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December 12, 1911 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1911-12-12

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een today-but then
a consistent enemy
s Directory. A 1911
riginal aim, purpose!
ks have passed and
and what was once
a deep set ideal, ev-
before the horizon
ublishers. But the
stood still, even if

Director Bartelme's Jaunt East
Is Probably to Arrange
Athletic Dates

Western Suffragette's Speech
Inspires Local Believers
In EquiaI Rights


Athletic events for the university
ack and baseball squads are being

Fired with enthusiasm by the speech
of Mrs. Rose French at Newberry Hall

ias waned and
mere remnant
lays to be ac-

ig of each day 1912
and larger, and the
>ut" is postponed to
iday is now the ten-
r of days. The blame,{
,ssume. It's shifted,1
ilders of one organi-
> another. Then its
a break down of the
tinues until the word
expression of hope.
Ph.D., instructor in
:ngineering depart-
ced last night as the
rho will accompany
r western trip. TheI
by President Hutch-
Effinger, chairman
on non-athletic or-

rapidly shaped, if the absence of Di-
rector Bartelme bears at all upon the
subject. For as is his usual custom,
the boss of the teams is sojourning in
the east and again mystery surrounds
his whereabouts. But it is a safe guess
that his mission is one affecting the
winter and spring schedule for the
various teams.
It was expected that the indoor track
dates would be given out this weekI
but the absence of Director Bartelme
may mean their being withheld until
after the Christmas vacation. Al-
though 'nothing is certain it seems
probable that Cornell and Syracuse
will be the two eastern teams to beI
seen in action in the gym this winter.
The meets with them last year were
a great success and there is every reas-
on why they should be repeated. If any
other teams are to appear here that
fact has been kept a secret.
It is also probable that the trip of
the director has more or less to do
with the baseball schedule. It is knownj
that the eastern trip this year will bej
more or less of a big one and games
have been planned with nearly all of
the eastern colleges. As the booking'
of dates for this trip requires consid-
erable work and prearrangement the
;iourney is probably to do this work.
At all events, the athletic world is at
present extremely quiet and there
promises to be little doing until after
vacation. In the meantime the sched,
ules must remain a secret until the
return of Director Bartelme from his
mysterious jaunt.

talk it over
I am going

yesterday afternoon, a University of
Michigan Equal Suffrage club was or-
ganized. The moment Mrs French
ceased speaking, some one rose and
made the motion that resulted in the
founding of the club. It will be com-
posed of both men and women. The fol-
lowing officers were elected: Mrs. A. S.
Warthin, president; Mrs. V. C. Vaugh-
an, vice-president; Mrs. J. P. Tatlock,
secretary, and Mrs. J. E. Reighard,
treasurer. A board of directors, com-
posed of ten members, and including
both men and women will be chosen
Mrs. French, who is the wife of Dr.
H. C. French, '65 M, spoke under the
auspices of the college suffrage com-
mittee. She told of her 'work among
the working girls of San Francisco and
said that she was inevitably dragged
into the suffrage work owing to the
fact that she was unable to get any fa-
vorable legislation until she had se-
cured the vote.
Mrs. French will speak before the
Ann Arbor Women's club this after-
noon at 2:30. All women are invited.
Mrs. French is accompanied by Mrs.
Huntley Russell of Grand Rapids who
is doing all she can to forward thej
equal suffrage cause. Both women are,
being entertained at the Alpha Phi
The Women's League hopes to have
Mrs. French here some Friday in Jan-
uary to address them at the regular
Friday afternoon entertainment.,
English Actor Will Give Costumed Ree-
itations Before S. L. A.
Mr. Henry J. Hadfield, an actor who
has had over 15 years experience on
the British and American sta'ge, will
give costumed interpretations from
Kipling next Wednesday evening under
the auspices of the Student's Lecture,
Association. Mr. Hadfield has had a
wide experience as an actor, having]
appeared in several Shakespearean
roles, and also as the messenger in
"The Man From Mars."'
His program here will be composed
of selections from the works of Rud-
yard Kipling, each interpretation being
rendered in an appropriate costume.
During the evening he will , appear
dressed as a pirate of the Spanish,
Main; a ship's engineer; an East In-,
dian robber chief; and a British sol-1
The lecture comes in the regular
course, and to those who have not a
season ticket, admission will be 50

George McKay, Captain of Militia, Asks
Authorities for Machine.
George W. McKay, '12 dent and cap-
tain of Company A, Michigan State Sig-
nal Corps stationed at Ypsilanti, who
recently received the first aviation li-
cense ever granted to a National Guard
officer, has applied to the state military
commission for the purchase of a Ble-
riot monoplane.
Some time ago, McKay, in a letter to
Governor Osborn, made known his re-
quest for a flying machine to be used
in connection with the national guard
maneuvers. In reply, the governor fa-
vored the idea, and stated that he
would lend his support in the matter.
At the meeting of the military commis
sion in Pontiac last week, McKay was
present and submitted his plan. He
asked that the authorities purchase a
Bleriot monoplane, and the commission
agreed to consider the question. A
flying machine of this type costs about
$6,000.00 without accessories, and for
this reason the committee did not pass
on the matter. They were, however, of
the opinion that such an addition to the
militia would be advantageous, yet
they could not give a final answer on
account of the high cost of the ma-
"I think that we will have a mono-
plane in the militia soon," stated Mc- V
Kay yesterday. "It is just a matter of
time when sufficient funds can be se-
cured for the purchase of a machine.
We led all other state guardsmen an
the perfection of a signal corps, and I
most certainly believe that we shall
lead them in aviation."


