsor Card with Envelopcs to match, vlenui and Dance Prog-rames. See our new and up-to-date display room. D)on't yet confused in theo nw awd .lace-Chas. F. Meyers, 215 S. Main St., 2nd Floor. Phone 28i-L Ann Arbor, Michigan. It Goodyear's Drug Store 107 SOUTH MAIN STREET We are Never Undersold The latgest and finest stock in the city. Everything you may need, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, etc. LABORATORY SUPPLIES such as MICROSCOPICAL GOODS, DISECTING INSTRUMENTS BOYS--Whem youi are goiig home for I Xmas stop in a ikd get the kids' " I the girls Some fine ca.nfdy from T'ein FeatF MT c n.St r1 . Polhemus Trar Cl ecks b ggn house to disi Men iou all reiur r is I e not top coated to your entire satisfaction-come here for kind. e light weight Top Coat to the medium weight dressy coat, ;h to the heavy OVERCOA T for motoring, we've Fabries, NMakers ready to serve you. I They will .pprecimte sornething that ha.s the flavor of the college town the.t this candy heks. Dieterle, Varsity 117 East Liberty Street Tailor For Sale in Ann Arbor by Wagner & Co. Patronize .Dal Advertisers'I U. I r A 0=09 ,_... lothesforCollegeMen a Allen's GoodCloth