11 Practice Announced'to Be- gin Before Coach Rick- ey's Arrival. [NGTON CATCHER TO COACH. all "M" men am was held "gym" last IMPROVES ROUTE TO DETROIT Detroit United Railways Company Makes Short Cuts. The Detroit United Railways is elim- inating all the curves on its line be- tween Ann Arbor and Detroit. Addi- tional land has also been purchased1 by the conpany and right of way se- cured in order to make short cuts. At present these improvements are being] done on two portions of the line, one between Ypsilanti and Wayne and the other between Ann Arbor and Ypsi- lanti. It is the intention of the com- pany to improve the whole system and what is being done on the line between Ann Arbor and Detroit is the begin- ning. Rumors have been current that the road intended to double track its De- troit-Ann Arbor line but the officials at the Ypsilanti division office say that it is not contemplated at present, though as most of the electric lines over the country are double tracking their sys- tems it is probable that the D. U. R. will do likewise in the near future. a New N WEDNESDAI EVENING Offer; CHAVNCEY , Director Bartelme special stress was tat collegiate work so no man will be of scholarship next OL CO More or less of a surprise was sprung when it was announced that cage work would start before the ar- rival of Coach Rickey next March. Forman, catcher for the Washington team two years ago, and who is now a student in the lit department here has offered his services to Director Bartelme and will have charge of the squad until the arrival of Rickey. At- tention will be given to the batteries, and Forman's experience in this line will greatly aid the twirlers and back stops. No work will be started until+ after Christmas. I" His New Play ( Macushla (Puilse of M~y Heart) art "V no Le ge ted Cr Cross To Lecture Professor Herbert1 ts faculty will deli enice" at the regu on entertainment ague, Dec. 8, in Sa l Hall. The lectur( d with slides takf oss, who has spent his life abroad. A league tickets bu OIoett 6 mils Seat An e will be _ More Photographers Endorsed of An article published in a recent is- by ue 'of the Daily, based upon a state- brc ent issued by the Michiganensian au- iorities, to the effect that senior pic- Pr ires for the Michiganensian must be ecured from the Rentschler or Ran- olh all and Pack studios, exclusively, is thE o longer correct. Other studios have rep lade preparations to conform to the sci equirements of the annual and the be :itors have ruled that they will re- eive any photographs of the propel tyle, size, and shape. Maedel, a local hotographer, and The Huntington ter tudios, of Detroit, are among those l JOU the ing is asides ialty e .... .......r.-. + ws light .., GRIT The Messenger BoY Bas Y. M. 11 fgive YOUI P IOLLX AnnArbor, Mich. Next Week NELSON Opera Company 12 W PEOPLE Ws 12 BIG GIRLY CHORUS Prima 1-8 p Fridayy hool - Phone 989-J . h n I Best GUARANTEED Nose on the 15c a pair; two pairs .for ; six pairs in a box, 75c. Colors, Navy and Black have sold this hose for several s. and find it to give the very A satisfaction. Try a box of at 75c and convince yourself ....., r 1' 04 m v FLONZALEY QUARTET 1 January 22 MAY FESTIVAL, Mady 15, 169 Five Concerts-Soloist, Chorus, and Orohesti Unreseved CourseTickets, >u a line of the best fitting union underwear on the market. - are made to fit all men, no matter whether he be )I4A stout or slendcr, short or tall. The outline of these garments are symmetrical even to the bag. The cuffs and anklets are a continuous yarn, being knitted to the way with the heavy and most uncomfortable ridges, so noticeable in ed in knitting, with a military slope, assur ng a per ect fit at that point. exm ain to you the advantages of a VASSAR UNION SUIT. Conlin & Fiegel Single Admission, . U; I. nv to GO CC4 I