THE MICHIIGAN DAILY . State Street SPLAY f Exclusive Styles i Trousers. o. State Street TAILORS THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- .. day throughout the school year..., Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS MANAGER Albert R. Dilley TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. Night Editor-Loren Robinsom. The "Referendum." Cown atk Those coruhuskers seem to be well trained in making the best of an op- portunity. They have been trouncing the Wolverines so long in their public prints that they now appear to have worked themselves into a state where they honestly believe that Nebraska beat Miichigan by a score of 30 to 0 at tlie Very least.. They "won't have fig- ures enough in the case to Print the score by the time the winter is over and when civilization moves out into the wilds during the next decade they will still be relating the famous vic- tory. Eight more days of this! Any guesses on how many more 1days before we have a directory? a ain uscepio AtBet I~b Rat Ueav e yourr -de-rs early. Av to ;zee our samples of Prv e'sCard 1ik rs ) Rent IT] N G e' zt Y. .-+.,- .l V °~ c. 1 1, , U ' 9 , , Uniet oks M MORRILL itt SU t Plmtlnu~rn~ Poi-taits Phltlnum xPor LIDAY GOODSI The attitude taken by "1913" in the communication relative to the "refer- endum" appearing in Sunday morn- iig's Daily interests us. "It is evi- dent," says our communicant, "that the Daily oppops es the referendum." All of this is net's to us. We haven't been able to make up our minds as to what we think about the referendum because e display ing Xmas ks and Cak 1lars from the Best and Latest Authors Over 1000, 50 copyright drama- ( tiyed novels. Come in and niake your sele -tions early. ARS Sheehan & Co., [sers See Our Window Display We aret he origina Imakers o English clothes. None but inn ported woolens here and nearly all the patterns are confined ex- clusively to Kirschbaum. Drop in and see our display of fabrics.' P. Kirschbaum "The Original Young Men's Tailor" we have not yet been able to deter- mine just what those advocating the referendum mean by it, to just what they wish to apply it, nor what means they desire to use, to put it in opera- tion. There seems to be about as many ideas of what the referendum, as ap-- plied to university affairs, means, as there are persons thinking about it, The its applications to national and state political go ern- ment has come to mean certain fairly definite things but when it is trans- planted to the campus it loses much of its certainty. As a theory we are most favorably disposed toward the referendum. As to its applications to campus affairs we prefer not to express a definite opinion as to its feasibility until We learn just what is meant by it as a campus institution. We pointed out certain advantages of the idea and some objections to it as they occurred to us. We commended it to careful study and consideration of the mom- )ers of the university, We remember a fight for direct vote by the students in the election of their representatives to the Board in Con- trol of Athletics which the Daily as- sisted in waging last spring only to run into a brick wall in the form of the Board of Regents. We do not know of any matters of importance in the uni- versity which are not either within the final control of the Regents or which the- Regents have delegated to the faculty. We recollect that the Student Council endeavored to exer- cise authority in the matter of a class election somewhat over a year ago only to find a higher power in the faculty which swept aside its decision. We do not know what the friends of the referendum expect to control by it but we have not heard it suggested as a means of final decision in relation to any matter in which the student body would have the slightest author- ity. We can well express our true sen- timents and wishes by referendum, but what more can we do? The only trouble with ap lying the arguments, relative to the referendum in its national field, to its campus applications is that in. the nation the people are the source of power while in the university all power is vested in the Regents. ('hetivts fet Today. The university section of the Amer- ican