st time in countless years
e found but one man will-
r independent representa-
J-hop. Dexter K. Rhein-
e only one nominated for
a meeting of the class yes-
noon, but for fear that a
ght be set by this unheard
'ther nominations may be
mmunicating with Pres.
nning.. The election will
o'clock on Thursday at
and unless some other as-
ate appears, Reinhart will
sly elected;
class dinner will be held
on Monday evening. The
ittee is also planning a
ty" to be held some timej

ener A committee has been appointed to
A. C. A. assist Carl Schoeffel in collecting the
use the class dues for this year. Max Kuhr,
ch pro- Hayward Irving and Katherine McKay
sire to were named to assist in the tax gath-
its and ering.
sed and Dean Hinsdale Goes to Toledo.
t Coun- Dean W. B. Hinsdale will leave to-
cute a day for Toledo, O., where he will read
rendum a paper before the Northwestern Ohioj
natters. Medical Society. His subject will be
eculiar- 'Tuberculosis and Politics."
Senior Lits to Hold Advance Sale.
during Tickets for the Senior lit dinner-?
Student dance will go on sale at the S. L. A.
a cam- ticket office in University hall todayj
ng res- from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 3. Every-
one is urged to buy the tickets at this
a, club- sale as it is absolutely necessary that
an men the tickets be sold in advance in or-
der to prepare for the catering.

The bridgebuilders seem to have a
monopoly on the officers of the Knick-
erbocker Club, composed entirely of
students of Dutch extraction. John
Dry, '12 Eng., is their new president,
Reuben A. Devos, '14 Eng., the secre-
tary, and Russell C. Taaken, '13 Eng.,
is the treasurer. The club meets
every other Friday evening at the city
Y. M. C. A. but at the present time
they are endeavoring to secure quar-
ters nearer the campus.
The work of collecting money for the,
residence hall is being carried on withj
great vigor. The activities have been,
for the most part conned to Detroit
where about $2,500 have been collected
-up to date. The Alumnae associations
of that city and of Grand Rapids have
organized and are conducting cam-]
paigns among their own members.
The Detroit Alumnae ass6ciation ex-
pects to hold a luncheon early in Jan-
uary at the Detroit University Club.
The residence hall committee of the
university, of which Miss Josephine
Rankin is chairman, has been invited
to attend and the subject of residence
halls will undoubtedly be discussed.
Dean Jordan has also been invited and
the remaining invitations will be sent
to alumnae residing in Detroit,

E. G. Pipp, managing editor of the T
Detroit Evening News, will give an in- wa
formal talk' before Professor Scott's wh
class in journalism in room 207, West der
Hall, at 9 o'clock today. Mr. Pipp is gre
recognized as one of the most skillful and
newspaper men in the west and is pra
well ,known for his broad views. All sal
who are interested in journalism are tod
invited to attend.
Michigan will have a wonderful rep- trib
resentative in the high jump next ss
track season, If something doesn't hap- es
pen to Sargent; a sophomore in the a m
university. Sargent is doing 6-1 in T.
practice at the gymnasium, and as the by
world's record is only a few inches wer
above this mark, he bids fair to makeso
a showing.. Mo
Detroiter to Speak to Commerce Club. ver
Frederick B. Stevens, one of De- and
troit's most prominent business men der
will address the Commerce Club at the sit3
smoker which that organization will end
hold at the Union clubhouse this ev-
ening. His subject will be, "What are LO
you going to do with it?" Mr. Stevens
has taken a keen interest in the work
of the club and his talk promises to be A
one of the most important on the club's of N
schedule. The festivities are sched- by
uled to commence at 8 'clock. put

Junior Engineers Hold Dinner.
"A most enjoyable time," said Dean;
Mortimer E. Cooley after the junior
engineer dinner last night. Prof.
Cooley spoke on the benefits to be de-'
rived from a cosmopolitan acquaint-
ance, here in the University. "Nig"
Kuhn acted as toastmaster. "Walt"
Fiske, "Frank" Gibbs spoke and the
"Peerless Trio" furnished some excel-
lent guitar selections.

Forestry Club to Hold Smoker.
Besides Dean M. E. Cooley, several
members of the faculty and students
will address the foresters on the oc-
casion of 'their second smoker of theI
year, which is to take place in rooml
407, new engineering building tomor-
row evening. Sandwiches, cider and,
tobacco will be provided. A business
meeting of the Forestry Club is sched-
uled for 7 o'clock, preceding the so-
cial affair.

the weather
was taken.
Medic Hu
W. S. Hur
pointed hoc'

'12 Med

nip .. ... -

Watch for the Libretto


The Awakened


In Book Form, Containing Entire Play and Lyrics as presented
in Original Manuscript.



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