Chemical Society will meet this afternoon in room T151of the new chemical building. Mr. M. Gomberg will speak on the "Review of the Re- cent Literature on Triphenylmethyl." Election of officers will conclude the meeting. Medical Lecture is Well A tended. Doctors A. W. Hewlett and Ruben Peterson addressed the students of the medical department last evening on the subject of "Hospital Appoint- ments." The talks were given in the lecture room of the Medical building and were largely attended. Sig'ma Xi Will Hold Open Meeting. Sigma Xi, the honorary scientific so- ciety, will bold an open meeting this evening at 8:00 o'clock in the west physics lecture room. Professor E .C. Chase will speak on "Explorations for Extinct Animals." Sociology Club Meets. The Sociology club met last night at 7 o'clock in the Economics building. Warren Crane read a paper on: "The Relation of the Juvenile Court to the Ford Republic." WhenI You Desire Port s Qualty 319 K.Huron , Plione.961-L Pklinarrm Fortraits I We Do French D ry and Steam Clean 1 PULR E~iri ad REPAIR ] Suits Cleaned and Pressed 75Oc SuitE F U LLE R & OCFNN Tai!+ors 61I9 E. V THE. IPHOTOGRAPH ER """ Tr's. yv a+"o ta _ R7 j F Cal-er ,.. 't"", 3. r 1d1.i.: :1'.871 iTS 2737 797 Woodward come via Detroit for the holidays, make your Michiganensian Picture. i Detroit, or expect tospend the vaca= ot fail to plan for this. th is the final day for acceptance. According to a recent resolution of the Oberlin faculty, no Easter vacation will be given this college year. The cils are planning to petition for the rescission of the measure. A short course in Esperanto is being given at Pennsylvania by an ex-pro-, Fessor of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Work on nearly $1,000,000 worth of buildings is going on at the University of Wisconsin. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Dec. 13.-Henry J. Hatfield, S. L. A. Course. Dec. 13.-Forestry Club Smoker at Un- ions Dec. 13-16.--"The Awakened Rameses." Dec. 16.-Senior Lit Dinner Dance. Dec. 13.-Forestry Club Smolder in * room 407, Engineering building. Dec. 17.-Lecture on "Le Romantisme Francais" by Prof. Moritz Levi at 5 o'clock, Tappan Hall, auspices Cer- cle Francais. FIRST EDITION is now on sale and as same Is NOT JAI WE sale will lie over in LESS T HA A WEEK. with Xmas orders it may be Iimposside to ;' E." yy RIG]id the e rospeccts are As the house is get out a second Of Philadelphia, Pa. f __ EFOR SITTING NOW Uington Studio .TER J. WATSON e. Detroit, Mich. Buy your ALARM CLOCK at Chapman's Jewelry Store 20t South 4ami Street WA KING LOO=. -Best Chop-Suey made ii, Michi- gan, no fake but Real Chinese Chop Suey. Detroit Un On information to Divisi tendc-t Allen, Ypsilanti, of United Lines, by officers of organizations, the movement capacity of the regular ser group of students to or frc bor, extra cars and extra se Pii~upiIzf E'd r - line of Choice Decoraling Plants ONUS Cor. S. Universily and 12th Sreet E E- CALL F R amm h Tonacco - 5 op Enjoy the Xmas Holidays in one of our Nobby English Suits and Experience the Satisfied Feeling a perfectly tailored suit give s one. All the latest novelties. WAGNER & CO. Tail -rs State .ifreet - -r 1 1 ird Parlor East Liberty Street 4 I 'noon from I-to 5 p. m.===Choice 35c pipes, one pipe with each any table, Billiards or Pool, at The finest equipped Billiard Par= all new tables Brunswick Balke iake. Come in and see for your= r limited to Dec. 20, 1911. F. T. Stimson, Prop. Stop Sneez i Did you catch cold Saturday? We carry a complete line of all the good cold cures, and Cough syrups at the right Prices. Don't forget to stop at Van Doren's Pharmacy 703 PACKARD STRUET' This, Space FQr Sale to a Live Advertiser f air Dressing Manicurirg Electrical Face and Scalp Treatmnents Full Line of Tot,:et Pre-paratiuns -an d Hi~r (Cootie MLLE. TAY LOR 119 E. Liberty - lMrs. J. R. Troj. FASHiONABLE -AIRD flair Goods, Lhdrdressing. M Face Massa-e. RaLin water Shampooing a [Ito soith university . r. N AV E YOUR C LOT HE$ PRBSSED BY H Al A L"L BROTI4E RS Suits Dry cleaned and Pressed 75c Overccals Dry Cleaned a LADIES GARMENTS OUR SUITS PR SPECIALTY. TRY US OVERCOA O a ... , 7 7 ) z d.~ V &, P.. [clic", 'hot -~1 r3 I